From d8956512ee5c3bfc8c0b31053b4775b954bf1645 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hyperandroid Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 23:06:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] 01/22/2012 *0.2 Build 20* -------------------------- * Added dirty rectangles clear support. To be enabled a call director.setClear( CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS ); must be performed. Every actor which changes affine transformation, either position, rotation or scale, will automatically be invalidated. In you want any other actor to be explicitly invalidated, just call actor.invalidate(); * Cleaned some code. * Modified license file to reflect copyright 2012. * Removed some debug code. --- AUTHORS | 3 +- build/caat-box2d-min.js | 4 +- build/caat-box2d.js | 4 +- build/caat-css-min.js | 74 +- build/caat-css.js | 33 +- build/caat-min.js | 72 +- build/caat.js | 33 +- changelog | 4 +- documentation/jsdoc/files.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/index.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Actor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.ActorContainer.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.AudioManager.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.B2DBodyActor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.B2DCircularBody.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.B2DPolygonBody.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Bezier.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.CatmullRom.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Color.RGB.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Color.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Curve.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.CurvePath.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Director.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Font.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.IMActor.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.IMBump.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.IMPlasma.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.IMRotoZoom.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.ImagePreloader.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.ImageProcessor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Interpolator.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.InterpolatorActor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.KeyEvent.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.LinearPath.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Matrix3.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.MatrixStack.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.MouseEvent.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Path.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.PathActor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.PathSegment.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Point.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Rectangle.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.Scene.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.ShapeActor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.SpriteImage.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.StarActor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.TextActor.html | 2 +- .../jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.TimerTask.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.html | 2 +- ...AT.modules.CircleManager.PackedCircle.html | 2 +- ...les.CircleManager.PackedCircleManager.html | 2 +- .../symbols/CAAT.modules.CircleManager.html | 2 +- .../symbols/CAAT.modules.LocalStorage.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.modules.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/Function.html | 2 +- documentation/jsdoc/symbols/_global_.html | 2 +- ...Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html | 228 +- ...rs_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_director.js.html | 2742 +++++++++-------- src/model/director.js | 29 +- 59 files changed, 1681 insertions(+), 1641 deletions(-) diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS index 31e56d4c..a62c1dbd 100644 --- a/AUTHORS +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ src/lib/Box2dWeb-2.1.a.3.js: Erin Catto Thanks: - Mario Gonzalez [@onedayitwillmake] + Mario Gonzalez [@onedayitwillmake] + Rob Boerman [@robboerman] diff --git a/build/caat-box2d-min.js b/build/caat-box2d-min.js index b6ccef18..0f02289d 100644 --- a/build/caat-box2d-min.js +++ b/build/caat-box2d-min.js @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Version: 0.2 build: 33 +Version: 0.2 build: 37 Created on: DATE: 2012-01-23 -TIME: 18:05:44 +TIME: 23:04:06 */ diff --git a/build/caat-box2d.js b/build/caat-box2d.js index 235dba9e..b63d0e5e 100644 --- a/build/caat-box2d.js +++ b/build/caat-box2d.js @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Version: 0.2 build: 34 +Version: 0.2 build: 38 Created on: DATE: 2012-01-23 -TIME: 18:06:09 +TIME: 23:04:32 */ diff --git a/build/caat-css-min.js b/build/caat-css-min.js index 19d9c78a..d15628bb 100644 --- a/build/caat-css-min.js +++ b/build/caat-css-min.js @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -Version: 0.2 build: 33 +Version: 0.2 build: 37 Created on: DATE: 2012-01-23 -TIME: 18:05:44 +TIME: 23:04:06 */ -var CAAT=CAAT||{};Function.prototype.bind=Function.prototype.bind||function(){var a=this,,c=b.shift();return function(){return a.apply(c,b.concat(}};CAAT.__CSS__=1;CAAT.__CSS__=1;CAAT.__CSS__=1;CAAT.__CSS__=1;CAAT.__CSS__=1;CAAT.__CSS__=1;CAAT.__CSS__=1;(function(){CAAT.BrowserDetect=function(){this.init();return this};CAAT.BrowserDetect.prototype={browser:"",version:0,OS:"",init:function(){this.browser=this.searchString(this.dataBrowser)||"An unknown browser";this.version=this.searchVersion(navigator.userAgent)||this.searchVersion(navigator.appVersion)||"an unknown version";this.OS=this.searchString(this.dataOS)||"an unknown OS"},searchString:function(a){for(var b=0;b=0;b--){var c=this.childrenList[b],d=new CAAT.Point(a.x,a.y,0),c=c.findActorAtPosition(d);if(null!==c)return c}return this},resetStats:function(){this.statistics.size_total=0;this.statistics.size_active=0;this.statistics.draws=0},render:function(a){this.time+=a;this.animate(this,a);CAAT.DEBUG&&this.resetStats();var b=this.childrenList.length,c,d,e,f=this.ctx;if(this.glEnabled){|;for(c=this.uvIndex=this.coordsIndex=0;c=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height;this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha= -1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0,0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc;this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix=e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height); -this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null===this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length},easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx,d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled= -false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g,h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a, -b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e<0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE, -h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)):(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0, -0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)},setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a;a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d- -1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()-1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene=a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b= -0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b);this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)},endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear= -a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled=true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var e=0,f=0,g;navigator.browser!=="iOS"&&a&&;)if(g=a.currentStyle?a.currentStyle.position:(g=(a.ownerDocument.defaultView||a.ownerDocument.parentWindow).getComputedStyle(a,null))?g.getPropertyValue("position"):null,/^(fixed)$/.test(g))break;else e+=a[d],f+=a[c],a=a[b];return{x:e,y:f,style:g}}, -getOffset:function(a){var b=this.cumulateOffset(a,"offsetParent","offset");return"fixed"?(a=this.cumulateOffset(a,a.parentNode?"parentNode":"parentElement","scroll"),{x:b.x+a.x,y:b.y+a.y}):{x:b.x,y:b.y}},getCanvasCoord:function(a,b){var c=0,d=0;if(!b)b=window.event;if(b.pageX||b.pageY)c=b.pageX,d=b.pageY;else if(b.clientX||b.clientY)c=b.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft,d=b.clientY+document.body.scrollTop+document.documentElement.scrollTop;var e=this.getOffset(; -c-=e.x;d-=e.y;d=new CAAT.Point(c,d);this.modelViewMatrixI=this.modelViewMatrix.getInverse();this.modelViewMatrixI.transformCoord(d);c=d.x;d=d.y;a.set(c,d);this.screenMousePoint.set(c,d)},__mouseDownHandler:function(a){if(this.dragging&&this.lastSelectedActor)this.__mouseUpHandler(a);else{this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);this.isMouseDown=true;var b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint);if(null!==b){var c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));b.mouseDown((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x, -c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y)))}this.lastSelectedActor=b}},__mouseUpHandler:function(a){this.isMouseDown=false;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=null,c=this.lastSelectedActor;null!==c&&(b=c.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),c.actionPerformed&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.actionPerformed(a),c.mouseUp((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!== -c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, -this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x=c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!== -this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))),c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, -this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,0);this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(b);a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(a); -this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(a);if(!this.dragging)this.lastSelectedActor=null}else this.in_=this.isMouseDown=false},__mouseOverHandler:function(a){var b,c;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null==this.lastSelectedActor?(b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a)),this.lastSelectedActor= -b):(b=this.lastSelectedActor,c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))}, -__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)},__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height; +this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha=1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0,0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc;this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix= +e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height);this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null===this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length},easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx, +d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g, +h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a,b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e<0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h= +(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)):(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0, +c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)},setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a;a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a, +b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d-1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()-1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene= +a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b=0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b); +this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)},endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear=a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled=true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var 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CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!==c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, +this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x=c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint, +this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)), +b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))),c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,0);this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(b); +a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(a);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(a);if(!this.dragging)this.lastSelectedActor=null}else this.in_=this.isMouseDown=false},__mouseOverHandler:function(a){var b,c;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null==this.lastSelectedActor?(b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y, +0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a)),this.lastSelectedActor=b):(b=this.lastSelectedActor,c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x, +this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))},__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)},__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b=0;b--){var c=this.childrenList[b],d=new CAAT.Point(a.x,a.y,0),c=c.findActorAtPosition(d);if(null!==c)return c}return this},resetStats:function(){this.statistics.size_total=0;this.statistics.size_active=0;this.statistics.draws=0},render:function(a){this.time+=a;this.animate(this,a);CAAT.DEBUG&&this.resetStats();var b=this.childrenList.length,c,d,e,f=this.ctx;if(this.glEnabled){|;for(c=this.uvIndex=this.coordsIndex=0;c=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height;this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha= -1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0,0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc;this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix=e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height); -this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null===this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length},easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx,d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled= -false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g,h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a, -b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e<0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE, -h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)):(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0, -0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)},setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a;a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d- -1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()-1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene=a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b= -0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b);this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)},endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear= -a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled=true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var e=0,f=0,g;navigator.browser!=="iOS"&&a&&;)if(g=a.currentStyle?a.currentStyle.position:(g=(a.ownerDocument.defaultView||a.ownerDocument.parentWindow).getComputedStyle(a,null))?g.getPropertyValue("position"):null,/^(fixed)$/.test(g))break;else e+=a[d],f+=a[c],a=a[b];return{x:e,y:f,style:g}}, -getOffset:function(a){var b=this.cumulateOffset(a,"offsetParent","offset");return"fixed"?(a=this.cumulateOffset(a,a.parentNode?"parentNode":"parentElement","scroll"),{x:b.x+a.x,y:b.y+a.y}):{x:b.x,y:b.y}},getCanvasCoord:function(a,b){var c=0,d=0;if(!b)b=window.event;if(b.pageX||b.pageY)c=b.pageX,d=b.pageY;else if(b.clientX||b.clientY)c=b.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft,d=b.clientY+document.body.scrollTop+document.documentElement.scrollTop;var 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CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!== -c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, -this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x=c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!== -this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))),c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, -this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,0);this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(b);a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time);this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(a); -this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(a);if(!this.dragging)this.lastSelectedActor=null}else this.in_=this.isMouseDown=false},__mouseOverHandler:function(a){var b,c;this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null==this.lastSelectedActor?(b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a)),this.lastSelectedActor= -b):(b=this.lastSelectedActor,c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),a=(new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x,this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))}, -__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)},__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b=this.dirtyRects.length)for(b=0;b<32;b++)this.dirtyRects.push(new CAAT.Rectangle);b=this.dirtyRects[this.dirtyRectsIndex];b.x=a.x;b.y=a.y;b.x1=a.x1;b.y1=a.y1;b.width=a.width;b.height=a.height; +this.cDirtyRects.push(b)}},renderToContext:function(a,b){if(b.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)){a.globalAlpha=1;a.globalCompositeOperation="source-over";a.clearRect(0,0,this.width,this.height);a.setTransform(1,0,0,0,1,0);var c=this.ctx,d=this.crc;this.ctx=this.crc=a;;var e=this.worldModelViewMatrix;this.worldModelViewMatrix=new CAAT.Matrix;this.wdirty=true;b.animate(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderStart)b.onRenderStart(b.time);b.paintActor(this,b.time);if(b.onRenderEnd)b.onRenderEnd(b.time);this.worldModelViewMatrix= +e;a.restore();this.ctx=c;this.crc=d}},addScene:function(a){a.setBounds(0,0,this.width,this.height);this.scenes.push(a);a.setEaseListener(this);null===this.currentScene&&this.setScene(0)},getNumScenes:function(){return this.scenes.length},easeInOut:function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j){if(a!==this.getCurrentSceneIndex()){a=this.scenes[a];d=this.scenes[d];if(!this.glEnabled&&!navigator.browser==="iOS")this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx),this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx, +d),d=this.transitionScene;a.setExpired(false);d.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=false;d.mouseEnabled=false;a.resetTransform();d.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);d.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;d.alpha=1;b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(g,h,c,i):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0,g,h,c,i):a.easeTranslationIn(g,h,c,i);e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?d.easeRotationOut(g,h,f,j):e===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?d.easeScaleOut(0,g,h,f,j):d.easeTranslationOut(g, +h,f,j);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(d);this.addChild(a)}},easeInOutRandom:function(a,b,c,d){var e=Math.random(),f=Math.random(),g;e<0.33?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):e<0.66?(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1,0.4)):(e=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,g=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());var h;f<0.33?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION,h= +(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4)):f<0.66?(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createExponentialOutInterpolator(4)):(f=CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE,h=(new CAAT.Interpolator).createBounceOutInterpolator());this.easeInOut(a,e,Math.random()*8.99>>0,b,f,Math.random()*8.99>>0,c,d,g,h)},easeIn:function(a,b,c,d,e,f){a=this.scenes[a];b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION?a.easeRotationIn(c,d,e,f):b===CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE?a.easeScaleIn(0, +c,d,e,f):a.easeTranslationIn(c,d,e,f);this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.mouseEnabled=false;a.setExpired(false)},setScene:function(a){a=this.scenes[a];this.childrenList=[];this.addChild(a);this.currentScene=a;a.setExpired(false);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.resetTransform();a.setLocation(0,0);a.alpha=1;a.activated()},switchToScene:function(a,b,c,d){var e=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);d?this.easeInOutRandom(a,e,b,c):this.setScene(a)},switchToPrevScene:function(a, +b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===0||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d-1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d-1))},switchToNextScene:function(a,b,c){var d=this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene);this.getNumScenes()<=1||d===this.getNumScenes()-1||(c?this.easeInOutRandom(d+1,d,a,b):this.setScene(d+1))},mouseEnter:function(){},mouseExit:function(){},mouseMove:function(){},mouseDown:function(){},mouseUp:function(){},mouseDrag:function(){},easeEnd:function(a,b){b?(this.currentScene= +a,this.currentScene.activated()):a.setExpired(true);a.mouseEnabled=true;a.emptyBehaviorList()},getSceneIndex:function(a){for(var b=0;b500&&(b=500);if(this.onRenderStart)this.onRenderStart(b);this.render(b); +this.debugInfo&&this.debugInfo(this.statistics);this.timeline=a;if(this.onRenderEnd)this.onRenderEnd(b)},endLoop:function(){},setClear:function(a){this.clear=a;if(this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS)this.dirtyRectsEnabled=true;return this},getAudioManager:function(){return this.audioManager},cumulateOffset:function(a,b,c){var d=c+"Left";c+="Top";for(var 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CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)));!this.dragging&&null!==c&&c.contains(b.x,b.y)&&c.mouseClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(b.x,b.y,a,c,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time));this.in_=this.dragging=false},__mouseMoveHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b,c;if(this.isMouseDown&&null!==this.lastSelectedActor){b=this.lastSelectedActor;c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, +this.screenMousePoint.y,0));this.dragging=true;var d=b.x,e=b.y;b.mouseDrag((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y),this.currentScene.time));this.prevMousePoint.x=c.x;this.prevMousePoint.y=c.y;if(d===b.x&&e===b.y){d=b.contains(c.x,c.y);if(this.in_&&!d)b.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=false;if(!this.in_&&d)b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint, +this.currentScene.time)),this.in_=true}}else this.in_=true,b=this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint),b!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&(c=this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))),null!==b&&(c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)), +b.mouseEnter((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)))),c=b.viewToModel(new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x,this.screenMousePoint.y,0)),null!==b&&b.mouseMove((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time)),this.lastSelectedActor=b},__mouseOutHandler:function(a){if(null!==this.lastSelectedActor){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);var b=new 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CAAT.MouseEvent).init(c.x,c.y,a,b,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time),b.mouseOver(a),b.mouseEnter(a))},__mouseDBLClickHandler:function(a){this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint,a);null!==this.lastSelectedActor&&this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick((new CAAT.MouseEvent).init(this.mousePoint.x, +this.mousePoint.y,a,this.lastSelectedActor,this.screenMousePoint,this.currentScene.time))},__touchStartHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.targetTouches[0];this.__mouseDownHandler(a)},__touchEndHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();a=a.changedTouches[0];this.__mouseUpHandler(a)},__touchMoveHandler:function(a){a.preventDefault();if(!this.gesturing)for(var b=0;b/User
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diff --git a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.modules.CircleManager.PackedCircle.html b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.modules.CircleManager.PackedCircle.html index 7a788a52..5b335576 100644 --- a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.modules.CircleManager.PackedCircle.html +++ b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/CAAT.modules.CircleManager.PackedCircle.html @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@

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- Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sun Jan 22 2012 18:11:05 GMT+0100 (CET) + Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Mon Jan 23 2012 23:04:56 GMT+0100 (CET)
diff --git a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html index 0ee9994f..08d35f6c 100644 --- a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html +++ b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_actor.js.html @@ -1141,123 +1141,123 @@ 1134 1135 this.inFrame= true; 1136 -1137 return true; -1138 }, -1139 /** -1140 * Set this model view matrix if the actor is Dirty. -1141 * -1142 mm[2]+= this.x; -1143 mm[5]+= this.y; -1144 if ( this.rotationAngle ) { -1145 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( this.rotationX, this.rotationY) ); -1146 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setRotation( this.rotationAngle ) ); -1147 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( -this.rotationX, -this.rotationY) ); c= Math.cos( this.rotationAngle ); -1148 } -1149 if ( this.scaleX!=1 || this.scaleY!=1 && (this.scaleTX || this.scaleTY )) { -1150 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( this.scaleTX , this.scaleTY ) ); -1151 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setScale( this.scaleX, this.scaleY ) ); -1152 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( -this.scaleTX , -this.scaleTY ) ); -1153 } -1154 * -1155 * @return this -1156 */ -1157 setModelViewMatrix : function(director) { -1158 var c,s,_m00,_m01,_m10,_m11; -1159 var mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5; -1160 var mm; -1161 -1162 this.wdirty= false; +1137 +1138 +1139 return true; +1140 }, +1141 /** +1142 * Set this model view matrix if the actor is Dirty. +1143 * +1144 mm[2]+= this.x; +1145 mm[5]+= this.y; +1146 if ( this.rotationAngle ) { +1147 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( this.rotationX, this.rotationY) ); +1148 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setRotation( this.rotationAngle ) ); +1149 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( -this.rotationX, -this.rotationY) ); c= Math.cos( this.rotationAngle ); +1150 } +1151 if ( this.scaleX!=1 || this.scaleY!=1 && (this.scaleTX || this.scaleTY )) { +1152 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( this.scaleTX , this.scaleTY ) ); +1153 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setScale( this.scaleX, this.scaleY ) ); +1154 this.modelViewMatrix.multiply( m.setTranslate( -this.scaleTX , -this.scaleTY ) ); +1155 } +1156 * +1157 * @return this +1158 */ +1159 setModelViewMatrix : function(director) { +1160 var c,s,_m00,_m01,_m10,_m11; +1161 var mm0, mm1, mm2, mm3, mm4, mm5; +1162 var mm; 1163 -1164 if ( this.dirty ) { +1164 this.wdirty= false; 1165 -1166 mm= this.modelViewMatrix.matrix; +1166 if ( this.dirty ) { 1167 -1168 mm0= 1; -1169 mm1= 0; -1170 mm2= mm[2]; -1171 mm3= 0; -1172 mm4= 1; -1173 mm5= mm[5]; -1174 -1175 mm2= this.x; -1176 mm5= this.y; -1177 -1178 if ( this.rotationAngle ) { +1168 mm= this.modelViewMatrix.matrix; +1169 +1170 mm0= 1; +1171 mm1= 0; +1172 mm2= mm[2]; +1173 mm3= 0; +1174 mm4= 1; +1175 mm5= mm[5]; +1176 +1177 mm2= this.x; +1178 mm5= this.y; 1179 -1180 var rx= this.rotationX*this.width; -1181 var ry= this.rotationY*this.height; -1182 -1183 mm2+= mm0*rx + mm1*ry; -1184 mm5+= mm3*rx + mm4*ry; -1185 -1186 c= Math.cos( this.rotationAngle ); -1187 s= Math.sin( this.rotationAngle ); -1188 _m00= mm0; -1189 _m01= mm1; -1190 _m10= mm3; -1191 _m11= mm4; -1192 mm0= _m00*c + _m01*s; -1193 mm1= -_m00*s + _m01*c; -1194 mm3= _m10*c + _m11*s; -1195 mm4= -_m10*s + _m11*c; -1196 -1197 mm2+= -mm0*rx - mm1*ry; -1198 mm5+= -mm3*rx - mm4*ry; -1199 } -1200 if ( this.scaleX!=1 || this.scaleY!=1 ) { -1201 -1202 var sx= this.scaleTX*this.width; -1203 var sy= this.scaleTY*this.height; -1204 -1205 mm2+= mm0*sx + mm1*sy; -1206 mm5+= mm3*sx + mm4*sy; -1207 -1208 mm0= mm0*this.scaleX; -1209 mm1= mm1*this.scaleY; -1210 mm3= mm3*this.scaleX; -1211 mm4= mm4*this.scaleY; -1212 -1213 mm2+= -mm0*sx - mm1*sy; -1214 mm5+= -mm3*sx - mm4*sy; -1215 } -1216 -1217 mm[0]= mm0; -1218 mm[1]= mm1; -1219 mm[2]= mm2; -1220 mm[3]= mm3; -1221 mm[4]= mm4; -1222 mm[5]= mm5; -1223 } -1224 -1225 if ( this.parent ) { -1226 if ( this.dirty || this.parent.wdirty ) { -1227 this.worldModelViewMatrix.copy( this.parent.worldModelViewMatrix ); -1228 this.worldModelViewMatrix.multiply( this.modelViewMatrix ); -1229 this.wdirty= true; -1230 } -1231 } else { -1232 if ( this.dirty ) { -1233 this.wdirty= true; -1234 } -1235 -1236 this.worldModelViewMatrix.identity(); -1237 } -1238 -1239 //if ( (CAAT.DEBUGAABB || glEnabled) && (this.dirty || this.wdirty ) ) { -1240 // screen bounding boxes will always be calculated. -1241 if ( this.dirty || this.wdirty || this.invalid ) { -1242 if ( director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { -1243 director.addDirtyRect( this.AABB ); -1244 } -1245 this.setScreenBounds(); -1246 if ( director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { -1247 director.addDirtyRect( this.AABB ); -1248 } -1249 } -1250 this.dirty= false; -1251 this.invalid= false; -1252 -1253 return this; +1180 if ( this.rotationAngle ) { +1181 +1182 var rx= this.rotationX*this.width; +1183 var ry= this.rotationY*this.height; +1184 +1185 mm2+= mm0*rx + mm1*ry; +1186 mm5+= mm3*rx + mm4*ry; +1187 +1188 c= Math.cos( this.rotationAngle ); +1189 s= Math.sin( this.rotationAngle ); +1190 _m00= mm0; +1191 _m01= mm1; +1192 _m10= mm3; +1193 _m11= mm4; +1194 mm0= _m00*c + _m01*s; +1195 mm1= -_m00*s + _m01*c; +1196 mm3= _m10*c + _m11*s; +1197 mm4= -_m10*s + _m11*c; +1198 +1199 mm2+= -mm0*rx - mm1*ry; +1200 mm5+= -mm3*rx - mm4*ry; +1201 } +1202 if ( this.scaleX!=1 || this.scaleY!=1 ) { +1203 +1204 var sx= this.scaleTX*this.width; +1205 var sy= this.scaleTY*this.height; +1206 +1207 mm2+= mm0*sx + mm1*sy; +1208 mm5+= mm3*sx + mm4*sy; +1209 +1210 mm0= mm0*this.scaleX; +1211 mm1= mm1*this.scaleY; +1212 mm3= mm3*this.scaleX; +1213 mm4= mm4*this.scaleY; +1214 +1215 mm2+= -mm0*sx - mm1*sy; +1216 mm5+= -mm3*sx - mm4*sy; +1217 } +1218 +1219 mm[0]= mm0; +1220 mm[1]= mm1; +1221 mm[2]= mm2; +1222 mm[3]= mm3; +1223 mm[4]= mm4; +1224 mm[5]= mm5; +1225 } +1226 +1227 if ( this.parent ) { +1228 if ( this.dirty || this.parent.wdirty ) { +1229 this.worldModelViewMatrix.copy( this.parent.worldModelViewMatrix ); +1230 this.worldModelViewMatrix.multiply( this.modelViewMatrix ); +1231 this.wdirty= true; +1232 } +1233 } else { +1234 if ( this.dirty ) { +1235 this.wdirty= true; +1236 } +1237 +1238 this.worldModelViewMatrix.identity(); +1239 } +1240 +1241 //if ( (CAAT.DEBUGAABB || glEnabled) && (this.dirty || this.wdirty ) ) { +1242 // screen bounding boxes will always be calculated. +1243 if ( this.dirty || this.wdirty || this.invalid ) { +1244 if ( director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { +1245 director.addDirtyRect( this.AABB ); +1246 } +1247 this.setScreenBounds(); +1248 if ( director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { +1249 director.addDirtyRect( this.AABB ); +1250 } +1251 } +1252 this.dirty= false; +1253 this.invalid= false; 1254 }, 1255 /** 1256 * Calculates the 2D bounding box in canvas coordinates of the Actor. @@ -1875,7 +1875,7 @@ 1868 for( i=0, l=markDelete.length; i<l; i++ ) { 1869 var md= markDelete[i]; 1870 md.destroy(time); -1871 if ( !director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { +1871 if ( director.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { 1872 director.addDirtyRect( md.AABB ); 1873 } 1874 } diff --git a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_director.js.html b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_director.js.html index ab021380..12b52488 100644 --- a/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_director.js.html +++ b/documentation/jsdoc/symbols/src/_Users_ibon_js_CAAT_src_model_director.js.html @@ -596,1001 +596,1001 @@ 589 if ( this.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { 590 591 ctx.beginPath(); -592 var dr= this.cDirtyRects; -593 for( i=0; i<dr.length; i++ ) { -594 var drr= dr[i]; -595 if ( !drr.isEmpty() ) { -596 ctx.rect( drr.x|0, drr.y|0, 1+(drr.width|0), 1+(drr.height|0) ); -597 } -598 } -599 ctx.clip(); -600 } else if (this.clear===true ) { -601 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); -602 } -603 -604 for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) { -605 c= this.childrenList[i]; -606 -607 if (c.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)) { -608 tt = c.time - c.start_time; -609; -610 -611 if ( c.onRenderStart ) { -612 c.onRenderStart(tt); -613 } -614 c.paintActor(this, tt); -615 if ( c.onRenderEnd ) { -616 c.onRenderEnd(tt); -617 } -618 ctx.restore(); -619 -620 if (CAAT.DEBUGAABB) { -621 ctx.globalAlpha= 1; -622 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= 'source-over'; -623 this.modelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContextSet( ctx ); -624 c.drawScreenBoundingBox(this, tt); -625 } -626 -627 if ( !c.isPaused() ) { -628 c.time += time; -629 } -630 -631 if ( CAAT.DEBUG ) { -632 this.statistics.size_total+= c.size_total; -633 this.statistics.size_active+= c.size_active; -634 } -635 -636 } -637 } -638 -639 ctx.restore(); -640 } -641 -642 this.frameCounter++; -643 }, -644 /** -645 * A director is a very special kind of actor. -646 * Its animation routine simple sets its modelViewMatrix in case some transformation's been -647 * applied. -648 * No behaviors are allowed for Director instances. -649 * @param director {CAAT.Director} redundant reference to CAAT.Director itself -650 * @param time {number} director time. -651 */ -652 animate : function(director, time) { -653 this.setModelViewMatrix(this); -654 -655 this.dirtyRectsIndex= -1; -656 this.cDirtyRects= []; -657 -658 var cl= this.childrenList; -659 var cli; -660 for (var i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) { -661 cli= cl[i]; -662 var tt = cli.time - cli.start_time; -663 cli.animate(this, tt); -664 } -665 -666 return this; -667 }, -668 /** -669 * Add a rectangle to the list of dirty screen areas which should be redrawn. -670 * This is the opposite method to clear the whole screen and repaint everything again. -671 * Despite i'm not very fond of dirty rectangles because it needs some extra calculations, this -672 * procedure has shown to be speeding things up under certain situations. Nevertheless it doesn't or -673 * even lowers performance under others, so it is a developer choice to activate them via a call to -674 * setClear( CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS ). -675 * -676 * This function, not only tracks a list of dirty rectangles, but tries to optimize the list. Overlapping -677 * rectangles will be removed and intersecting ones will be unioned. +592 ctx.rect(0,0,120,40); +593 var dr= this.cDirtyRects; +594 for( i=0; i<dr.length; i++ ) { +595 var drr= dr[i]; +596 if ( !drr.isEmpty() ) { +597 ctx.rect( drr.x|0, drr.y|0, 1+(drr.width|0), 1+(drr.height|0) ); +598 } +599 } +600 ctx.clip(); +601 } else if (this.clear===true ) { +602 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); +603 } +604 +605 for (i = 0; i < ne; i++) { +606 c= this.childrenList[i]; +607 +608 if (c.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)) { +609 tt = c.time - c.start_time; +610; +611 +612 if ( c.onRenderStart ) { +613 c.onRenderStart(tt); +614 } +615 c.paintActor(this, tt); +616 if ( c.onRenderEnd ) { +617 c.onRenderEnd(tt); +618 } +619 ctx.restore(); +620 +621 if (CAAT.DEBUGAABB) { +622 ctx.globalAlpha= 1; +623 ctx.globalCompositeOperation= 'source-over'; +624 this.modelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContextSet( ctx ); +625 c.drawScreenBoundingBox(this, tt); +626 } +627 +628 if ( !c.isPaused() ) { +629 c.time += time; +630 } +631 +632 if ( CAAT.DEBUG ) { +633 this.statistics.size_total+= c.size_total; +634 this.statistics.size_active+= c.size_active; +635 } +636 +637 } +638 } +639 +640 ctx.restore(); +641 } +642 +643 this.frameCounter++; +644 }, +645 /** +646 * A director is a very special kind of actor. +647 * Its animation routine simple sets its modelViewMatrix in case some transformation's been +648 * applied. +649 * No behaviors are allowed for Director instances. +650 * @param director {CAAT.Director} redundant reference to CAAT.Director itself +651 * @param time {number} director time. +652 */ +653 animate : function(director, time) { +654 this.setModelViewMatrix(this); +655 +656 this.dirty= false; +657 this.invalid= false; +658 this.dirtyRectsIndex= -1; +659 this.cDirtyRects= []; +660 +661 var cl= this.childrenList; +662 var cli; +663 for (var i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) { +664 cli= cl[i]; +665 var tt = cli.time - cli.start_time; +666 cli.animate(this, tt); +667 } +668 +669 return this; +670 }, +671 /** +672 * Add a rectangle to the list of dirty screen areas which should be redrawn. +673 * This is the opposite method to clear the whole screen and repaint everything again. +674 * Despite i'm not very fond of dirty rectangles because it needs some extra calculations, this +675 * procedure has shown to be speeding things up under certain situations. Nevertheless it doesn't or +676 * even lowers performance under others, so it is a developer choice to activate them via a call to +677 * setClear( CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS ). 678 * -679 * Before calling this method, check if this.dirtyRectsEnabled is true. -680 * -681 * @param rectangle {CAAT.Rectangle} -682 */ -683 addDirtyRect : function( rectangle ) { -684 -685 if ( rectangle.isEmpty() ) { -686 return; -687 } -688 -689 var i, dr, j, drj; -690 var cdr= this.cDirtyRects; -691 for( i=0; i<cdr.length; i++ ) { -692 dr= cdr[i]; -693 if ( dr.intersects( rectangle ) ) { -694 dr.unionRectangle( rectangle ); -695 -696 for( j=0; j<cdr.length; j++ ) { -697 if ( j!==i ) { -698 drj= cdr[j]; -699 if ( drj.intersects( dr ) ) { -700 dr.unionRectangle( drj ); -701 drj.setEmpty(); -702 } -703 } -704 } -705 -706 for( j=0; j<cdr.length; j++ ) { -707 if ( cdr[j].isEmpty() ) { -708 cdr.splice( j, 1 ); -709 } -710 } -711 -712 return; -713 } -714 } -715 -716 this.dirtyRectsIndex++; +679 * This function, not only tracks a list of dirty rectangles, but tries to optimize the list. Overlapping +680 * rectangles will be removed and intersecting ones will be unioned. +681 * +682 * Before calling this method, check if this.dirtyRectsEnabled is true. +683 * +684 * @param rectangle {CAAT.Rectangle} +685 */ +686 addDirtyRect : function( rectangle ) { +687 +688 if ( rectangle.isEmpty() ) { +689 return; +690 } +691 +692 var i, dr, j, drj; +693 var cdr= this.cDirtyRects; +694 +695 for( i=0; i<cdr.length; i++ ) { +696 dr= cdr[i]; +697 if ( !dr.isEmpty() && dr.intersects( rectangle ) ) { +698 var intersected= true; +699 while( intersected ) { +700 dr.unionRectangle( rectangle ); +701 +702 for( j=0; j<cdr.length; j++ ) { +703 if ( j!==i ) { +704 drj= cdr[j]; +705 if ( !drj.isEmpty() && drj.intersects( dr ) ) { +706 dr.unionRectangle( drj ); +707 drj.setEmpty(); +708 break; +709 } +710 } +711 } +712 +713 if ( j==cdr.length ) { +714 intersected= false; +715 } +716 } 717 -718 if ( this.dirtyRectsIndex>=this.dirtyRects.length ) { -719 for( i=0; i<32; i++ ) { -720 this.dirtyRects.push( new CAAT.Rectangle() ); -721 } -722 } +718 for( j=0; j<cdr.length; j++ ) { +719 if ( cdr[j].isEmpty() ) { +720 cdr.splice( j, 1 ); +721 } +722 } 723 -724 var r= this.dirtyRects[ this.dirtyRectsIndex ]; -725 -726 r.x= rectangle.x; -727 r.y= rectangle.y; -728 r.x1= rectangle.x1; -729 r.y1= rectangle.y1; -730 r.width= rectangle.width; -731 r.height= rectangle.height; -732 -733 this.cDirtyRects.push( r ); -734 -735 }, -736 /** -737 * This method draws an Scene to an offscreen canvas. This offscreen canvas is also a child of -738 * another Scene (transitionScene). So instead of drawing two scenes while transitioning from -739 * one to another, first of all an scene is drawn to offscreen, and that image is translated. -740 * <p> -741 * Until the creation of this method, both scenes where drawn while transitioning with -742 * its performance penalty since drawing two scenes could be twice as expensive than drawing -743 * only one. -744 * <p> -745 * Though a high performance increase, we should keep an eye on memory consumption. -746 * -747 * @param ctx a <code>canvas.getContext('2d')</code> instnce. -748 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} the scene to draw offscreen. -749 */ -750 renderToContext : function(ctx, scene) { -751 /** -752 * draw actors on scene. -753 */ -754 if (scene.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)) { -755 ctx.globalAlpha = 1; -756 ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; -757 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); -758 ctx.setTransform(1,0,0, 0,1,0); -759 -760 var octx = this.ctx; -761 var ocrc = this.crc; -762 -763 this.ctx = this.crc = ctx; -764; -765 -766 /** -767 * to draw an scene to an offscreen canvas, we have to: -768 * 1.- save diector's world model view matrix -769 * 2.- set no transformation on director since we want the offscreen to -770 * be drawn 1:1. -771 * 3.- set world dirty flag, so that the scene will recalculate its matrices -772 * 4.- animate the scene -773 * 5.- paint the scene -774 * 6.- restore world model view matrix. -775 */ -776 var matwmv= this.worldModelViewMatrix; -777 this.worldModelViewMatrix= new CAAT.Matrix(); -778 this.wdirty= true; -779 scene.animate(this, scene.time); -780 if ( scene.onRenderStart ) { -781 scene.onRenderStart(scene.time); -782 } -783 scene.paintActor(this, scene.time); -784 if ( scene.onRenderEnd ) { -785 scene.onRenderEnd(scene.time); -786 } -787 this.worldModelViewMatrix = matwmv; -788 -789 ctx.restore(); -790 -791 this.ctx = octx; -792 this.crc = ocrc; -793 } -794 }, -795 /** -796 * Add a new Scene to Director's Scene list. By adding a Scene to the Director -797 * does not mean it will be immediately visible, you should explicitly call either -798 * <ul> -799 * <li>easeIn -800 * <li>easeInOut -801 * <li>easeInOutRandom -802 * <li>setScene -803 * <li>or any of the scene switching methods -804 * </ul> -805 * -806 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} an CAAT.Scene object. -807 */ -808 addScene : function(scene) { -809 scene.setBounds(0, 0, this.width, this.height); -810 this.scenes.push(scene); -811 scene.setEaseListener(this); -812 if (null === this.currentScene) { -813 this.setScene(0); -814 } -815 }, -816 /** -817 * Get the number of scenes contained in the Director. -818 * @return {number} the number of scenes contained in the Director. +724 return; +725 } +726 } +727 +728 this.dirtyRectsIndex++; +729 +730 if ( this.dirtyRectsIndex>=this.dirtyRects.length ) { +731 for( i=0; i<32; i++ ) { +732 this.dirtyRects.push( new CAAT.Rectangle() ); +733 } +734 } +735 +736 var r= this.dirtyRects[ this.dirtyRectsIndex ]; +737 +738 r.x= rectangle.x; +739 r.y= rectangle.y; +740 r.x1= rectangle.x1; +741 r.y1= rectangle.y1; +742 r.width= rectangle.width; +743 r.height= rectangle.height; +744 +745 this.cDirtyRects.push( r ); +746 +747 }, +748 /** +749 * This method draws an Scene to an offscreen canvas. This offscreen canvas is also a child of +750 * another Scene (transitionScene). So instead of drawing two scenes while transitioning from +751 * one to another, first of all an scene is drawn to offscreen, and that image is translated. +752 * <p> +753 * Until the creation of this method, both scenes where drawn while transitioning with +754 * its performance penalty since drawing two scenes could be twice as expensive than drawing +755 * only one. +756 * <p> +757 * Though a high performance increase, we should keep an eye on memory consumption. +758 * +759 * @param ctx a <code>canvas.getContext('2d')</code> instnce. +760 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} the scene to draw offscreen. +761 */ +762 renderToContext : function(ctx, scene) { +763 /** +764 * draw actors on scene. +765 */ +766 if (scene.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)) { +767 ctx.globalAlpha = 1; +768 ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; +769 ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); +770 ctx.setTransform(1,0,0, 0,1,0); +771 +772 var octx = this.ctx; +773 var ocrc = this.crc; +774 +775 this.ctx = this.crc = ctx; +776; +777 +778 /** +779 * to draw an scene to an offscreen canvas, we have to: +780 * 1.- save diector's world model view matrix +781 * 2.- set no transformation on director since we want the offscreen to +782 * be drawn 1:1. +783 * 3.- set world dirty flag, so that the scene will recalculate its matrices +784 * 4.- animate the scene +785 * 5.- paint the scene +786 * 6.- restore world model view matrix. +787 */ +788 var matwmv= this.worldModelViewMatrix; +789 this.worldModelViewMatrix= new CAAT.Matrix(); +790 this.wdirty= true; +791 scene.animate(this, scene.time); +792 if ( scene.onRenderStart ) { +793 scene.onRenderStart(scene.time); +794 } +795 scene.paintActor(this, scene.time); +796 if ( scene.onRenderEnd ) { +797 scene.onRenderEnd(scene.time); +798 } +799 this.worldModelViewMatrix = matwmv; +800 +801 ctx.restore(); +802 +803 this.ctx = octx; +804 this.crc = ocrc; +805 } +806 }, +807 /** +808 * Add a new Scene to Director's Scene list. By adding a Scene to the Director +809 * does not mean it will be immediately visible, you should explicitly call either +810 * <ul> +811 * <li>easeIn +812 * <li>easeInOut +813 * <li>easeInOutRandom +814 * <li>setScene +815 * <li>or any of the scene switching methods +816 * </ul> +817 * +818 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} an CAAT.Scene object. 819 */ -820 getNumScenes : function() { -821 return this.scenes.length; -822 }, -823 /** -824 * This method offers full control over the process of switching between any given two Scenes. -825 * To apply this method, you must specify the type of transition to apply for each Scene and -826 * the anchor to keep the Scene pinned at. -827 * <p> -828 * The type of transition will be one of the following values defined in CAAT.Scene.prototype: -829 * <ul> -830 * <li>EASE_ROTATION -831 * <li>EASE_SCALE -832 * <li>EASE_TRANSLATION -833 * </ul> -834 * -835 * <p> -836 * The anchor will be any of these values defined in CAAT.Actor.prototype: -837 * <ul> -838 * <li>ANCHOR_CENTER -839 * <li>ANCHOR_TOP -840 * <li>ANCHOR_BOTTOM -841 * <li>ANCHOR_LEFT -842 * <li>ANCHOR_RIGHT -843 * <li>ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT -844 * <li>ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT -845 * <li>ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT -846 * <li>ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT -847 * </ul> -848 * -849 * <p> -850 * In example, for an entering scene performing a EASE_SCALE transition, the anchor is the -851 * point by which the scene will scaled. -852 * -853 * @param inSceneIndex integer indicating the Scene index to bring in to the Director. -854 * @param typein integer indicating the type of transition to apply to the bringing in Scene. -855 * @param anchorin integer indicating the anchor of the bringing in Scene. -856 * @param outSceneIndex integer indicating the Scene index to take away from the Director. -857 * @param typeout integer indicating the type of transition to apply to the taking away in Scene. -858 * @param anchorout integer indicating the anchor of the taking away Scene. -859 * @param time inteter indicating the time to perform the process of switchihg between Scene object -860 * in milliseconds. -861 * @param alpha boolean boolean indicating whether alpha transparency fading will be applied to -862 * the scenes. -863 * @param interpolatorIn CAAT.Interpolator object to apply to entering scene. -864 * @param interpolatorOut CAAT.Interpolator object to apply to exiting scene. -865 */ -866 easeInOut : function(inSceneIndex, typein, anchorin, outSceneIndex, typeout, anchorout, time, alpha, interpolatorIn, interpolatorOut) { -867 -868 if (inSceneIndex === this.getCurrentSceneIndex()) { -869 return; -870 } -871 -872 var ssin = this.scenes[ inSceneIndex ]; -873 var sout = this.scenes[ outSceneIndex ]; -874 -875 if (!this.glEnabled && !navigator.browser==='iOS') { -876 this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx); -877 this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx, sout); -878 sout = this.transitionScene; -879 } -880 -881 ssin.setExpired(false); -882 sout.setExpired(false); +820 addScene : function(scene) { +821 scene.setBounds(0, 0, this.width, this.height); +822 this.scenes.push(scene); +823 scene.setEaseListener(this); +824 if (null === this.currentScene) { +825 this.setScene(0); +826 } +827 }, +828 /** +829 * Get the number of scenes contained in the Director. +830 * @return {number} the number of scenes contained in the Director. +831 */ +832 getNumScenes : function() { +833 return this.scenes.length; +834 }, +835 /** +836 * This method offers full control over the process of switching between any given two Scenes. +837 * To apply this method, you must specify the type of transition to apply for each Scene and +838 * the anchor to keep the Scene pinned at. +839 * <p> +840 * The type of transition will be one of the following values defined in CAAT.Scene.prototype: +841 * <ul> +842 * <li>EASE_ROTATION +843 * <li>EASE_SCALE +844 * <li>EASE_TRANSLATION +845 * </ul> +846 * +847 * <p> +848 * The anchor will be any of these values defined in CAAT.Actor.prototype: +849 * <ul> +850 * <li>ANCHOR_CENTER +851 * <li>ANCHOR_TOP +852 * <li>ANCHOR_BOTTOM +853 * <li>ANCHOR_LEFT +854 * <li>ANCHOR_RIGHT +855 * <li>ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT +856 * <li>ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT +857 * <li>ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT +858 * <li>ANCHOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT +859 * </ul> +860 * +861 * <p> +862 * In example, for an entering scene performing a EASE_SCALE transition, the anchor is the +863 * point by which the scene will scaled. +864 * +865 * @param inSceneIndex integer indicating the Scene index to bring in to the Director. +866 * @param typein integer indicating the type of transition to apply to the bringing in Scene. +867 * @param anchorin integer indicating the anchor of the bringing in Scene. +868 * @param outSceneIndex integer indicating the Scene index to take away from the Director. +869 * @param typeout integer indicating the type of transition to apply to the taking away in Scene. +870 * @param anchorout integer indicating the anchor of the taking away Scene. +871 * @param time inteter indicating the time to perform the process of switchihg between Scene object +872 * in milliseconds. +873 * @param alpha boolean boolean indicating whether alpha transparency fading will be applied to +874 * the scenes. +875 * @param interpolatorIn CAAT.Interpolator object to apply to entering scene. +876 * @param interpolatorOut CAAT.Interpolator object to apply to exiting scene. +877 */ +878 easeInOut : function(inSceneIndex, typein, anchorin, outSceneIndex, typeout, anchorout, time, alpha, interpolatorIn, interpolatorOut) { +879 +880 if (inSceneIndex === this.getCurrentSceneIndex()) { +881 return; +882 } 883 -884 ssin.mouseEnabled = false; -885 sout.mouseEnabled = false; +884 var ssin = this.scenes[ inSceneIndex ]; +885 var sout = this.scenes[ outSceneIndex ]; 886 -887 ssin.resetTransform(); -888 sout.resetTransform(); -889 -890 ssin.setLocation(0, 0); -891 sout.setLocation(0, 0); +887 if (!this.glEnabled && !navigator.browser==='iOS') { +888 this.worldModelViewMatrix.transformRenderingContext(this.transitionScene.ctx); +889 this.renderToContext(this.transitionScene.ctx, sout); +890 sout = this.transitionScene; +891 } 892 -893 ssin.alpha = 1; -894 sout.alpha = 1; +893 ssin.setExpired(false); +894 sout.setExpired(false); 895 -896 if (typein === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION) { -897 ssin.easeRotationIn(time, alpha, anchorin, interpolatorIn); -898 } else if (typein === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE) { -899 ssin.easeScaleIn(0, time, alpha, anchorin, interpolatorIn); -900 } else { -901 ssin.easeTranslationIn(time, alpha, anchorin, interpolatorIn); -902 } -903 -904 if (typeout === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION) { -905 sout.easeRotationOut(time, alpha, anchorout, interpolatorOut); -906 } else if (typeout === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE) { -907 sout.easeScaleOut(0, time, alpha, anchorout, interpolatorOut); -908 } else { -909 sout.easeTranslationOut(time, alpha, anchorout, interpolatorOut); -910 } -911 -912 this.childrenList = []; -913 -914 this.addChild(sout); -915 this.addChild(ssin); -916 }, -917 /** -918 * This method will switch between two given Scene indexes (ie, take away scene number 2, -919 * and bring in scene number 5). -920 * <p> -921 * It will randomly choose for each Scene the type of transition to apply and the anchor -922 * point of each transition type. -923 * <p> -924 * It will also set for different kind of transitions the following interpolators: -925 * <ul> -926 * <li>EASE_ROTATION -> ExponentialInOutInterpolator, exponent 4. -927 * <li>EASE_SCALE -> ElasticOutInterpolator, 1.1 and .4 -928 * <li>EASE_TRANSLATION -> BounceOutInterpolator -929 * </ul> -930 * -931 * <p> -932 * These are the default values, and could not be changed by now. -933 * This method in final instance delegates the process to easeInOutMethod. -934 * -935 * @see easeInOutMethod. -936 * -937 * @param inIndex integer indicating the entering scene index. -938 * @param outIndex integer indicating the exiting scene index. -939 * @param time integer indicating the time to take for the process of Scene in/out in milliseconds. -940 * @param alpha boolean indicating whether alpha transparency fading should be applied to transitions. -941 */ -942 easeInOutRandom : function(inIndex, outIndex, time, alpha) { -943 -944 var pin = Math.random(); -945 var pout = Math.random(); -946 -947 var typeIn; -948 var interpolatorIn; -949 -950 if (pin < 0.33) { -951 typeIn = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION; -952 interpolatorIn = new CAAT.Interpolator().createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4); -953 } else if (pin < 0.66) { -954 typeIn = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE; -955 interpolatorIn = new CAAT.Interpolator().createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1, 0.4); -956 } else { -957 typeIn = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE; -958 interpolatorIn = new CAAT.Interpolator().createBounceOutInterpolator(); -959 } -960 -961 var typeOut; -962 var interpolatorOut; -963 -964 if (pout < 0.33) { -965 typeOut = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION; -966 interpolatorOut = new CAAT.Interpolator().createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4); -967 } else if (pout < 0.66) { -968 typeOut = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE; -969 interpolatorOut = new CAAT.Interpolator().createExponentialOutInterpolator(4); -970 } else { -971 typeOut = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE; -972 interpolatorOut = new CAAT.Interpolator().createBounceOutInterpolator(); -973 } -974 -975 this.easeInOut( -976 inIndex, -977 typeIn, -978 (Math.random() * 8.99) >> 0, -979 -980 outIndex, -981 typeOut, -982 (Math.random() * 8.99) >> 0, -983 -984 time, -985 alpha, +896 ssin.mouseEnabled = false; +897 sout.mouseEnabled = false; +898 +899 ssin.resetTransform(); +900 sout.resetTransform(); +901 +902 ssin.setLocation(0, 0); +903 sout.setLocation(0, 0); +904 +905 ssin.alpha = 1; +906 sout.alpha = 1; +907 +908 if (typein === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION) { +909 ssin.easeRotationIn(time, alpha, anchorin, interpolatorIn); +910 } else if (typein === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE) { +911 ssin.easeScaleIn(0, time, alpha, anchorin, interpolatorIn); +912 } else { +913 ssin.easeTranslationIn(time, alpha, anchorin, interpolatorIn); +914 } +915 +916 if (typeout === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION) { +917 sout.easeRotationOut(time, alpha, anchorout, interpolatorOut); +918 } else if (typeout === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE) { +919 sout.easeScaleOut(0, time, alpha, anchorout, interpolatorOut); +920 } else { +921 sout.easeTranslationOut(time, alpha, anchorout, interpolatorOut); +922 } +923 +924 this.childrenList = []; +925 +926 this.addChild(sout); +927 this.addChild(ssin); +928 }, +929 /** +930 * This method will switch between two given Scene indexes (ie, take away scene number 2, +931 * and bring in scene number 5). +932 * <p> +933 * It will randomly choose for each Scene the type of transition to apply and the anchor +934 * point of each transition type. +935 * <p> +936 * It will also set for different kind of transitions the following interpolators: +937 * <ul> +938 * <li>EASE_ROTATION -> ExponentialInOutInterpolator, exponent 4. +939 * <li>EASE_SCALE -> ElasticOutInterpolator, 1.1 and .4 +940 * <li>EASE_TRANSLATION -> BounceOutInterpolator +941 * </ul> +942 * +943 * <p> +944 * These are the default values, and could not be changed by now. +945 * This method in final instance delegates the process to easeInOutMethod. +946 * +947 * @see easeInOutMethod. +948 * +949 * @param inIndex integer indicating the entering scene index. +950 * @param outIndex integer indicating the exiting scene index. +951 * @param time integer indicating the time to take for the process of Scene in/out in milliseconds. +952 * @param alpha boolean indicating whether alpha transparency fading should be applied to transitions. +953 */ +954 easeInOutRandom : function(inIndex, outIndex, time, alpha) { +955 +956 var pin = Math.random(); +957 var pout = Math.random(); +958 +959 var typeIn; +960 var interpolatorIn; +961 +962 if (pin < 0.33) { +963 typeIn = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION; +964 interpolatorIn = new CAAT.Interpolator().createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4); +965 } else if (pin < 0.66) { +966 typeIn = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE; +967 interpolatorIn = new CAAT.Interpolator().createElasticOutInterpolator(1.1, 0.4); +968 } else { +969 typeIn = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE; +970 interpolatorIn = new CAAT.Interpolator().createBounceOutInterpolator(); +971 } +972 +973 var typeOut; +974 var interpolatorOut; +975 +976 if (pout < 0.33) { +977 typeOut = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION; +978 interpolatorOut = new CAAT.Interpolator().createExponentialInOutInterpolator(4); +979 } else if (pout < 0.66) { +980 typeOut = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE; +981 interpolatorOut = new CAAT.Interpolator().createExponentialOutInterpolator(4); +982 } else { +983 typeOut = CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATE; +984 interpolatorOut = new CAAT.Interpolator().createBounceOutInterpolator(); +985 } 986 -987 interpolatorIn, -988 interpolatorOut); -989 -990 }, -991 /** -992 * This method changes Director's current Scene to the scene index indicated by -993 * inSceneIndex parameter. The Scene running in the director won't be eased out. -994 * -995 * @see {CAAT.Interpolator} -996 * @see {CAAT.Actor} -997 * @see {CAAT.Scene} -998 * -999 * @param inSceneIndex integer indicating the new Scene to set as current. -1000 * @param type integer indicating the type of transition to apply to bring the new current -1001 * Scene to the Director. The values will be one of: CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION, -1002 * CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE, CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATION. -1003 * @param time integer indicating how much time in milliseconds the Scene entrance will take. -1004 * @param alpha boolean indicating whether alpha transparency fading will be applied to the -1005 * entereing Scene. -1006 * @param anchor integer indicating the anchor to fix for Scene transition. It will be any of -1007 * CAAT.Actor.prototype.ANCHOR_* values. -1008 * @param interpolator an CAAT.Interpolator object indicating the interpolation function to -1009 * apply. -1010 */ -1011 easeIn : function(inSceneIndex, type, time, alpha, anchor, interpolator) { -1012 var sin = this.scenes[ inSceneIndex ]; -1013 if (type === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION) { -1014 sin.easeRotationIn(time, alpha, anchor, interpolator); -1015 } else if (type === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE) { -1016 sin.easeScaleIn(0, time, alpha, anchor, interpolator); -1017 } else { -1018 sin.easeTranslationIn(time, alpha, anchor, interpolator); -1019 } -1020 this.childrenList = []; -1021 this.addChild(sin); -1022 -1023 sin.resetTransform(); -1024 sin.setLocation(0, 0); -1025 sin.alpha = 1; -1026 sin.mouseEnabled = false; -1027 sin.setExpired(false); -1028 }, -1029 /** -1030 * Changes (or sets) the current Director scene to the index -1031 * parameter. There will be no transition on scene change. -1032 * @param sceneIndex {number} an integer indicating the index of the target Scene -1033 * to be shown. -1034 */ -1035 setScene : function(sceneIndex) { -1036 var sin = this.scenes[ sceneIndex ]; -1037 this.childrenList = []; -1038 this.addChild(sin); -1039 this.currentScene = sin; -1040 -1041 sin.setExpired(false); -1042 sin.mouseEnabled = true; -1043 sin.resetTransform(); -1044 sin.setLocation(0, 0); -1045 sin.alpha = 1; -1046 -1047 sin.activated(); -1048 }, -1049 /** -1050 * This method will change the current Scene by the Scene indicated as parameter. -1051 * It will apply random values for anchor and transition type. -1052 * @see easeInOutRandom -1053 * -1054 * @param iNewSceneIndex {number} an integer indicating the index of the new scene to run on the Director. -1055 * @param time {number} an integer indicating the time the Scene transition will take. -1056 * @param alpha {boolean} a boolean indicating whether Scene transition should be fading. -1057 * @param transition {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the scene change must smoothly animated. -1058 */ -1059 switchToScene : function(iNewSceneIndex, time, alpha, transition) { -1060 var currentSceneIndex = this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); -1061 -1062 if (!transition) { -1063 this.setScene(iNewSceneIndex); -1064 } -1065 else { -1066 this.easeInOutRandom(iNewSceneIndex, currentSceneIndex, time, alpha); -1067 } -1068 }, -1069 /** -1070 * Sets the previous Scene in sequence as the current Scene. -1071 * @see switchToScene. -1072 * -1073 * @param time {number} integer indicating the time the Scene transition will take. -1074 * @param alpha {boolean} a boolean indicating whether Scene transition should be fading. -1075 * @param transition {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the scene change must smoothly animated. -1076 */ -1077 switchToPrevScene : function(time, alpha, transition) { -1078 -1079 var currentSceneIndex = this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); -1080 -1081 if (this.getNumScenes() <= 1 || currentSceneIndex === 0) { -1082 return; -1083 } -1084 -1085 if (!transition) { -1086 this.setScene(currentSceneIndex - 1); -1087 } -1088 else { -1089 this.easeInOutRandom(currentSceneIndex - 1, currentSceneIndex, time, alpha); -1090 } -1091 }, -1092 /** -1093 * Sets the previous Scene in sequence as the current Scene. -1094 * @see switchToScene. -1095 * -1096 * @param time {number} integer indicating the time the Scene transition will take. -1097 * @param alpha {boolean} a boolean indicating whether Scene transition should be fading. -1098 * @param transition {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the scene change must smoothly animated. -1099 */ -1100 switchToNextScene: function(time, alpha, transition) { -1101 -1102 var currentSceneIndex = this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); -1103 -1104 if (this.getNumScenes() <= 1 || currentSceneIndex === this.getNumScenes() - 1) { -1105 return; -1106 } -1107 -1108 if (!transition) { -1109 this.setScene(currentSceneIndex + 1); -1110 } -1111 else { -1112 this.easeInOutRandom(currentSceneIndex + 1, currentSceneIndex, time, alpha); -1113 } -1114 }, -1115 mouseEnter : function(mouseEvent) { -1116 }, -1117 mouseExit : function(mouseEvent) { -1118 }, -1119 mouseMove : function(mouseEvent) { -1120 }, -1121 mouseDown : function(mouseEvent) { -1122 }, -1123 mouseUp : function(mouseEvent) { -1124 }, -1125 mouseDrag : function(mouseEvent) { +987 this.easeInOut( +988 inIndex, +989 typeIn, +990 (Math.random() * 8.99) >> 0, +991 +992 outIndex, +993 typeOut, +994 (Math.random() * 8.99) >> 0, +995 +996 time, +997 alpha, +998 +999 interpolatorIn, +1000 interpolatorOut); +1001 +1002 }, +1003 /** +1004 * This method changes Director's current Scene to the scene index indicated by +1005 * inSceneIndex parameter. The Scene running in the director won't be eased out. +1006 * +1007 * @see {CAAT.Interpolator} +1008 * @see {CAAT.Actor} +1009 * @see {CAAT.Scene} +1010 * +1011 * @param inSceneIndex integer indicating the new Scene to set as current. +1012 * @param type integer indicating the type of transition to apply to bring the new current +1013 * Scene to the Director. The values will be one of: CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION, +1014 * CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE, CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_TRANSLATION. +1015 * @param time integer indicating how much time in milliseconds the Scene entrance will take. +1016 * @param alpha boolean indicating whether alpha transparency fading will be applied to the +1017 * entereing Scene. +1018 * @param anchor integer indicating the anchor to fix for Scene transition. It will be any of +1019 * CAAT.Actor.prototype.ANCHOR_* values. +1020 * @param interpolator an CAAT.Interpolator object indicating the interpolation function to +1021 * apply. +1022 */ +1023 easeIn : function(inSceneIndex, type, time, alpha, anchor, interpolator) { +1024 var sin = this.scenes[ inSceneIndex ]; +1025 if (type === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_ROTATION) { +1026 sin.easeRotationIn(time, alpha, anchor, interpolator); +1027 } else if (type === CAAT.Scene.prototype.EASE_SCALE) { +1028 sin.easeScaleIn(0, time, alpha, anchor, interpolator); +1029 } else { +1030 sin.easeTranslationIn(time, alpha, anchor, interpolator); +1031 } +1032 this.childrenList = []; +1033 this.addChild(sin); +1034 +1035 sin.resetTransform(); +1036 sin.setLocation(0, 0); +1037 sin.alpha = 1; +1038 sin.mouseEnabled = false; +1039 sin.setExpired(false); +1040 }, +1041 /** +1042 * Changes (or sets) the current Director scene to the index +1043 * parameter. There will be no transition on scene change. +1044 * @param sceneIndex {number} an integer indicating the index of the target Scene +1045 * to be shown. +1046 */ +1047 setScene : function(sceneIndex) { +1048 var sin = this.scenes[ sceneIndex ]; +1049 this.childrenList = []; +1050 this.addChild(sin); +1051 this.currentScene = sin; +1052 +1053 sin.setExpired(false); +1054 sin.mouseEnabled = true; +1055 sin.resetTransform(); +1056 sin.setLocation(0, 0); +1057 sin.alpha = 1; +1058 +1059 sin.activated(); +1060 }, +1061 /** +1062 * This method will change the current Scene by the Scene indicated as parameter. +1063 * It will apply random values for anchor and transition type. +1064 * @see easeInOutRandom +1065 * +1066 * @param iNewSceneIndex {number} an integer indicating the index of the new scene to run on the Director. +1067 * @param time {number} an integer indicating the time the Scene transition will take. +1068 * @param alpha {boolean} a boolean indicating whether Scene transition should be fading. +1069 * @param transition {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the scene change must smoothly animated. +1070 */ +1071 switchToScene : function(iNewSceneIndex, time, alpha, transition) { +1072 var currentSceneIndex = this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); +1073 +1074 if (!transition) { +1075 this.setScene(iNewSceneIndex); +1076 } +1077 else { +1078 this.easeInOutRandom(iNewSceneIndex, currentSceneIndex, time, alpha); +1079 } +1080 }, +1081 /** +1082 * Sets the previous Scene in sequence as the current Scene. +1083 * @see switchToScene. +1084 * +1085 * @param time {number} integer indicating the time the Scene transition will take. +1086 * @param alpha {boolean} a boolean indicating whether Scene transition should be fading. +1087 * @param transition {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the scene change must smoothly animated. +1088 */ +1089 switchToPrevScene : function(time, alpha, transition) { +1090 +1091 var currentSceneIndex = this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); +1092 +1093 if (this.getNumScenes() <= 1 || currentSceneIndex === 0) { +1094 return; +1095 } +1096 +1097 if (!transition) { +1098 this.setScene(currentSceneIndex - 1); +1099 } +1100 else { +1101 this.easeInOutRandom(currentSceneIndex - 1, currentSceneIndex, time, alpha); +1102 } +1103 }, +1104 /** +1105 * Sets the previous Scene in sequence as the current Scene. +1106 * @see switchToScene. +1107 * +1108 * @param time {number} integer indicating the time the Scene transition will take. +1109 * @param alpha {boolean} a boolean indicating whether Scene transition should be fading. +1110 * @param transition {boolean} a boolean indicating whether the scene change must smoothly animated. +1111 */ +1112 switchToNextScene: function(time, alpha, transition) { +1113 +1114 var currentSceneIndex = this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); +1115 +1116 if (this.getNumScenes() <= 1 || currentSceneIndex === this.getNumScenes() - 1) { +1117 return; +1118 } +1119 +1120 if (!transition) { +1121 this.setScene(currentSceneIndex + 1); +1122 } +1123 else { +1124 this.easeInOutRandom(currentSceneIndex + 1, currentSceneIndex, time, alpha); +1125 } 1126 }, -1127 /** -1128 * Scene easing listener. Notifies scenes when they're about to be activated (set as current -1129 * director's scene). -1130 * -1131 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} the scene that has just been brought in or taken out of the director. -1132 * @param b_easeIn {boolean} scene enters or exits ? -1133 */ -1134 easeEnd : function(scene, b_easeIn) { -1135 // scene is going out -1136 if (!b_easeIn) { -1137 -1138 scene.setExpired(true); -1139 } else { -1140 this.currentScene = scene; -1141 this.currentScene.activated(); -1142 } -1143 -1144 scene.mouseEnabled = true; -1145 scene.emptyBehaviorList(); -1146 }, -1147 /** -1148 * Return the index for a given Scene object contained in the Director. -1149 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} -1150 */ -1151 getSceneIndex : function(scene) { -1152 for (var i = 0; i < this.scenes.length; i++) { -1153 if (this.scenes[i] === scene) { -1154 return i; -1155 } -1156 } -1157 return -1; +1127 mouseEnter : function(mouseEvent) { +1128 }, +1129 mouseExit : function(mouseEvent) { +1130 }, +1131 mouseMove : function(mouseEvent) { +1132 }, +1133 mouseDown : function(mouseEvent) { +1134 }, +1135 mouseUp : function(mouseEvent) { +1136 }, +1137 mouseDrag : function(mouseEvent) { +1138 }, +1139 /** +1140 * Scene easing listener. Notifies scenes when they're about to be activated (set as current +1141 * director's scene). +1142 * +1143 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} the scene that has just been brought in or taken out of the director. +1144 * @param b_easeIn {boolean} scene enters or exits ? +1145 */ +1146 easeEnd : function(scene, b_easeIn) { +1147 // scene is going out +1148 if (!b_easeIn) { +1149 +1150 scene.setExpired(true); +1151 } else { +1152 this.currentScene = scene; +1153 this.currentScene.activated(); +1154 } +1155 +1156 scene.mouseEnabled = true; +1157 scene.emptyBehaviorList(); 1158 }, 1159 /** -1160 * Get a concrete director's scene. -1161 * @param index {number} an integer indicating the scene index. -1162 * @return {CAAT.Scene} a CAAT.Scene object instance or null if the index is oob. -1163 */ -1164 getScene : function(index) { -1165 return this.scenes[index]; -1166 }, -1167 /** -1168 * Return the index of the current scene in the Director's scene list. -1169 * @return {number} the current scene's index. -1170 */ -1171 getCurrentSceneIndex : function() { -1172 return this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); -1173 }, -1174 /** -1175 * Return the running browser name. -1176 * @return {string} the browser name. -1177 */ -1178 getBrowserName : function() { -1179 return this.browserInfo.browser; -1180 }, -1181 /** -1182 * Return the running browser version. -1183 * @return {string} the browser version. -1184 */ -1185 getBrowserVersion : function() { -1186 return this.browserInfo.version; -1187 }, -1188 /** -1189 * Return the operating system name. -1190 * @return {string} the os name. -1191 */ -1192 getOSName : function() { -1193 return this.browserInfo.OS; -1194 }, -1195 /** -1196 * Gets the resource with the specified resource name. -1197 * The Director holds a collection called <code>imagesCache</code> -1198 * where you can store a JSON of the form -1199 * <code>[ { id: imageId, image: imageObject } ]</code>. -1200 * This structure will be used as a resources cache. -1201 * There's a CAAT.ImagePreloader class to preload resources and -1202 * generate this structure on loading finalization. -1203 * -1204 * @param sId {object} an String identifying a resource. -1205 */ -1206 getImage : function(sId) { -1207 var ret = this.imagesCache[sId]; -1208 if (ret) { -1209 return ret; -1210 } -1211 -1212 for (var i = 0; i < this.imagesCache.length; i++) { -1213 if (this.imagesCache[i].id === sId) { -1214 return this.imagesCache[i].image; -1215 } -1216 } -1217 -1218 return null; -1219 }, -1220 /** -1221 * Adds an audio to the cache. -1222 * -1223 * @see CAAT.AudioManager.addAudio -1224 * @return this -1225 */ -1226 addAudio : function(id, url) { -1227 this.audioManager.addAudio(id, url); -1228 return this; -1229 }, -1230 /** -1231 * Plays the audio instance identified by the id. -1232 * @param id {object} the object used to store a sound in the audioCache. -1233 */ -1234 audioPlay : function(id) { -1235; -1236 }, -1237 /** -1238 * Loops an audio instance identified by the id. -1239 * @param id {object} the object used to store a sound in the audioCache. -1240 * -1241 * @return {HTMLElement|null} the value from audioManager.loop -1242 */ -1243 audioLoop : function(id) { -1244 return this.audioManager.loop(id); -1245 }, -1246 endSound : function() { -1247 return this.audioManager.endSound(); +1160 * Return the index for a given Scene object contained in the Director. +1161 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} +1162 */ +1163 getSceneIndex : function(scene) { +1164 for (var i = 0; i < this.scenes.length; i++) { +1165 if (this.scenes[i] === scene) { +1166 return i; +1167 } +1168 } +1169 return -1; +1170 }, +1171 /** +1172 * Get a concrete director's scene. +1173 * @param index {number} an integer indicating the scene index. +1174 * @return {CAAT.Scene} a CAAT.Scene object instance or null if the index is oob. +1175 */ +1176 getScene : function(index) { +1177 return this.scenes[index]; +1178 }, +1179 /** +1180 * Return the index of the current scene in the Director's scene list. +1181 * @return {number} the current scene's index. +1182 */ +1183 getCurrentSceneIndex : function() { +1184 return this.getSceneIndex(this.currentScene); +1185 }, +1186 /** +1187 * Return the running browser name. +1188 * @return {string} the browser name. +1189 */ +1190 getBrowserName : function() { +1191 return this.browserInfo.browser; +1192 }, +1193 /** +1194 * Return the running browser version. +1195 * @return {string} the browser version. +1196 */ +1197 getBrowserVersion : function() { +1198 return this.browserInfo.version; +1199 }, +1200 /** +1201 * Return the operating system name. +1202 * @return {string} the os name. +1203 */ +1204 getOSName : function() { +1205 return this.browserInfo.OS; +1206 }, +1207 /** +1208 * Gets the resource with the specified resource name. +1209 * The Director holds a collection called <code>imagesCache</code> +1210 * where you can store a JSON of the form +1211 * <code>[ { id: imageId, image: imageObject } ]</code>. +1212 * This structure will be used as a resources cache. +1213 * There's a CAAT.ImagePreloader class to preload resources and +1214 * generate this structure on loading finalization. +1215 * +1216 * @param sId {object} an String identifying a resource. +1217 */ +1218 getImage : function(sId) { +1219 var ret = this.imagesCache[sId]; +1220 if (ret) { +1221 return ret; +1222 } +1223 +1224 for (var i = 0; i < this.imagesCache.length; i++) { +1225 if (this.imagesCache[i].id === sId) { +1226 return this.imagesCache[i].image; +1227 } +1228 } +1229 +1230 return null; +1231 }, +1232 /** +1233 * Adds an audio to the cache. +1234 * +1235 * @see CAAT.AudioManager.addAudio +1236 * @return this +1237 */ +1238 addAudio : function(id, url) { +1239 this.audioManager.addAudio(id, url); +1240 return this; +1241 }, +1242 /** +1243 * Plays the audio instance identified by the id. +1244 * @param id {object} the object used to store a sound in the audioCache. +1245 */ +1246 audioPlay : function(id) { +1247; 1248 }, -1249 setSoundEffectsEnabled : function(enabled) { -1250 return this.audioManager.setSoundEffectsEnabled(enabled); -1251 }, -1252 setMusicEnabled : function(enabled) { -1253 return this.audioManager.setMusicEnabled(enabled); -1254 }, -1255 isMusicEnabled : function() { -1256 return this.audioManager.isMusicEnabled(); +1249 /** +1250 * Loops an audio instance identified by the id. +1251 * @param id {object} the object used to store a sound in the audioCache. +1252 * +1253 * @return {HTMLElement|null} the value from audioManager.loop +1254 */ +1255 audioLoop : function(id) { +1256 return this.audioManager.loop(id); 1257 }, -1258 isSoundEffectsEnabled : function() { -1259 return this.audioManager.isSoundEffectsEnabled(); +1258 endSound : function() { +1259 return this.audioManager.endSound(); 1260 }, -1261 /** -1262 * Removes Director's scenes. -1263 */ -1264 emptyScenes : function() { -1265 this.scenes = []; +1261 setSoundEffectsEnabled : function(enabled) { +1262 return this.audioManager.setSoundEffectsEnabled(enabled); +1263 }, +1264 setMusicEnabled : function(enabled) { +1265 return this.audioManager.setMusicEnabled(enabled); 1266 }, -1267 /** -1268 * Adds an scene to this Director. -1269 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} a scene object. -1270 */ -1271 addChild : function(scene) { -1272 scene.parent = this; -1273 this.childrenList.push(scene); -1274 }, -1275 /** -1276 * @Deprecated use CAAT.loop instead. -1277 * @param fps -1278 * @param callback -1279 * @param callback2 -1280 */ -1281 loop : function(fps,callback,callback2) { -1282 if ( callback2 ) { -1283 this.onRenderStart= callback; -1284 this.onRenderEnd= callback2; -1285 } else if (callback) { -1286 this.onRenderEnd= callback; -1287 } -1288 CAAT.loop(); -1289 }, -1290 /** -1291 * Starts the director animation.If no scene is explicitly selected, the current Scene will -1292 * be the first scene added to the Director. -1293 * <p> -1294 * The fps parameter will set the animation quality. Higher values, -1295 * means CAAT will try to render more frames in the same second (at the -1296 * expense of cpu power at least until hardware accelerated canvas rendering -1297 * context are available). A value of 60 is a high frame rate and should not be exceeded. -1298 * -1299 * @param fps {number} integer value indicating the target frames per second to run -1300 * the animation at. -1301 */ -1302 renderFrame : function(fps, callback) { -1303 var t = new Date().getTime(), -1304 delta = t - this.timeline; -1305 -1306 /* -1307 check for massive frame time. if for example the current browser tab is minified or taken out of -1308 foreground, the system will account for a bit time interval. minify that impact by lowering down -1309 the elapsed time (virtual timelines FTW) -1310 */ -1311 if ( delta > 500 ) { -1312 delta= 500; -1313 } -1314 -1315 if ( this.onRenderStart ) { -1316 this.onRenderStart(delta); -1317 } -1318 -1319 this.render(delta); -1320 -1321 if ( this.debugInfo ) { -1322 this.debugInfo(this.statistics); -1323 } -1324 -1325 this.timeline = t; +1267 isMusicEnabled : function() { +1268 return this.audioManager.isMusicEnabled(); +1269 }, +1270 isSoundEffectsEnabled : function() { +1271 return this.audioManager.isSoundEffectsEnabled(); +1272 }, +1273 /** +1274 * Removes Director's scenes. +1275 */ +1276 emptyScenes : function() { +1277 this.scenes = []; +1278 }, +1279 /** +1280 * Adds an scene to this Director. +1281 * @param scene {CAAT.Scene} a scene object. +1282 */ +1283 addChild : function(scene) { +1284 scene.parent = this; +1285 this.childrenList.push(scene); +1286 }, +1287 /** +1288 * @Deprecated use CAAT.loop instead. +1289 * @param fps +1290 * @param callback +1291 * @param callback2 +1292 */ +1293 loop : function(fps,callback,callback2) { +1294 if ( callback2 ) { +1295 this.onRenderStart= callback; +1296 this.onRenderEnd= callback2; +1297 } else if (callback) { +1298 this.onRenderEnd= callback; +1299 } +1300 CAAT.loop(); +1301 }, +1302 /** +1303 * Starts the director animation.If no scene is explicitly selected, the current Scene will +1304 * be the first scene added to the Director. +1305 * <p> +1306 * The fps parameter will set the animation quality. Higher values, +1307 * means CAAT will try to render more frames in the same second (at the +1308 * expense of cpu power at least until hardware accelerated canvas rendering +1309 * context are available). A value of 60 is a high frame rate and should not be exceeded. +1310 * +1311 * @param fps {number} integer value indicating the target frames per second to run +1312 * the animation at. +1313 */ +1314 renderFrame : function(fps, callback) { +1315 var t = new Date().getTime(), +1316 delta = t - this.timeline; +1317 +1318 /* +1319 check for massive frame time. if for example the current browser tab is minified or taken out of +1320 foreground, the system will account for a bit time interval. minify that impact by lowering down +1321 the elapsed time (virtual timelines FTW) +1322 */ +1323 if ( delta > 500 ) { +1324 delta= 500; +1325 } 1326 -1327 if (this.onRenderEnd) { -1328 this.onRenderEnd(delta); +1327 if ( this.onRenderStart ) { +1328 this.onRenderStart(delta); 1329 } -1330 }, -1331 endLoop : function () { -1332 }, -1333 /** -1334 * This method states whether the director must clear background before rendering -1335 * each frame. -1336 * -1337 * The clearing method could be: -1338 * + CAAT.Director.CLEAR_ALL. previous to draw anything on screen the canvas will have clearRect called on it. -1339 * + CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS. Actors marked as invalid, or which have been moved, rotated or scaled -1340 * will have their areas redrawn. -1341 * + CAAT.Director.CLEAR_NONE. clears nothing. -1342 * -1343 * @param clear {CAAT.Director.CLEAR_ALL |�CAAT.Director.CLEAR_NONE | CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS} -1344 * @return this. -1345 */ -1346 setClear : function(clear) { -1347 this.clear = clear; -1348 if ( this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS ) { -1349 this.dirtyRectsEnabled= true; -1350 } -1351 return this; -1352 }, -1353 /** -1354 * Get this Director's AudioManager instance. -1355 * @return {CAAT.AudioManager} the AudioManager instance. -1356 */ -1357 getAudioManager : function() { -1358 return this.audioManager; -1359 }, -1360 /** -1361 * Acculumate dom elements position to properly offset on-screen mouse/touch events. -1362 * @param node -1363 */ -1364 cumulateOffset : function(node, parent, prop) { -1365 var left= prop+'Left'; -1366 var top= prop+'Top'; -1367 var x=0, y=0, style; -1368 -1369 while( navigator.browser!=='iOS' && node && ) { -1370 if ( node.currentStyle ) { -1371 style= node.currentStyle['position']; -1372 } else { -1373 style= (node.ownerDocument.defaultView || node.ownerDocument.parentWindow).getComputedStyle(node, null); -1374 style= style ? style.getPropertyValue('position') : null; -1375 } -1376 -1377 // if (!/^(relative|absolute|fixed)$/.test(style)) { -1378 if (!/^(fixed)$/.test(style)) { -1379 x += node[left]; -1380 y+= node[top]; -1381 node = node[parent]; -1382 } else { -1383 break; -1384 } -1385 } -1386 -1387 return { -1388 x: x, -1389 y: y, -1390 style: style -1391 }; -1392 }, -1393 getOffset : function( node ) { -1394 var res= this.cumulateOffset(node, 'offsetParent', 'offset'); -1395 if ('fixed' ) { -1396 var res2= this.cumulateOffset(node, node.parentNode ? 'parentNode' : 'parentElement', 'scroll'); -1397 return { -1398 x: res.x + res2.x, -1399 y: res.y + res2.y -1400 }; -1401 } -1402 -1403 return { -1404 x: res.x, -1405 y: res.y -1406 }; -1407 }, -1408 /** -1409 * Normalize input event coordinates to be related to (0,0) canvas position. -1410 * @param point {CAAT.Point} a CAAT.Point instance to hold the canvas coordinate. -1411 * @param e {MouseEvent} a mouse event from an input event. -1412 */ -1413 getCanvasCoord : function(point, e) { +1330 +1331 this.render(delta); +1332 +1333 if ( this.debugInfo ) { +1334 this.debugInfo(this.statistics); +1335 } +1336 +1337 this.timeline = t; +1338 +1339 if (this.onRenderEnd) { +1340 this.onRenderEnd(delta); +1341 } +1342 }, +1343 endLoop : function () { +1344 }, +1345 /** +1346 * This method states whether the director must clear background before rendering +1347 * each frame. +1348 * +1349 * The clearing method could be: +1350 * + CAAT.Director.CLEAR_ALL. previous to draw anything on screen the canvas will have clearRect called on it. +1351 * + CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS. Actors marked as invalid, or which have been moved, rotated or scaled +1352 * will have their areas redrawn. +1353 * + CAAT.Director.CLEAR_NONE. clears nothing. +1354 * +1355 * @param clear {CAAT.Director.CLEAR_ALL |�CAAT.Director.CLEAR_NONE | CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS} +1356 * @return this. +1357 */ +1358 setClear : function(clear) { +1359 this.clear = clear; +1360 if ( this.clear===CAAT.Director.CLEAR_DIRTY_RECTS ) { +1361 this.dirtyRectsEnabled= true; +1362 } +1363 return this; +1364 }, +1365 /** +1366 * Get this Director's AudioManager instance. +1367 * @return {CAAT.AudioManager} the AudioManager instance. +1368 */ +1369 getAudioManager : function() { +1370 return this.audioManager; +1371 }, +1372 /** +1373 * Acculumate dom elements position to properly offset on-screen mouse/touch events. +1374 * @param node +1375 */ +1376 cumulateOffset : function(node, parent, prop) { +1377 var left= prop+'Left'; +1378 var top= prop+'Top'; +1379 var x=0, y=0, style; +1380 +1381 while( navigator.browser!=='iOS' && node && ) { +1382 if ( node.currentStyle ) { +1383 style= node.currentStyle['position']; +1384 } else { +1385 style= (node.ownerDocument.defaultView || node.ownerDocument.parentWindow).getComputedStyle(node, null); +1386 style= style ? style.getPropertyValue('position') : null; +1387 } +1388 +1389 // if (!/^(relative|absolute|fixed)$/.test(style)) { +1390 if (!/^(fixed)$/.test(style)) { +1391 x += node[left]; +1392 y+= node[top]; +1393 node = node[parent]; +1394 } else { +1395 break; +1396 } +1397 } +1398 +1399 return { +1400 x: x, +1401 y: y, +1402 style: style +1403 }; +1404 }, +1405 getOffset : function( node ) { +1406 var res= this.cumulateOffset(node, 'offsetParent', 'offset'); +1407 if ('fixed' ) { +1408 var res2= this.cumulateOffset(node, node.parentNode ? 'parentNode' : 'parentElement', 'scroll'); +1409 return { +1410 x: res.x + res2.x, +1411 y: res.y + res2.y +1412 }; +1413 } 1414 -1415 var posx = 0; -1416 var posy = 0; -1417 if (!e) e = window.event; -1418 -1419 if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { -1420 posx = e.pageX; -1421 posy = e.pageY; -1422 } -1423 else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { -1424 posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; -1425 posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; -1426 } -1427 -1428 var offset= this.getOffset(; -1429 -1430 posx-= offset.x; -1431 posy-= offset.y; -1432 -1433 ////////////// -1434 // transformar coordenada inversamente con affine transform de director. -1435 -1436 var pt= new CAAT.Point( posx, posy ); -1437 this.modelViewMatrixI= this.modelViewMatrix.getInverse(); -1438 this.modelViewMatrixI.transformCoord(pt); -1439 posx= pt.x; -1440 posy= pt.y +1415 return { +1416 x: res.x, +1417 y: res.y +1418 }; +1419 }, +1420 /** +1421 * Normalize input event coordinates to be related to (0,0) canvas position. +1422 * @param point {CAAT.Point} a CAAT.Point instance to hold the canvas coordinate. +1423 * @param e {MouseEvent} a mouse event from an input event. +1424 */ +1425 getCanvasCoord : function(point, e) { +1426 +1427 var posx = 0; +1428 var posy = 0; +1429 if (!e) e = window.event; +1430 +1431 if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { +1432 posx = e.pageX; +1433 posy = e.pageY; +1434 } +1435 else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { +1436 posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; +1437 posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; +1438 } +1439 +1440 var offset= this.getOffset(; 1441 -1442 point.set(posx, posy); -1443 this.screenMousePoint.set(posx, posy); +1442 posx-= offset.x; +1443 posy-= offset.y; 1444 -1445 }, -1446 -1447 __mouseDownHandler : function(e) { -1448 -1449 /* -1450 was dragging and mousedown detected, can only mean a mouseOut's been performed and on mouseOver, no -1451 button was presses. Then, send a mouseUp for the previos actor, and return; -1452 */ -1453 if ( this.dragging && this.lastSelectedActor ) { -1454 this.__mouseUpHandler(e); -1455 return; -1456 } -1457 -1458 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); -1459 this.isMouseDown = true; -1460 var lactor = this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint); -1461 -1462 if (null !== lactor) { -1463 -1464 var pos = lactor.viewToModel( -1465 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); -1466 -1467 lactor.mouseDown( -1468 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1469 pos.x, -1470 pos.y, -1471 e, -1472 lactor, -1473 new CAAT.Point( -1474 this.screenMousePoint.x, -1475 this.screenMousePoint.y ))); -1476 } -1477 -1478 this.lastSelectedActor= lactor; -1479 }, -1480 -1481 __mouseUpHandler : function(e) { -1482 -1483 this.isMouseDown = false; -1484 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); -1485 -1486 var pos= null; -1487 var lactor= this.lastSelectedActor; -1488 -1489 if (null !== lactor) { -1490 pos = lactor.viewToModel( -1491 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); -1492 if ( lactor.actionPerformed && lactor.contains(pos.x, pos.y) ) { -1493 lactor.actionPerformed(e) -1494 } -1495 -1496 lactor.mouseUp( -1497 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1498 pos.x, -1499 pos.y, -1500 e, -1501 lactor, -1502 this.screenMousePoint, -1503 this.currentScene.time)); -1504 } -1505 -1506 if (!this.dragging && null !== lactor) { -1507 if (lactor.contains(pos.x, pos.y)) { -1508 lactor.mouseClick( -1509 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1510 pos.x, -1511 pos.y, -1512 e, -1513 lactor, -1514 this.screenMousePoint, -1515 this.currentScene.time)); -1516 } -1517 } -1518 -1519 this.dragging = false; -1520 this.in_= false; -1521 // CAAT.setCursor('default'); -1522 }, -1523 -1524 __mouseMoveHandler : function(e) { -1525 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); -1526 -1527 var lactor; -1528 var pos; -1529 -1530 // drag -1531 -1532 if (this.isMouseDown && null !== this.lastSelectedActor) { -1533 /* -1534 // check for mouse move threshold. -1535 if (!this.dragging) { -1536 if (Math.abs(this.prevMousePoint.x - this.mousePoint.x) < CAAT.DRAG_THRESHOLD_X && -1537 Math.abs(this.prevMousePoint.y - this.mousePoint.y) < CAAT.DRAG_THRESHOLD_Y) { -1538 return; -1539 } -1540 } -1541 */ -1542 +1445 ////////////// +1446 // transformar coordenada inversamente con affine transform de director. +1447 +1448 var pt= new CAAT.Point( posx, posy ); +1449 this.modelViewMatrixI= this.modelViewMatrix.getInverse(); +1450 this.modelViewMatrixI.transformCoord(pt); +1451 posx= pt.x; +1452 posy= pt.y +1453 +1454 point.set(posx, posy); +1455 this.screenMousePoint.set(posx, posy); +1456 +1457 }, +1458 +1459 __mouseDownHandler : function(e) { +1460 +1461 /* +1462 was dragging and mousedown detected, can only mean a mouseOut's been performed and on mouseOver, no +1463 button was presses. Then, send a mouseUp for the previos actor, and return; +1464 */ +1465 if ( this.dragging && this.lastSelectedActor ) { +1466 this.__mouseUpHandler(e); +1467 return; +1468 } +1469 +1470 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); +1471 this.isMouseDown = true; +1472 var lactor = this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint); +1473 +1474 if (null !== lactor) { +1475 +1476 var pos = lactor.viewToModel( +1477 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1478 +1479 lactor.mouseDown( +1480 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1481 pos.x, +1482 pos.y, +1483 e, +1484 lactor, +1485 new CAAT.Point( +1486 this.screenMousePoint.x, +1487 this.screenMousePoint.y ))); +1488 } +1489 +1490 this.lastSelectedActor= lactor; +1491 }, +1492 +1493 __mouseUpHandler : function(e) { +1494 +1495 this.isMouseDown = false; +1496 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); +1497 +1498 var pos= null; +1499 var lactor= this.lastSelectedActor; +1500 +1501 if (null !== lactor) { +1502 pos = lactor.viewToModel( +1503 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1504 if ( lactor.actionPerformed && lactor.contains(pos.x, pos.y) ) { +1505 lactor.actionPerformed(e) +1506 } +1507 +1508 lactor.mouseUp( +1509 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1510 pos.x, +1511 pos.y, +1512 e, +1513 lactor, +1514 this.screenMousePoint, +1515 this.currentScene.time)); +1516 } +1517 +1518 if (!this.dragging && null !== lactor) { +1519 if (lactor.contains(pos.x, pos.y)) { +1520 lactor.mouseClick( +1521 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1522 pos.x, +1523 pos.y, +1524 e, +1525 lactor, +1526 this.screenMousePoint, +1527 this.currentScene.time)); +1528 } +1529 } +1530 +1531 this.dragging = false; +1532 this.in_= false; +1533 // CAAT.setCursor('default'); +1534 }, +1535 +1536 __mouseMoveHandler : function(e) { +1537 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); +1538 +1539 var lactor; +1540 var pos; +1541 +1542 // drag 1543 -1544 lactor = this.lastSelectedActor; -1545 pos = lactor.viewToModel( -1546 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); -1547 -1548 this.dragging = true; -1549 -1550 var px= lactor.x; -1551 var py= lactor.y; -1552 lactor.mouseDrag( -1553 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1554 pos.x, -1555 pos.y, -1556 e, -1557 lactor, -1558 new CAAT.Point( -1559 this.screenMousePoint.x, -1560 this.screenMousePoint.y), -1561 this.currentScene.time)); -1562 -1563 this.prevMousePoint.x= pos.x; -1564 this.prevMousePoint.y= pos.y; -1565 -1566 /** -1567 * Element has not moved after drag, so treat it as a button. -1568 */ -1569 if ( px===lactor.x && py===lactor.y ) { -1570 -1571 var contains= lactor.contains(pos.x, pos.y); -1572 -1573 if (this.in_ && !contains) { -1574 lactor.mouseExit( -1575 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1576 pos.x, -1577 pos.y, -1578 e, -1579 lactor, -1580 this.screenMousePoint, -1581 this.currentScene.time)); -1582 this.in_ = false; -1583 } +1544 if (this.isMouseDown && null !== this.lastSelectedActor) { +1545 /* +1546 // check for mouse move threshold. +1547 if (!this.dragging) { +1548 if (Math.abs(this.prevMousePoint.x - this.mousePoint.x) < CAAT.DRAG_THRESHOLD_X && +1549 Math.abs(this.prevMousePoint.y - this.mousePoint.y) < CAAT.DRAG_THRESHOLD_Y) { +1550 return; +1551 } +1552 } +1553 */ +1554 +1555 +1556 lactor = this.lastSelectedActor; +1557 pos = lactor.viewToModel( +1558 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1559 +1560 this.dragging = true; +1561 +1562 var px= lactor.x; +1563 var py= lactor.y; +1564 lactor.mouseDrag( +1565 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1566 pos.x, +1567 pos.y, +1568 e, +1569 lactor, +1570 new CAAT.Point( +1571 this.screenMousePoint.x, +1572 this.screenMousePoint.y), +1573 this.currentScene.time)); +1574 +1575 this.prevMousePoint.x= pos.x; +1576 this.prevMousePoint.y= pos.y; +1577 +1578 /** +1579 * Element has not moved after drag, so treat it as a button. +1580 */ +1581 if ( px===lactor.x && py===lactor.y ) { +1582 +1583 var contains= lactor.contains(pos.x, pos.y); 1584 -1585 if (!this.in_ && contains ) { -1586 lactor.mouseEnter( +1585 if (this.in_ && !contains) { +1586 lactor.mouseExit( 1587 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( 1588 pos.x, 1589 pos.y, @@ -1598,426 +1598,438 @@ 1591 lactor, 1592 this.screenMousePoint, 1593 this.currentScene.time)); -1594 this.in_ = true; +1594 this.in_ = false; 1595 } -1596 } -1597 -1598 return; -1599 } -1600 -1601 // mouse move. -1602 this.in_= true; -1603 -1604 lactor = this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint); -1605 -1606 // cambiamos de actor. -1607 if (lactor !== this.lastSelectedActor) { -1608 if (null !== this.lastSelectedActor) { +1596 +1597 if (!this.in_ && contains ) { +1598 lactor.mouseEnter( +1599 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1600 pos.x, +1601 pos.y, +1602 e, +1603 lactor, +1604 this.screenMousePoint, +1605 this.currentScene.time)); +1606 this.in_ = true; +1607 } +1608 } 1609 -1610 pos = this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel( -1611 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1610 return; +1611 } 1612 -1613 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit( -1614 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1615 pos.x, -1616 pos.y, -1617 e, -1618 this.lastSelectedActor, -1619 this.screenMousePoint, -1620 this.currentScene.time)); -1621 } -1622 -1623 if (null !== lactor) { -1624 pos = lactor.viewToModel( -1625 new CAAT.Point( this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); -1626 -1627 lactor.mouseEnter( -1628 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1629 pos.x, -1630 pos.y, -1631 e, -1632 lactor, -1633 this.screenMousePoint, -1634 this.currentScene.time)); -1635 } -1636 } -1637 -1638 pos = lactor.viewToModel( -1639 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); -1640 -1641 if (null !== lactor) { -1642 -1643 lactor.mouseMove( -1644 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1645 pos.x, -1646 pos.y, -1647 e, -1648 lactor, -1649 this.screenMousePoint, -1650 this.currentScene.time)); -1651 } +1613 // mouse move. +1614 this.in_= true; +1615 +1616 lactor = this.findActorAtPosition(this.mousePoint); +1617 +1618 // cambiamos de actor. +1619 if (lactor !== this.lastSelectedActor) { +1620 if (null !== this.lastSelectedActor) { +1621 +1622 pos = this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel( +1623 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1624 +1625 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit( +1626 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1627 pos.x, +1628 pos.y, +1629 e, +1630 this.lastSelectedActor, +1631 this.screenMousePoint, +1632 this.currentScene.time)); +1633 } +1634 +1635 if (null !== lactor) { +1636 pos = lactor.viewToModel( +1637 new CAAT.Point( this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1638 +1639 lactor.mouseEnter( +1640 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1641 pos.x, +1642 pos.y, +1643 e, +1644 lactor, +1645 this.screenMousePoint, +1646 this.currentScene.time)); +1647 } +1648 } +1649 +1650 pos = lactor.viewToModel( +1651 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); 1652 -1653 this.lastSelectedActor = lactor; -1654 }, -1655 -1656 __mouseOutHandler : function(e) { -1657 -1658 if (null !== this.lastSelectedActor ) { -1659 -1660 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); -1661 var pos = new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x, this.mousePoint.y, 0); -1662 this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(pos); -1663 -1664 var ev= new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1665 pos.x, -1666 pos.y, -1667 e, -1668 this.lastSelectedActor, -1669 this.screenMousePoint, -1670 this.currentScene.time); +1653 if (null !== lactor) { +1654 +1655 lactor.mouseMove( +1656 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1657 pos.x, +1658 pos.y, +1659 e, +1660 lactor, +1661 this.screenMousePoint, +1662 this.currentScene.time)); +1663 } +1664 +1665 this.lastSelectedActor = lactor; +1666 }, +1667 +1668 __mouseOutHandler : function(e) { +1669 +1670 if (null !== this.lastSelectedActor ) { 1671 -1672 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(ev); -1673 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(ev); -1674 -1675 if ( !this.dragging ) { -1676 this.lastSelectedActor = null; -1677 } -1678 } else { -1679 this.isMouseDown = false; -1680 this.in_ = false; -1681 } -1682 -1683 }, -1684 -1685 __mouseOverHandler : function(e) { +1672 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); +1673 var pos = new CAAT.Point(this.mousePoint.x, this.mousePoint.y, 0); +1674 this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel(pos); +1675 +1676 var ev= new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1677 pos.x, +1678 pos.y, +1679 e, +1680 this.lastSelectedActor, +1681 this.screenMousePoint, +1682 this.currentScene.time); +1683 +1684 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseExit(ev); +1685 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseOut(ev); 1686 -1687 var lactor; -1688 var pos, ev; -1689 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); -1690 -1691 if ( null==this.lastSelectedActor ) { -1692 lactor= this.findActorAtPosition( this.mousePoint ); -1693 -1694 if (null !== lactor) { -1695 -1696 pos = lactor.viewToModel( -1697 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1687 if ( !this.dragging ) { +1688 this.lastSelectedActor = null; +1689 } +1690 } else { +1691 this.isMouseDown = false; +1692 this.in_ = false; +1693 } +1694 +1695 }, +1696 +1697 __mouseOverHandler : function(e) { 1698 -1699 ev= new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1700 pos.x, -1701 pos.y, -1702 e, -1703 lactor, -1704 this.screenMousePoint, -1705 this.currentScene.time); -1706 -1707 lactor.mouseOver(ev); -1708 lactor.mouseEnter(ev); -1709 } +1699 var lactor; +1700 var pos, ev; +1701 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); +1702 +1703 if ( null==this.lastSelectedActor ) { +1704 lactor= this.findActorAtPosition( this.mousePoint ); +1705 +1706 if (null !== lactor) { +1707 +1708 pos = lactor.viewToModel( +1709 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); 1710 -1711 this.lastSelectedActor= lactor; -1712 } else { -1713 lactor= this.lastSelectedActor; -1714 pos = lactor.viewToModel( -1715 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); -1716 -1717 ev= new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1718 pos.x, -1719 pos.y, -1720 e, -1721 lactor, -1722 this.screenMousePoint, -1723 this.currentScene.time); -1724 -1725 lactor.mouseOver(ev); -1726 lactor.mouseEnter(ev); -1727 -1728 } -1729 }, -1730 -1731 __mouseDBLClickHandler : function(e) { -1732 -1733 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); -1734 if (null !== this.lastSelectedActor) { -1735 /* -1736 var pos = this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel( -1737 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); -1738 */ -1739 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick( -1740 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( -1741 this.mousePoint.x, -1742 this.mousePoint.y, -1743 e, -1744 this.lastSelectedActor, -1745 this.screenMousePoint, -1746 this.currentScene.time)); -1747 } -1748 }, -1749 -1750 /** -1751 * Same as mouseDown but not preventing event. -1752 * Will only take care of first touch. -1753 * @param e -1754 */ -1755 __touchStartHandler : function(e) { -1756 -1757 e.preventDefault(); -1758 e= e.targetTouches[0] -1759 this.__mouseDownHandler(e); +1711 ev= new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1712 pos.x, +1713 pos.y, +1714 e, +1715 lactor, +1716 this.screenMousePoint, +1717 this.currentScene.time); +1718 +1719 lactor.mouseOver(ev); +1720 lactor.mouseEnter(ev); +1721 } +1722 +1723 this.lastSelectedActor= lactor; +1724 } else { +1725 lactor= this.lastSelectedActor; +1726 pos = lactor.viewToModel( +1727 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1728 +1729 ev= new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1730 pos.x, +1731 pos.y, +1732 e, +1733 lactor, +1734 this.screenMousePoint, +1735 this.currentScene.time); +1736 +1737 lactor.mouseOver(ev); +1738 lactor.mouseEnter(ev); +1739 +1740 } +1741 }, +1742 +1743 __mouseDBLClickHandler : function(e) { +1744 +1745 this.getCanvasCoord(this.mousePoint, e); +1746 if (null !== this.lastSelectedActor) { +1747 /* +1748 var pos = this.lastSelectedActor.viewToModel( +1749 new CAAT.Point(this.screenMousePoint.x, this.screenMousePoint.y, 0)); +1750 */ +1751 this.lastSelectedActor.mouseDblClick( +1752 new CAAT.MouseEvent().init( +1753 this.mousePoint.x, +1754 this.mousePoint.y, +1755 e, +1756 this.lastSelectedActor, +1757 this.screenMousePoint, +1758 this.currentScene.time)); +1759 } 1760 }, 1761 -1762 __touchEndHandler : function(e) { -1763 -1764 e.preventDefault(); -1765 e= e.changedTouches[0]; -1766 this.__mouseUpHandler(e); -1767 }, +1762 /** +1763 * Same as mouseDown but not preventing event. +1764 * Will only take care of first touch. +1765 * @param e +1766 */ +1767 __touchStartHandler : function(e) { 1768 -1769 __touchMoveHandler : function(e) { -1770 -1771 e.preventDefault(); -1772 -1773 if ( this.gesturing ) { -1774 return; -1775 } -1776 -1777 for( var i=0; i<e.targetTouches.length; i++ ) { -1778 if ( !i ) { -1779 this.__mouseMoveHandler(e.targetTouches[i]); -1780 } -1781 } -1782 }, -1783 -1784 __gestureStart : function( scale, rotation ) { -1785 this.gesturing= true; -1786 this.__gestureRotation= this.lastSelectedActor.rotationAngle; -1787 this.__gestureSX= this.lastSelectedActor.scaleX - 1; -1788 this.__gestureSY= this.lastSelectedActor.scaleY - 1; -1789 }, -1790 -1791 __gestureChange : function( scale, rotation ) { -1792 if ( typeof scale==='undefined' || typeof rotation==='undefined' ) { -1793 return; -1794 } +1769 e.preventDefault(); +1770 e= e.targetTouches[0] +1771 this.__mouseDownHandler(e); +1772 }, +1773 +1774 __touchEndHandler : function(e) { +1775 +1776 e.preventDefault(); +1777 e= e.changedTouches[0]; +1778 this.__mouseUpHandler(e); +1779 }, +1780 +1781 __touchMoveHandler : function(e) { +1782 +1783 e.preventDefault(); +1784 +1785 if ( this.gesturing ) { +1786 return; +1787 } +1788 +1789 for( var i=0; i<e.targetTouches.length; i++ ) { +1790 if ( !i ) { +1791 this.__mouseMoveHandler(e.targetTouches[i]); +1792 } +1793 } +1794 }, 1795 -1796 if ( this.lastSelectedActor!==null && this.lastSelectedActor.isGestureEnabled() ) { -1797 this.lastSelectedActor.setRotation( rotation*Math.PI/180 + this.__gestureRotation ); -1798 -1799 this.lastSelectedActor.setScale( -1800 this.__gestureSX + scale, -1801 this.__gestureSY + scale ); -1802 } -1803 -1804 }, -1805 -1806 __gestureEnd : function( scale, rotation ) { -1807 this.gesturing= false; -1808 this.__gestureRotation= 0; -1809 this.__gestureScale= 0; -1810 }, -1811 -1812 addHandlers: function(canvas) { -1813 -1814 var me= this; +1796 __gestureStart : function( scale, rotation ) { +1797 this.gesturing= true; +1798 this.__gestureRotation= this.lastSelectedActor.rotationAngle; +1799 this.__gestureSX= this.lastSelectedActor.scaleX - 1; +1800 this.__gestureSY= this.lastSelectedActor.scaleY - 1; +1801 }, +1802 +1803 __gestureChange : function( scale, rotation ) { +1804 if ( typeof scale==='undefined' || typeof rotation==='undefined' ) { +1805 return; +1806 } +1807 +1808 if ( this.lastSelectedActor!==null && this.lastSelectedActor.isGestureEnabled() ) { +1809 this.lastSelectedActor.setRotation( rotation*Math.PI/180 + this.__gestureRotation ); +1810 +1811 this.lastSelectedActor.setScale( +1812 this.__gestureSX + scale, +1813 this.__gestureSY + scale ); +1814 } 1815 -1816 canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { -1817 e.preventDefault(); -1818 me.__mouseUpHandler(e); -1819 }, false ); -1820 -1821 canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { -1822 e.preventDefault(); -1823 me.__mouseDownHandler(e); -1824 }, false ); +1816 }, +1817 +1818 __gestureEnd : function( scale, rotation ) { +1819 this.gesturing= false; +1820 this.__gestureRotation= 0; +1821 this.__gestureScale= 0; +1822 }, +1823 +1824 addHandlers: function(canvas) { 1825 -1826 canvas.addEventListener('mouseover',function(e) { -1827 e.preventDefault(); -1828 me.__mouseOverHandler(e); -1829 }, false); -1830 -1831 canvas.addEventListener('mouseout',function(e) { -1832 e.preventDefault(); -1833 me.__mouseOutHandler(e); -1834 }, false); -1835 -1836 canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', -1837 function(e) { -1838 e.preventDefault(); -1839 me.__mouseMoveHandler(e); -1840 }, -1841 false); +1826 var me= this; +1827 +1828 canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { +1829 e.preventDefault(); +1830 me.__mouseUpHandler(e); +1831 }, false ); +1832 +1833 canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { +1834 e.preventDefault(); +1835 me.__mouseDownHandler(e); +1836 }, false ); +1837 +1838 canvas.addEventListener('mouseover',function(e) { +1839 e.preventDefault(); +1840 me.__mouseOverHandler(e); +1841 }, false); 1842 -1843 canvas.addEventListener("dblclick", function(e) { +1843 canvas.addEventListener('mouseout',function(e) { 1844 e.preventDefault(); -1845 me.__mouseDBLClickHandler(e); +1845 me.__mouseOutHandler(e); 1846 }, false); 1847 -1848 canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this.__touchStartHandler.bind(this), false); -1849 canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", this.__touchMoveHandler.bind(this), false); -1850 canvas.addEventListener("touchend", this.__touchEndHandler.bind(this), false); -1851 canvas.addEventListener("gesturestart", function(e) { -1852 e.preventDefault(); -1853 me.__gestureStart( e.scale, e.rotation ); -1854 }, false ); -1855 canvas.addEventListener("gestureend", function(e) { +1848 canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', +1849 function(e) { +1850 e.preventDefault(); +1851 me.__mouseMoveHandler(e); +1852 }, +1853 false); +1854 +1855 canvas.addEventListener("dblclick", function(e) { 1856 e.preventDefault(); -1857 me.__gestureEnd( e.scale, e.rotation ); -1858 }, false ); -1859 canvas.addEventListener("gesturechange", function(e) { -1860 e.preventDefault(); -1861 me.__gestureChange( e.scale, e.rotation ); -1862 }, false ); -1863 }, -1864 -1865 enableEvents : function( onElement ) { -1866 CAAT.RegisterDirector(this); -1867 this.in_ = false; -1868 this.createEventHandler( onElement ); -1869 }, -1870 -1871 createEventHandler : function( onElement ) { -1872 //var canvas= this.canvas; -1873 this.in_ = false; -1874 //this.addHandlers(canvas); -1875 this.addHandlers( onElement ); -1876 } -1877 }; -1878 -1879 -1880 if (CAAT.__CSS__) { -1881 -1882 CAAT.Director.prototype.clip= true; -1883 CAAT.Director.prototype.glEnabled= false; -1884 -1885 CAAT.Director.prototype.getRenderType= function() { -1886 return 'CSS'; -1887 }; -1888 -1889 CAAT.Director.prototype.setScaleProportional= function(w,h) { +1857 me.__mouseDBLClickHandler(e); +1858 }, false); +1859 +1860 canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", this.__touchStartHandler.bind(this), false); +1861 canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", this.__touchMoveHandler.bind(this), false); +1862 canvas.addEventListener("touchend", this.__touchEndHandler.bind(this), false); +1863 canvas.addEventListener("gesturestart", function(e) { +1864 e.preventDefault(); +1865 me.__gestureStart( e.scale, e.rotation ); +1866 }, false ); +1867 canvas.addEventListener("gestureend", function(e) { +1868 e.preventDefault(); +1869 me.__gestureEnd( e.scale, e.rotation ); +1870 }, false ); +1871 canvas.addEventListener("gesturechange", function(e) { +1872 e.preventDefault(); +1873 me.__gestureChange( e.scale, e.rotation ); +1874 }, false ); +1875 }, +1876 +1877 enableEvents : function( onElement ) { +1878 CAAT.RegisterDirector(this); +1879 this.in_ = false; +1880 this.createEventHandler( onElement ); +1881 }, +1882 +1883 createEventHandler : function( onElement ) { +1884 //var canvas= this.canvas; +1885 this.in_ = false; +1886 //this.addHandlers(canvas); +1887 this.addHandlers( onElement ); +1888 } +1889 }; 1890 -1891 var factor= Math.min(w/this.referenceWidth, h/this.referenceHeight); -1892 this.setScaleAnchored( factor, factor, 0, 0 ); +1891 +1892 if (CAAT.__CSS__) { 1893 -1894 ''+this.referenceWidth +'px'; -1895 ''+this.referenceHeight+'px'; -1896 }; -1897 -1898 CAAT.Director.prototype.setBounds= function(x, y, w, h) { -1899, x, y, w, h); -1900 for (var i = 0; i < this.scenes.length; i++) { -1901 this.scenes[i].setBounds(0, 0, w, h); -1902 } -1903 w+'px'; -1904 h+'px'; +1894 CAAT.Director.prototype.clip= true; +1895 CAAT.Director.prototype.glEnabled= false; +1896 +1897 CAAT.Director.prototype.getRenderType= function() { +1898 return 'CSS'; +1899 }; +1900 +1901 CAAT.Director.prototype.setScaleProportional= function(w,h) { +1902 +1903 var factor= Math.min(w/this.referenceWidth, h/this.referenceHeight); +1904 this.setScaleAnchored( factor, factor, 0, 0 ); 1905 -1906 return this; -1907 }; -1908 -1909 /** -1910 * In this DOM/CSS implementation, proxy is not taken into account since the event router is a top most -1911 * div in the document hierarchy (z-index 999999). -1912 * @param width -1913 * @param height -1914 * @param domElement -1915 * @param proxy -1916 */ -1917 CAAT.Director.prototype.initialize= function(width, height, domElement, proxy) { -1918 -1919 this.timeline = new Date().getTime(); -1920 this.domElement= domElement; -1921'position','absolute'); -1922'width',''+width+'px'); -1923'height',''+height+'px'); -1924'overflow', 'hidden' ); -1925 -1926 this.enableEvents(domElement); -1927 -1928 this.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); -1929 -1930 this.checkDebug(); -1931 return this; -1932 }; -1933 -1934 CAAT.Director.prototype.render= function(time) { -1935 -1936 this.time += time; -1937 this.animate(this,time); -1938 -1939 /** -1940 * draw director active scenes. -1941 */ -1942 var i, l, tt; -1943 -1944 if ( CAAT.DEBUG ) { -1945 this.resetStats(); -1946 } +1906 ''+this.referenceWidth +'px'; +1907 ''+this.referenceHeight+'px'; +1908 }; +1909 +1910 CAAT.Director.prototype.setBounds= function(x, y, w, h) { +1911, x, y, w, h); +1912 for (var i = 0; i < this.scenes.length; i++) { +1913 this.scenes[i].setBounds(0, 0, w, h); +1914 } +1915 w+'px'; +1916 h+'px'; +1917 +1918 return this; +1919 }; +1920 +1921 /** +1922 * In this DOM/CSS implementation, proxy is not taken into account since the event router is a top most +1923 * div in the document hierarchy (z-index 999999). +1924 * @param width +1925 * @param height +1926 * @param domElement +1927 * @param proxy +1928 */ +1929 CAAT.Director.prototype.initialize= function(width, height, domElement, proxy) { +1930 +1931 this.timeline = new Date().getTime(); +1932 this.domElement= domElement; +1933'position','absolute'); +1934'width',''+width+'px'); +1935'height',''+height+'px'); +1936'overflow', 'hidden' ); +1937 +1938 this.enableEvents(domElement); +1939 +1940 this.setBounds(0, 0, width, height); +1941 +1942 this.checkDebug(); +1943 return this; +1944 }; +1945 +1946 CAAT.Director.prototype.render= function(time) { 1947 -1948 for (i = 0, l=this.childrenList.length; i < l; i++) { -1949 var c= this.childrenList[i]; -1950 if (c.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)) { -1951 tt = c.time - c.start_time; -1952 if ( c.onRenderStart ) { -1953 c.onRenderStart(tt); -1954 } +1948 this.time += time; +1949 this.animate(this,time); +1950 +1951 /** +1952 * draw director active scenes. +1953 */ +1954 var i, l, tt; 1955 -1956 if ( c.onRenderEnd ) { -1957 c.onRenderEnd(tt); -1958 } +1956 if ( CAAT.DEBUG ) { +1957 this.resetStats(); +1958 } 1959 -1960 if (!c.isPaused()) { -1961 c.time += time; -1962 } -1963 -1964 if ( CAAT.DEBUG ) { -1965 this.statistics.size_total+= c.size_total; -1966 this.statistics.size_active+= c.size_active; -1967 } -1968 -1969 } -1970 } +1960 for (i = 0, l=this.childrenList.length; i < l; i++) { +1961 var c= this.childrenList[i]; +1962 if (c.isInAnimationFrame(this.time)) { +1963 tt = c.time - c.start_time; +1964 if ( c.onRenderStart ) { +1965 c.onRenderStart(tt); +1966 } +1967 +1968 if ( c.onRenderEnd ) { +1969 c.onRenderEnd(tt); +1970 } 1971 -1972 this.frameCounter++; -1973 }; -1974 -1975 CAAT.Director.prototype.addScene= function(scene) { -1976 scene.setVisible(true); -1977 scene.setBounds(0, 0, this.width, this.height); -1978 this.scenes.push(scene); -1979 scene.setEaseListener(this); -1980 if (null === this.currentScene) { -1981 this.setScene(0); +1972 if (!c.isPaused()) { +1973 c.time += time; +1974 } +1975 +1976 if ( CAAT.DEBUG ) { +1977 this.statistics.size_total+= c.size_total; +1978 this.statistics.size_active+= c.size_active; +1979 } +1980 +1981 } 1982 } 1983 -1984 this.domElement.appendChild( scene.domElement ); +1984 this.frameCounter++; 1985 }; 1986 -1987 CAAT.Director.prototype.emptyScenes= function() { -1988 this.scenes = []; -1989 this.domElement.innerHTML=''; -1990 this.createEventHandler(); -1991 }; -1992 -1993 CAAT.Director.prototype.setClear= function(clear) { -1994 return this; -1995 }; -1996 -1997 CAAT.Director.prototype.createEventHandler= function() { -1998 this.eventHandler= document.createElement('div'); -1999 this.domElement.appendChild(this.eventHandler); -2000 -2001 'absolute'; -2002 '0'; -2003 '0'; -2004 999999; -2005 ''+this.width+'px'; -2006 ''+this.height+'px'; -2007 -2008 var canvas= this.eventHandler; -2009 this.in_ = false; -2010 -2011 this.addHandlers(canvas); -2012 }; -2013 } -2014 -2015 extend(CAAT.Director, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); -2016 })(); \ No newline at end of file +1987 CAAT.Director.prototype.addScene= function(scene) { +1988 scene.setVisible(true); +1989 scene.setBounds(0, 0, this.width, this.height); +1990 this.scenes.push(scene); +1991 scene.setEaseListener(this); +1992 if (null === this.currentScene) { +1993 this.setScene(0); +1994 } +1995 +1996 this.domElement.appendChild( scene.domElement ); +1997 }; +1998 +1999 CAAT.Director.prototype.emptyScenes= function() { +2000 this.scenes = []; +2001 this.domElement.innerHTML=''; +2002 this.createEventHandler(); +2003 }; +2004 +2005 CAAT.Director.prototype.setClear= function(clear) { +2006 return this; +2007 }; +2008 +2009 CAAT.Director.prototype.createEventHandler= function() { +2010 this.eventHandler= document.createElement('div'); +2011 this.domElement.appendChild(this.eventHandler); +2012 +2013 'absolute'; +2014 '0'; +2015 '0'; +2016 999999; +2017 ''+this.width+'px'; +2018 ''+this.height+'px'; +2019 +2020 var canvas= this.eventHandler; +2021 this.in_ = false; +2022 +2023 this.addHandlers(canvas); +2024 }; +2025 } +2026 +2027 extend(CAAT.Director, CAAT.ActorContainer, null); +2028 })(); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/model/director.js b/src/model/director.js index d483d0f4..d3044870 100644 --- a/src/model/director.js +++ b/src/model/director.js @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ if ( this.dirtyRectsEnabled ) { ctx.beginPath(); - +ctx.rect(0,0,120,40); var dr= this.cDirtyRects; for( i=0; i