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C to D Transpiler Project

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Design and implementation of a transpiler to convert simple programs written using a subset of C language in an equivalent working program in D language.

🚀 About Me

I'm a computer science Master's Degree student and this is one of my university project. See my other projects here on GitHub!

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💻 The project

A Transpiler is a software, sometimes called “source-to-source compiler", which converts a high-level language to another high-level language.

To reach the goal of the creation of a working transpiler, a Lexer, a Parser and a Code Generator have been implemented using tools like Flex and Bison.

Also some good and bad test cases will be attached to show the possibilities and the limitations of the transpiler implemented for this project.

Transpiler description

Compilers are divided into different parts, that define the various compiling steps. In the figure below all the phases computed for this project are shown. So, from a program written in a subset of C language, we pass through a lexer to recognize all the language’s tokens, then with a parser the syntactic correctness is verified and with the help of a Symbol Table and an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) also the semantic correctness is verified. At the end through a code generation phase we create a new program in D language.


Lexical Analysis

The lexical analysis part has been done with the help of Flex, a scanner generator used to read in input all the characters of a simple C-like program, group them into lexemes and recognize all the tokens that make up the program and pass them to the parser to continue all the computations in the later stages. The implemented lexical analyzer is also able to recognize invalid inputs and report them to the user highlighting the line number where the error has occurred.

Our transpiler can recognize (and translate to D) this restriction of C language:

  • 3 different data types: int, float and char
  • Arithmetical and logical comparison operators: <, <=, >, >=, +, -, *, /, ==, !=, &&, ||
  • 1 branching instruction: if statement (and if-else statement)
  • 1 loop instruction: while statement
  • 2 I/O instructions: printf, scanf It can recognize all numbers from 0 to 9, also negatives, variable names (IDs) composed by every letter from “a” to “z” upper and lower case even with an underscore in front.

The implemented scanner can also recognize parenthesis and braces, commas and semicolons and even the file inclusion directive (#include), the reserved words main and return and the unary operators ++ and --

Here is shown an example of the output from the Lexical Analysis phase: lexical analysis

Syntax Analysis

The parser analyzes all the data (tokens) he receives in input from the scanner and it determines the correctness of the structure by using a grammar definition. The parser used in this project has been realized thanks to Bison, a parser generator written in C.

To have a better understanding of all the syntactical rules we have to implement in this project, all the rules have been written in a BNF (Backus-Naur Form) form (see BNF_parser.txt).

The Bison file (parser.y) is divided into three section: in the first section all the functions and constants used in this project have been defined together with all the #include directives necessary to run the program.

In the second section, the “Bison declaration section”, with the command %token, all the tokens returned by the scanner have been defined, with %start the starting rule from which start parsing the program has been declared, while with %union the token types have been specified. At the end of this section, a sequence of precedence rules have been defined with the %left and %right symbols to address some problems related to grammar rules ambiguities of the numerical expressions that have occurred during the implementation of this project.

The third section of the Bison file instead regards the implementation of all the grammar rules that our C-like language has to satisfy to be a syntactically true program. Every syntactic rule is associated with an action the parser have to follow every time a rule is recognized.

The last section of the Bison file contains additional C code instructions useful for the creation of the Abstract Syntax Tree and the writing of the output D code. The file finishes with the declaration of a main() function useful to start the parsing program by calling Bison’s yyparse() function. At the end there is the declaration of yyerror(), a function used to print the number of the line where some errors can occur.

Semantic Analysis

All the grammar rules written in Bison are followed by actions written in C that are executed every time a rule is matched. All the semantic actions contains pseudo-variables indicated with a $ symbol, and these actions have been used to build an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for all the C-like input programs passed in input to our transpiler.

Usually in this field, binary trees are used, but for this project, due to some problems related to the grammar rules design (e.g. the program rule, if_statement and assignment_statement), the resulting tree has the form of a ternary tree where every node has potentially three children.

In the figure below there are some examples of different ASTs produced for three types of assignment statements: image

Here is shown an example of a simple C-like program and its relative computed AST:

test3 in C ParseTree

Code generation

This is the last phase of our transpiler construction, consisting in the effective translation of the input C-like programs into the destination language, D. After the AST has been created, having in this way a view of the semantic meaning of all the statements encountered during the parsing phase, through the create_code() function, the D language translation is then print to console for every node of the AST.

C-like program in input: test3 in C

D-program in output: D_code

Start up guide

To run our transpiler giving in input a C program to have the respective D program in output, this are the steps to follow in Linux:

  • flex scanner.l
  • bison -d parser.y (for debugging purposes add: -v to produce the parser.output file, -t to enable Bison debugging mode)
  • gcc -o project.out -lfl (at the end add -DYYDEBUG to enable debug mode)

To run the transpiler:

  • ./project.out> test_cases/good_test_case_1.c

To run the transpiler and save the output in a D file:

  • ./project.out< test_cases/good_test_case_1.c > D_code_test_case1.d



For any support, error corrections, etc. please email me at [email protected]