diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index fe63988..51e0221 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
 ## [Unreleased]
+### Added
+- Added support for overriding field kwargs for autogenerated serializer fields via `out` mechanism ([#99](https://github.com/dabapps/django-readers/pull/99)).
 ## [2.2.0] - 2024-01-12
 ### Added
diff --git a/django_readers/rest_framework.py b/django_readers/rest_framework.py
index de1eb22..98f523b 100644
--- a/django_readers/rest_framework.py
+++ b/django_readers/rest_framework.py
@@ -9,6 +9,20 @@
 from rest_framework.utils import model_meta
+def add_annotation(obj, key, value):
+    obj._readers_annotation = getattr(obj, "_readers_annotation", None) or {}
+    obj._readers_annotation[key] = value
+def get_annotation(obj, key):
+    # Either the item itself or (if this is a pair) just the
+    # producer/projector function may have been decorated
+    if value := getattr(obj, "_readers_annotation", {}).get(key):
+        return value
+    if isinstance(obj, tuple):
+        return get_annotation(obj[1], key)
 class ProjectionSerializer:
     def __init__(self, data=None, many=False, context=None):
         self.many = many
@@ -77,46 +91,43 @@ def __init__(self, model, name):
     def _lowercase_with_underscores_to_capitalized_words(self, string):
         return "".join(part.title() for part in string.split("_"))
-    def _prepare_field(self, field):
+    def _prepare_field(self, field, kwargs=None):
         # We copy the field so its _creation_counter is correct and
         # it appears in the right order in the resulting serializer.
         # We also force it to be read_only
         field = deepcopy(field)
+        if kwargs:
+            field._kwargs.update(kwargs)
         field._kwargs["read_only"] = True
         return field
-    def _get_out_value(self, item):
-        # Either the item itself or (if this is a pair) just the
-        # producer/projector function may have been decorated
-        if hasattr(item, "out"):
-            return item.out
-        if isinstance(item, tuple) and hasattr(item[1], "out"):
-            return item[1].out
-        return None
     def visit_str(self, item):
         return self.visit_dict_item_str(item, item)
     def visit_dict_item_str(self, key, value):
         # This is a model field name. First, check if the
         # field has been explicitly overridden
-        if hasattr(value, "out"):
-            field = self._prepare_field(value.out)
-            self.fields[str(key)] = field
-            return key, field
-        # No explicit override, so we can use ModelSerializer
-        # machinery to figure out which field type to use
-        field_class, field_kwargs = self.field_builder.build_field(
-            value,
-            self.info,
-            self.model,
-            0,
-        )
-        if key != value:
-            field_kwargs["source"] = value
-        field_kwargs.setdefault("read_only", True)
-        self.fields[key] = field_class(**field_kwargs)
+        if out := get_annotation(value, "field"):
+            field = self._prepare_field(out, kwargs=get_annotation(value, "kwargs"))
+        else:
+            # No explicit override, so we can use ModelSerializer
+            # machinery to figure out which field type to use
+            field_class, field_kwargs = self.field_builder.build_field(
+                value,
+                self.info,
+                self.model,
+                0,
+            )
+            if key != value:
+                field_kwargs["source"] = value
+            field_kwargs.setdefault("read_only", True)
+            if kwargs := get_annotation(value, "kwargs"):
+                field_kwargs.update(kwargs)
+            field = field_class(**field_kwargs)
+        self.fields[str(key)] = field
         return key, value
     def _get_child_serializer_kwargs(self, rel_info):
@@ -173,24 +184,26 @@ def visit_dict_item_dict(self, key, value):
     def visit_dict_item_tuple(self, key, value):
         # This is a producer pair.
-        out = self._get_out_value(value)
+        out = get_annotation(value, "field")
+        kwargs = get_annotation(value, "kwargs") or {}
         if out:
-            field = self._prepare_field(out)
+            field = self._prepare_field(out, kwargs)
             self.fields[key] = field
             # Fallback case: we don't know what field type to use
-            self.fields[key] = serializers.ReadOnlyField()
+            self.fields[key] = serializers.ReadOnlyField(**kwargs)
         return key, value
     visit_dict_item_callable = visit_dict_item_tuple
     def visit_tuple(self, item):
         # This is a projector pair.
-        out = self._get_out_value(item)
+        out = get_annotation(item, "field")
+        kwargs = get_annotation(item, "kwargs") or {}
         if out:
             # `out` is a dictionary mapping field names to Fields
             for name, field in out.items():
-                field = self._prepare_field(field)
+                field = self._prepare_field(field, kwargs)
                 self.fields[name] = field
         # There is no fallback case because we have no way of knowing the shape
         # of the returned dictionary, so the schema will be unavoidably incorrect.
@@ -231,22 +244,28 @@ def serializer_class_for_view(view):
     return serializer_class_for_spec(name_prefix, model, view.spec)
-class PairWithOutAttribute(tuple):
-    out = None
+class PairWithAnnotation(tuple):
+    _readers_annotation = None
-class StringWithOutAttribute(str):
-    out = None
+class StringWithAnnotation(str):
+    _readers_annotation = None
-def out(field_or_dict):
-    if isinstance(field_or_dict, dict):
-        if not all(
-            isinstance(item, serializers.Field) for item in field_or_dict.values()
-        ):
-            raise TypeError("Each value must be an instance of Field")
-    elif not isinstance(field_or_dict, serializers.Field):
-        raise TypeError("Must be an instance of Field")
+def out(*args, **kwargs):
+    if args:
+        if len(args) != 1:
+            raise TypeError("Provide a single field or dictionary of fields")
+        field_or_dict = args[0]
+        if isinstance(field_or_dict, dict):
+            if not all(
+                isinstance(item, serializers.Field) for item in field_or_dict.values()
+            ):
+                raise TypeError("Each value must be an instance of Field")
+        elif not isinstance(field_or_dict, serializers.Field):
+            raise TypeError("Must be an instance of Field")
+    else:
+        field_or_dict = None
     class ShiftableDecorator:
         def __call__(self, item):
@@ -257,15 +276,18 @@ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                     result = item(*args, **kwargs)
                     return self(result)
-                wrapper.out = field_or_dict
+                add_annotation(wrapper, "field", field_or_dict)
+                add_annotation(wrapper, "kwargs", kwargs)
                 return wrapper
                 if isinstance(item, str):
-                    item = StringWithOutAttribute(item)
-                    item.out = field_or_dict
+                    item = StringWithAnnotation(item)
+                    add_annotation(item, "field", field_or_dict)
+                    add_annotation(item, "kwargs", kwargs)
                 if isinstance(item, tuple):
-                    item = PairWithOutAttribute(item)
-                    item.out = field_or_dict
+                    item = PairWithAnnotation(item)
+                    add_annotation(item, "field", field_or_dict)
+                    add_annotation(item, "kwargs", kwargs)
                 return item
         def __rrshift__(self, other):
diff --git a/docs/reference/rest-framework.md b/docs/reference/rest-framework.md
index 097a0af..e10289d 100644
--- a/docs/reference/rest-framework.md
+++ b/docs/reference/rest-framework.md
@@ -185,3 +185,17 @@ class SomeView(SpecMixin, RetrieveAPIView):
 This mechanism can also be used to override the output field type for an autogenerated field (a string).
+### Overriding default behaviour
+Rather than providing a serializer field instance to `out`, you can optionally provide keyword arguments that will be used when constructing the _default_ serializer field that would otherwise be generated by model field introspection. This is particularly useful when using the generated serializers to create a schema, because schema generation libraries often use `label` and `help_text` to add metadata to fields in the schema. For example:
+```python hl_lines="5"
+class SomeView(SpecMixin, RetrieveAPIView):
+    queryset = SomeModel.objects.all()
+    spec = [
+        ...,
+        "title" >> out(label="The title of the object")
+        ...,
+    ]
diff --git a/tests/test_rest_framework.py b/tests/test_rest_framework.py
index 546f43d..41c492d 100644
--- a/tests/test_rest_framework.py
+++ b/tests/test_rest_framework.py
@@ -416,6 +416,34 @@ def test_field_name_override(self):
         self.assertEqual(repr(cls()), expected)
+    def test_out_kwargs(self):
+        @out(serializers.CharField(), label="Hello label")
+        def produce_hello(_):
+            return "Hello"
+        hello = qs.noop, produce_hello
+        spec = [
+            "name" >> out(help_text="Help for name"),
+            {"aliased_name": "name" >> out(label="Label for aliased name")},
+            {"upper_name": out(help_text="Help for upper name")(upper_name)},
+            # This is a bit redundant (kwargs could just be passed to the field
+            # directly) but should still work.
+            {"hello": hello},
+        ]
+        cls = serializer_class_for_spec("Category", Category, spec)
+        expected = dedent(
+            """\
+            CategorySerializer():
+                name = CharField(help_text='Help for name', max_length=100, read_only=True)
+                aliased_name = CharField(label='Label for aliased name', max_length=100, read_only=True, source='name')
+                upper_name = ReadOnlyField(help_text='Help for upper name')
+                hello = CharField(label='Hello label', read_only=True)"""
+        )
+        self.assertEqual(repr(cls()), expected)
     def test_out_raises_with_field_class(self):
         with self.assertRaises(TypeError):