‼️ storefront/timezone => must be the same ? if not, "upcoming" will contain stuff releasing tomorrow !OR! if streamable OK- preorders :
"isComplete": false
- songs :
"attributes.previews": []
//"attributes.previews": [ { url: "..." } ]
- preorders :
- subscribe to multiple artists ======> if error, do not sub
- unsubscribe to multiple artists
- fetch multiple artists
- ? iTunes API version of fetching ?
- fetching artist's infos (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applemusicapi/get_a_catalog_artist)
- for albums: : https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/:storefront/artists/:id/:relationship?limit=100&sort=-releaseDate ({next?: string, data: [{id, type: "albums", href, attributes: {...}] )
- relationship: albums
- limit : <=100
- for albums: : https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/:storefront/artists/:id/:relationship?limit=20&sort=-releaseDate ({next?: string, data: [{id, type: "songs", href, attributes: {...}] )
- relationship: songs
- limit : <=20
- for albums: : https://api.music.apple.com/v1/catalog/:storefront/artists/:id/:relationship?limit=100&sort=-releaseDate ({next?: string, data: [{id, type: "albums", href, attributes: {...}] )
- get user's artists in his library (firstly back : send music token then fetch / then front : fetch artists then display the list ?)