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Native UI testing / automation with node.js
is a cross-platform native UI automation / testing tool.
It allows for native UI interactions via keyboard and / or mouse, but additionally gives you the possibility to navigate the screen based on image matching.
nut-tree/trailmix contains a set of ready to use examples which demo the usage ot nut.js.
In nut-tree/rfc documents regarding larger design / implementation changes in nut.js are up for discussion.
This list gives an overview on currently implemented and planned functionality. It's work in progress and will undergo constant modification.
- Copy text to clipboard
- Paste text from clipboard
- Support for standard US keyboard layout
- Support for German special characters
- Support for mouse movement
- Support for mouse scroll
- Configurable movement speed
- Mouse drag
- List all windows
- Retrieve active window
- Retrieve window title
- Retrieve window size and position
- findOnScreen
- waitFor
- Hooks to trigger actions based on images
- Highlighting screen regions
- Jest
- Electron
The following snippet shows a valid nut.js
example (on macOS)
"use strict";
const { keyboard, Key, mouse, left, right, up, down, screen } = require("@nut-tree/nut-js");
const square = async () => {
await mouse.move(right(500));
await mouse.move(down(500));
await mouse.move(left(500));
await mouse.move(up(500));
const openSpotlight = async () => {
await keyboard.pressKey(Key.LeftSuper);
await keyboard.pressKey(Key.Space);
await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.Space);
await keyboard.releaseKey(Key.LeftSuper);
describe("Basic test", () => {
it("Should run a simple test", async () => {
await square();
await openSpotlight();
await keyboard.type("calculator");
await keyboard.type(Key.Return);
comes with a pre-built version of OpenCV for your respective target platform.
In order to use these pre-compiled bindings, certain runtime conditions have to be met.
This section lists runtime requirements for nut.js
on the respective target platform.
is built and tested against node 10 and later as well as Electron 4 and later, so in order to use nut.js
please make sure to use one of these versions.
In order to install nut.js
on Windows, please make sure to have the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed.
On macOS, Xcode command line tools are required. You can install them by running
xcode-select --install
In case you're experiencing problems like your mouse not moving or your keyboard not typing, please make sure to give the process you're executing your tests with accessibility permissions.
If an application wants to use accessibility features, a permission pop-up should be shown. If not, you could try to manually add the application you're running the script from.
Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility -> Add...
Depending on your distribution, Linux setups may differ.
In general, nut.js
- libXtst
Installation on *buntu
sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev
Setups on other distributions might differ.
npm i @nut-tree/nut-js
yarn add @nut-tree/nut-js
will install nut.js
and its required dependencies.
also provides snapshot releases which allows to test upcoming features.
npm i @nut-tree/nut-js@next
yarn add @nut-tree/nut-js@next
will install the most recent development release of nut.js
Attention: While snapshot releases are great to work with upcoming features before a new stable release, it is still a snapshot release. Please bear in mind that things might change and / or break on snapshot releases, so it is not recommended using them in production.
in combination with Electron requires bindings built for use with Electron.
does provide such bindings and e.g. electron-rebuild makes installation a breeze.
Besides installing nut.js
npm i @nut-tree/nut-js
yarn add @nut-tree/nut-js
we also install electron-rebuild
as a devDependency
npm i -D electron-rebuild
yarn add -D electron-rebuild
Next, we add a rebuild
script to our package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "electron app.js",
"rebuild": "electron-rebuild"
Now all we have to do is run npm run rebuild
and electron-rebuild
will fetch the appropriate bindings for our Electron version.
Currently nut.js
provides bindings for all ABI version to work with Electron v4.x up to 8.x
As a fallback, nut.js
is able to build all required dependencies by itself.
To do so, some setup is required on the respective target platform.
In order to install nut.js
on Windows, Windows Build Tools and Python 2 are required.
You can either set them up manually, or install them via npm:
npm install --global windows-build-tools
yarn global add windows-build-tools
On macOS, Xcode command line tools are required. You can install them by running
xcode-select --install
Depending on your distribution, Linux setups may differ.
In general, nut.js
- Python 2
- g++
- make
- libXtst
- libPng
Installation on *buntu
sudo apt-get install build-essential python libxtst-dev libpng++-dev
Setups on other distributions might differ.
For reference, please see: