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6af0bbb · Mar 2, 2024


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File metadata and controls

651 lines (487 loc) · 26.4 KB

Bar definition

It is possible to define multiple bars (usually you use this to define one per output). A bar is defined as follows:

name = "DP-1"
size = 40
side = "top"
left = ["clock", "mode"]
right = "dp-right"
Key Value Expanded Default
name The output name (connector) for this bar. No Display on all outputs matching make, model, and description.
make A regex that must match the make of the monitor No Display on all monitors
model A regex that must match the model of the monitor No Display on all monitors
description A regex that must match the description of the monitor No Display on all monitors
size The size of the bar in pixels No 20
size-exclusive Number of pixels to reserve for the bar No (size)
size-clickable Number of pixels of the bar that are clickable No (size-exclusive)
side top or bottom No bottom
layer top, bottom, or overlay No top
sparse-clicks true if clicks should only be captured where active No true
left Block or list of blocks No None
center Block or list of blocks No None
right Block or list of blocks No None
tooltips Formatting for tooltips No { bg = "black", fg = "white", padding = "2" }

You can view the name/make/model/description for your monitors by running RUST_LOG=info rwaybar; they are also displayed by default if the configuration does not produce any matching bars.

Note: the bar configuration may also include formatting rules and other arbitrary text values accessible in text expansions.

If you don't like dedicating an entire edge of the screen to the bar, you can set size-exclusive to 0 to have the bar display over other windows; in combination with sparse-clicks, transparent backgrounds, and careful positioning of any visible or clickable items, this can avoid wasting screen space for the bar but still have some information be visible, drawn over other windows or unused parts of the desktop surface (for example, the top-right of a fullscreen window title-bar).

Common attributes

With a few exceptions where it is inferred, every block in the configuration requires a type field declaring which module provides the contents of the block.

Text Expansion

Most values accept text expansion using {block-name.key:format} similar to python f"" or rust format! strings. The :format part is optional; if present, it allows formatting the string (adding padding, restricting width, etc). The block-name part is mandatory and defines which block (as defined in your configuration) to consult for the item. The .key part is optional and allows modules to provide multiple values; see the module-specific documentation for details.

A text expansion using {=formula:format} is evaluated as a mathematical expression in the same way as the eval block. The values of any named block will be made available to the expression (it is not possible to specify a key or use a block with a hyphen, but see the get function). Note that it is not possible to use a : character in the expression, regardless of escaping or quoting; use an eval block if this is a problem.


Any block may contain one or more of the following keys, which influence the display of the item. While the names were chosen to be similar to CSS when possible, not all features of the corresponding CSS property are present.

All formatting values are subject to text expansion.

Key Value Details
align north, south, east, west, center Simple alignment of the item. See the halign and valign properties for more control.
bg red or #ff0000 Background color (without transparency)
bg-alpha 0.2 (20% opaque) Background opacity
border 1 2 3 4 (pixels) Border width for the top, right, bottom, and left sides. Like CSS, you can omit some of the values if they are the same.
border-alpha 0.7 (70% opaque) Border opacity
border-color red or #ff0000 Border color (without transparency)
fg red or #ff0000 Foreground color (without transparency)
fg-alpha 0.7 (70% opaque) Foreground opacity
font A font name and size
halign 20% Horizontal alignment (only used when min-width is present)
margin 1 2 3 4 (pixels) Margin width for the top, right, bottom, and left sides. Like CSS, you can omit some of the values if they are the same.
max-width 30% or 40 (pixels) Minimum width for this block. If the contents are larger, they will be cropped.
min-width 30% or 40 (pixels) Minimum width for this block. If the contents are smaller, blank space is added and the contents are positioned according to halign
padding 1 2 3 4 (pixels) Padding width for the top, right, bottom, and left sides. Like CSS, you can omit some of the values if they are the same.
text-outline red or #ff0000 Color for text outline
text-outline-alpha 0.5 Opacity of the outline
text-outline-width 2.0 Width of the outline (in pixels)
valign 20% Vertical alignment (of text)


Any block may contain one of the following keys that define actions to take when the block is clicked.

Key Details
on-click Left button or tap
on-click-left Left button
on-click-right Right button
on-click-backward May also be known as "side"
on-click-forward May also be known as "extra"
on-tap For touchscreens
on-vscroll A combination of up and down
on-hscroll A combination of left and right
on-scroll A scroll in any of the 4 directions

Actions can either be a direct program execution, for example:

on-click = { exec = "firefox" }

Or it can be used to write a value to an existing block, for modules that support this:

on-click = { send = "mpris-block", msg = "PlayPause" }

Either msg or format are valid; both are text-expanded before sending to the module.

If the bar-level setting sparse-clicks is true, then any element without a tooltip or an on-click handler will be transparent to clicks and touches.

Text Module

Any module that does not declare otherwise is displayed as text, controlled by the following keys:

Key Expanded Value Details
markup No true/false True if the value contains HTML-style markup
oneline No true/false True if the value should have newlines stripped

The actual text displayed is {modulename.text} with a tooltip of {modulename.tooltip}.


The fonts used to render text must currently be defined by declaring a name and filename in the [fonts] section. You can find the font filenames used for specific named fonts by using the following command:

fc-list -f '%{family}: %{file}\n'|sort

If a given font does not contain glyphs for a given character, other fonts are tried in the order they are listed. This configuration may be used to select particular fonts for emojis or other special characters.



The current month's calendar. This always shows 6 weeks, so some days of the prior and next months are also visible.

The default formatting values assume you have specified markup = true and are using a monospace font.

Key Expanded Default Details
timezone Yes Time zone to use for calendar (blank uses the system local time zone)
start No Sunday This can be set to "Monday" to start weeks on Monday.
day-format No %e Format for days of the current month that are not today.
today-format No <span color='green'><b>%e</b></span> Format for the current day.
other-format No <span color='gray'>%e</span> Format for days of the prior and next months.
before No - If set to an integer, display that many weeks before today instead of this month.
after No before If before is set, this controls how many weeks after today to display.


Key Expanded Default Details
seat No unset Wayland seat name to watch; if unset, watches all seats
selection No false Use the "primary selection" instead of the clipboard
mime_types No * A list of preferred MIME types for clipboard contents

If mime_types is unset, it defaults to ["text/plain;charset=utf-8", "text/plain", "UTF8_STRING", "STRING", "TEXT"]


Key Expanded Default Details
format Yes %H:%M Time format using the strftime inspired date and time formatting syntax
timezone Yes Time zone to display (blank uses the system local time zone)


Invokes an arbitrary dbus method to get data


Key Expanded Default Details
owner No -- A dbus destination for the method call
path No -- A dbus object path on which to invoke the method or inspect the property
method No -- A dbus method (interface.member) to invoke (exclusive with property)
property No -- A dbus property (interface.member) to inspect (exclusive with method)
args No [] Arguments to the method. Only strings and floats are currently supported.
poll No 0 Number of seconds to wait between calls, or 0 to disable polling
watch-method No -- A dbus signal (interface.member) to watch for updates
watch-path No -- A dbus object path to which the signal must be attached

If watch-method is set, any broadcast of the named signal will cause the method to be re-invoked (or the property queried) to refresh the result. Otherwise, the method is only called according to the period defined by poll.

Available Keys

The first return value of the method (or value of the property) is returned if a non-numeric key is used.

The key may be a zero-index numeric path separated by . to address the list of return values and the members of returned structs.



Key Expanded Default Details
path No -- Path to the disk
poll No 60 Number of seconds to wait between reads

Available Keys

Key Value
size Size in bytes
free Free space in bytes (including reserved space)
avail Available space in bytes (not including reserved space)
percent-used The percentage of disk space that is used

You may suffix any of the byte sizes with mb, gb, or tb to get the sizes as numbers using the SI definitions, or mib, gib, tib to get the power-of-two versions. You probably want to use a format like {disk.size-gib:.1} to avoid excessive precision in the output.


Key Expanded Default Details
expr No -- Expression to evaluate
* Yes -- Variables usable in the expression

Evaluates the given expression. Basic math and logic operators are supported, but not variable assignment, conditionals, looping, or recursion. Variables referenced in this expression refer to the expanded value of other keys in this block. See [] for a list of available functions, in addition to:

Function Argument Description
float Any Convert the value to a number
int Any Convert the value to an integer
get String Read a value from a named block, for example get("disk.percent-used")


Key Expanded Default Details
command No -- Shell command to execute

The output of the shell command should be a stream of JSON values, one per line. The text expansion of this module will consult the most recent command output for a matching key and return its value.

The command will not be restarted if it exits; use a wrapper script that calls it in a loop if you want to do this.


This module allows combining two items to show a fraction of each. For example, if the two items are "empty battery" and "full battery" icons, this would show a part-full battery icon whose fullness is determined by the value.

It is possible to use more than two items - for example, a temperature meter might have (empty, full, red), and depending on the temperature, might display as half-full or half-full/half-red.

Because it is likely that vaules need to be scaled or offset for this module, it is possible to use expr as in the eval block type instead of setting the value key directly.

If the two items being displayed are different sizes, the size of the first of the two items is used to crop the second.

Key Expanded Default Details
items N/A A list of items
dir No left Which direction does the dividing line move when increasing the value? Valid values are left, right, up, down.
value Yes A fraction between 0 and N - 1 determining which items to display
expr No An expression (as in the expr module) evaluating to the value (used if value is not set)
tooltip Yes "" The tooltip to display when hovering over the text


Key Expanded Default Details
source No -- A module name that exposes a list of values
item N/A A block (or block name) to display for each item in the list
focused-item N/A Same as item A block to display for items marked as "focused" in the list

When inside a focus-list block, the item block refers to the current item (so {item.title} would refer to the title key).


This expands to a table of glyphs in the current font. Best used as a tooltip, as seen in the example config.

Before each character is the HTML entity that will produce the character when passed in a block with markup = true. This is wlll be something like #84 (written fully as "&#84;est" for displaying Test). If the output is @1234, then there is no unicode character that results in this glyph being output; you can use &@1234; to display it anyway. This is generally due to the glyph being used to render some multi-code-point entity.


Note: The type = formatted key is optional for this module as long as you specify the format.

Key Expanded Default Details
format Yes -- The string to display
tooltip Yes "" The tooltip to display when hovering over the text


Key Expanded Value Details
condition Yes empty or non-empty If this value is set but empty, the group will not be displayed
spacing Yes number of pixels Spacing between each item in the group. May be negative.


Key Expanded Default Details
name Yes -- The name of an icon to display
fallback Yes -- The string to display if no icon is found
tooltip Yes "" The tooltip to display when hovering over the icon

Icon names can either be a full path to a PNG or SVG image, or a name stem that is searched for in the XDG pixmap and icons directories (usually under ~/.local/share/ and /usr/share/). They will be scaled to the height of the available space.


An item whose value can be selected from a list by actions. This can be used to allow fast switching of things like the timezone for a clock.

Key Expanded Default Details
default No 1 The initial item selected (1 = first).
values No -- A list of values to select from
wrap No true Do adjustments on the list wrap around?


An action should be applied to the item that actually displays the value being adjusted by this item, referring to the list object by name. The message can be +, -, +N, -N, or =N.

For example

on-click = { send = "name-of-the-list-block", msg = "+1" }

Setting wrap = false is best paired with a scroll action:

on-scroll-up = { send = "name-of-the-list-block", msg = "+" }
on-scroll-down = { send = "name-of-the-list-block", msg = "-" }


Key Expanded Default Details
src Yes -- Source value (must expand to a floating-point number for a working meter)
min Yes 0 Minimum value for the "valid" range of the meter
max Yes 100 Maximum value for the "valid" range of the meter
values Yes -- List of format values, such as ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
below Yes (first value) Format to use when the value is below min
above Yes (last value) Format to use when the value is above max



Key Expanded Default Details
name No "" Name of the default player for this item; if empty, the first "playing" player will be used.


All string (and string list) values defined by the mpris metadata spec are available, in addition to length which is the track length in seconds, and which is the mpris endpoint name (which may be something like firefox.instance1234567).


For all actions, the target of the action is either the player specified in the block or the first "playing" player.

Next | Previous | Pause | PlayPause | Stop | Play | Raise | Quit


Note: while pipewire supports more than audio, most applications that stream video still open the camera device directly, bypassing pipewire.

When used as a normal item

Key Expanded Default Details
target No "" A device name ( in pw-dump, or the name below).


Key Sample Details
active 1 boolean; 1 means something is playing or recording
device Built-in Audio A human-readable description of the device
mute 0 boolean; 1 means muted
name alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1f.3 The name of the device and route (usable in target declarations)
route HDMI 2 A human-readable description of the route (part of the device)
text 80% Textual representation of the volume
tooltip A verbose description of the volume, route, and a list of clients and volumes.
volume 80.41828 Volume as a decimal percentage

When used as a focus-list source

The target key must be one of the following values for use as focus-list:

Value Listed items
inputs or sources Source devices (microphones)
outputs or sinks Sink devices (speakers)
all All devices

Items of the focus-list have the same values as listed above.


This requires the pulse feature to be enabled.

When used as a normal item

Key Expanded Default Details
target No "sink" Either sink: or source: followed by the name of the particular sink. Names can be obtained from pactl list and look like alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.


Key Details
mute 0 or 1 where 1 means muted
volume Textual representation of the volume like "80%"
tooltip A verbose description of the volume, port, and a list of clients and volumes that are connected to the port
type The type of device connected, for example Speaker, HDMI, Line, Phone, Mic, ...

When used as a focus-list source

The target key must be one of the following values for use as focus-list:

Value Listed items
sources Sources (microphones) but not monitors
sinks All sinks (speakers)
monitors Monitor sources (for recording sound your system makes)
all-sources All sources including monitors
all All sources, sinks, and monitors


Key Expanded Default Details
text Yes -- The text to run the regular expression against
regex No -- The regular expression (syntax details)
replace No* -- A replacement string for all matches of the regular expression. $1, ${1}, or $name refer to capture groups.

This block's value is either the replaced string (when called with a blank key) or the group identified by the key.


Key Expanded Default Details
file No -- File name to read
path Wildcards -- File name to read, with wildcard * expansion
poll No 60 Number of seconds to wait between reads

Note: this is intended for reading files like /proc/loadavg where there is no mechanism to watch for changes to the file.


Expands to the current keybinding mode in sway


Key Type Default Details
pre-workspace Block -- Block shown before displaying the contents of a workspace. {} and {item.output} are available.
pre-node Block -- Block shown before displaying a container. See below for item contents.
window Block -- Block shown for every window in a container. See below for item contents.
post-node Block -- Block shown after displaying a container. See below for item contents.
pre-floats Block -- Block shown bewtween the tiled and floating containers on a workspace if there are floating windows.
pre-float Block -- Block shown before displaying a floating container.
post-float Block -- Block shown after displaying a floating container.
post-workspace Block -- Block shown after displaying the contents of a workspace. {} and {item.output} are available.
output String -- If non-empty, only show workspaces on the given output. Set to {} for the current output (this works even if you didn't set a name in [[bar]])
workspace String -- If non-empty, only show the workspace with the given name. This could be used to restrict to the focused workspace or to nest in a focus-list of workspaces.

Within a node (either a container or a window), the following item keys are available:

Key Value Details
id 23 The unique ID for the container (con_id in sway criteria)
marks "1" The list of marks on the container, if any
focus 0 or 1 1 if the window has focus.
appid firefox The app_id or Class (for Xwayland) of the window (windows only)
icon firefox The icon name associated with the window (if known)
title The window title (windows only)
layout H The layout of the container. Will be one of H, V, T, or S.

Actions on a node directed at the current item may specify a sway command, which will be prefixed with a [con_id] criteria and executed. For example:

type = 'sway-tree'

format = "{item.layout}["

type = 'icon'
name = '{item.icon}'
fallback = '({item.appid})'
tooltip = '{item.title}'
on-click = { send = "item", format = "focus" }
on-click-backward = { send = "item", format = "kill" }
on-scroll-right = { send = "item", format = "move right" }
on-scroll-left = { send = "item", format = "move left" }

format = "]"


The currently selected workspace

This module is valid as a target for format-list; when used there, it shows all available workspaces.

Key Expanded Default Details
output Yes -- If non-empty, only show workspaces on the given output. Set to {} for the current output (this works even if you didn't set a name in [[bar]])


Key Expanded Default Details
format Yes -- Value to match against the possible cases
default Yes "" Value to expand if no case matches
cases Yes* -- Table of strings

The switch block first expands the format value, then matches the resulting string against the table of keys listed in cases. If a match is found, the resulting value is then expanded and used as the result of the module.

type = 'switch'
format = '{mic-r.mute}'
default = "<span color='#ff8888'></span>"
cases = { 0 = "<span color='#88ff88'></span>", 1 = "" }

If you have more cases, you might prefer the alternate syntax for tables:

type = 'switch'
format = '{mic-r.mute}'
default = "<span color='#ff8888'></span>"

0 = "<span color='#88ff88'></span>"
1 = ""


Key Expanded Default Details
name No -- Name of the sensor
file No -- File name for the sensor, such as /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon3/temp9_input
path Wildcards -- File name for the sensor, such as /sys/block/nvme0n1/device/hwmon*/temp1_input
poll No 60 Number of seconds to wait between reads

This returns the temperature as reported by the kernel (in degrees celsius).

Only one of name, file, or path needs to be specified.

The path entry will have an contained * characters expanded similar to shell wildcard expansion. This allows using paths that do not change depending on the kernel version and/or the order the kernel discovers devices.

See the meter block to convert the number to a visual representation.


The tray contains up to three sub-blocks (like focus-list). The item block is used by default, and if not present, defaults to the icon. Icons that have marked themselves as "NeedsAttention" use the urgent block if present but are otherwise shown as normal. Icons that are marked as "Passive" are hidden by default, but are displayed if a passive block is present.

Item values

Key Value
icon The path or name of the icon, suitable for passing to an icon block as name
id The ID of this icon, which is suitable to identify specific icons in a switch block
title The title of the item, shown in the menu/tooltip
status The status string for this item (Passive, Active, or NeedsAttention)
tooltip The tooltip set by this item, if any


Note: The type = value key is optional for this module as long as you specify the value.

Key Expanded Default Details
value No "" A string value that can be changed by actions

The value module accepts value sent to it by actions, which you can use to have some blocks control the contents of others.