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File metadata and controls

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The RandomUtil module, accessible as an NPM package in both amd and commonjs configurations, expedites the prototyping of web interfaces. It adeptly fills DOM elements with a variety of random content. The module's versatility extends to numerous data types, encompassing text (encompassing titles, tags, and excerpts), images, tailored dates, and SVG-crafted avatars.

CodePen Demo

API Documentation

To initiate, install RandomUtil using NPM:

npm i @danielhaim/randomutil

Module Example

import RandomUtil from "@danielhaim/randomutil";

const randomContentManager = new RandomUtil.RandomContentManager(1);
const randomUtilController = new RandomUtil.RandomUtilController();

// Content Generation

// Date & Time Generation

// Register API: [Unsplash API](
// Alternatively, you can use the `.env` file.

const imageCount = document.querySelectorAll("[data-random='img']").length;

// Image Generation
  count: imageCount,
  query: "nature",
  orientation: "portrait",

// Avatar Generation
  options: { 
    variant: "default" // Options: ['pixel', 'abstract', 'smile']

Browser Example

<script src="./path/to/dist/randomutil.amd.js"></script>
const randomContent = new window.RandomUtil.RandomContentManager(1);
const randomController = new window.RandomUtil.RandomUtilController();
// ...


  1. The RandomContentManager() manages content distribution from a set of five arrays, while RandomUtil.Controller() handles the distribution of this content. Each array focuses on distinct themes
    1. Array 1: Wildlife preservation and conservation content.
    2. Array 2: Global explorations and adventures.
    3. Array 3: Technology and innovation topics.
    4. Array 4: Fashion and beauty-related content.
    5. Array 5: Creative and advertising materials.
// Initialize a RandomContentManager for Array 3 (Technology and Innovation)
const randomContent = new RandomContentManager(3);

// Initialize RandomUtil.Controller for content distribution
const randomController = new RandomUtil.Controller();

// Generate and populate elements with content:
randomController.generateTag(randomContentManager.tags); // For `[data-random="tag"]` elements
randomController.generateTitle(randomContentManager.titles); // For `[data-random="title"]` elements
randomController.generateExcerpt(randomContentManager.excerpts); // For `[data-random="excerpt"]` elements


The RandomUtil.Controller() is in charge of content distribution and offers several methods to target specific DOM elements:

Method Target Element Output
randomTitles(titles) [data-random="title"] Randomly selects and populates title elements.
randomTags(tags) [data-random="tag"] Assigns random tags to elements.
randomExcerpts(excerpts) [data-random="excerpt"] Fills elements with random excerpts.
randomReadTime(text = 'min read') [data-random="read-time"] Generates read time content (e.g., "8 min read").
randomDate(format) [data-random="date"] Provides random dates in the specified format (default: M j, Y, e.g., Dec 21, 2019).
randomDate [data-random-date="l, F jS, Y"] Custom date format support (e.g., "Saturday, December 21st, 2019").
randomColors({ options }) [data-random="color"] Adds custom CSS variables with hex, rgb.
randomImages({ count, query, orientation, accessKey }) [data-random="img"] Fetches random images (requires Unsplash API Key).
randomImages({}) [data-random-img="person, face"] Advanced image querying for specific elements.
randomAvatar({ avatarOptions }) [data-random="avatar"] Provides random avatars with options like 'pixel', 'smile', or 'abstract'.
randomAvatar({ avatarOptions }) [data-random-avatar="pixel"] More advanced avatar customization.
// Initialize a RandomContentManager for Array 1 (Wildlife preservation and conservation content)
const randomContent = new RandomContentManager(1);

// Initialize RandomUtil.Controller for content distribution
const randomController = new RandomUtil.Controller();
randomController.randomTag(randomContent.randomTags); // For `[data-random="tag"]` elements
randomController.randomTitle(randomContent.randomTitles); // For `[data-random="title"]` elements
randomController.randomExcerpt(randomContent.randomExcerpts); // For `[data-random="excerpt"]` elements
randomController.randomReadTime(); // For `[data-random="time"]` elements

randomController.randomDate("Y/m/d"); // For `[data-random="date"]` or `[data-random-date]` elements

// For `[data-random="img"]` and `[data-random-img]` elements
const randomImageCount = document.querySelectorAll("[data-random='img']").length;
    count: randomImageCount, // for caching the API
    query: "nature",
    orientation: "portrait",

// For `[data-random="avatar"]` and `[data-random-avatar]` elements
    avatarOptions: { 
      colors: ["#FF5733", "#33FF57", "#5733FF"], // Optional color set
      variant: "default"

randomColor({ options });

Dynamically apply a random color to elements specified by the [data-random="color"] attribute. It allows for selecting colors from a predefined palette or a custom set of colors, further offering the ability to customize the CSS variable names used for the RGB and hex color values.

const randomController = new RandomUtil.Controller();

// Default usage with predefined palette

// Using a custom set of colors
    customColors: [

// Customizing the CSS variable names
    varName: 'primary', // Prefix for the CSS variables (--primary-rgb, --primary-hex)
    customColors: [


The randomDate() method is designed to populate elements with [data-random="date"] and [data-random-date=""] attributes. Utilizing the [data-random-date] attribute, you gain access to more specific date formats, such as l, F jS, Y, which results in a formatted date like "Saturday, December 21st, 2019." This flexibility allows you to tailor the date presentation to your specific needs.

Category Format Description Example
Day of Month
d Numeric, with leading zeros 01–31 01–31
j Numeric, without leading zeros 1–31 1–31
S The English suffix for the day of the month st, nd or th in the 1st, 2nd or 15th st, nd or th in the 1st, 2nd or 15th
l Full name (lowercase ‘L’) Sunday – Saturday Sunday – Saturday
D Three letter name Mon – Sun Mon – Sun
m Numeric, with leading zeros 01–12 01–12
n Numeric, without leading zeros 1–12 1–12
F Textual full January – December January – December
M Textual three letters Jan – Dec Jan – Dec
Y Numeric, 4 digits Eg., 1999, 2003 Eg., 1999, 2003
y Numeric, 2 digits Eg., 99, 03 Eg., 99, 03
a Lowercase am, pm am, pm
A Uppercase AM, PM AM, PM
g Hour, 12-hour, without leading zeros 1–12 1–12
h Hour, 12-hour, with leading zeros 01–12 01–12
G Hour, 24-hour, without leading zeros 0-23 0-23
H Hour, 24-hour, with leading zeros 00-23 00-23
i Minutes, with leading zeros 00-59 00-59
s Seconds, with leading zeros 00-59 00-59
T Timezone abbreviation Eg., EST, MDT … Eg., EST, MDT …
Full Date/Time
c ISO 8601 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
r RFC 2822 Thu, 21 Dec Thu, 21 Dec
U Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) 1577836800 1577836800
M jS, Y Custom Dec 21st, 2019 Dec 21st, 2019
l, F jS, Y Custom Saturday, December 21st, 2019 Saturday, December 21st, 2019
// Initialize RandomUtil.Controller for content distribution
const randomController = new RandomUtil.Controller();
<!-- Input -->
<span data-random="date"></span>
<span data-random-date="M jS, Y"></span>

<!-- Output -->
<span>Dec 21st, 2019</span>


This method allows you to fetch images from the Unsplash API. To get started, you can register an Unsplash Application and grab your access key here.

  1. The randomImages({ count, query, orientation, accessKey }) constructor:
  2. count (Optional): Number of images to fetch. Default is 12.
  3. query (Optional): The category of images. Default is "nature".
  4. orientation (Optional): The orientation of the images. Default is "landscape".
  5. accessKey (Optional): Your Unsplash API key. If not provided, it will default to process.env.UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY.
const UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY = 'your-api-key';

const randomController = new RandomUtil.Controller();
const randomImageCount = document.querySelectorAll("[data-random='img']").length;

    count: randomImageCount, // for caching the API
    query: "nature",
    orientation: "portrait",
<img data-random="img" />
<img data-random="img" data-random-img="person, face" />
<img data-random="img" data-random-img="school bus" />


The randomAvatar method offers the functionality to create diverse and customizable avatars. This implementation draws inspiration from a modified version of Boring Avatars in vanilla JavaScript.

const randomController = new RandomUtil.Controller();

    avatarOptions: { 
      colors: ["#FF5733", "#33FF57", "#5733FF"],
      variant: "default" // ["smile", "pixel", "abstract"]


This software is released under the MIT License

Report Issues or Request a Feature

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to report them. Your feedback is invaluable in enhancing this software.

Folder Structure

Here's an overview of the project's folder structure:

├── .env
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── .nvmrc
├── __test__
│   └── randomutil.amd.test.js
├── babel.config.js
├── demo
│   ├── demo.css
│   ├── demo.js
│   └── index.html
├── dist
│   ├── randomutil.amd.js
│   └── randomutil.module.js
├── index.js
├── jest.config.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── sets
│   └── palette.json
├── src
│   ├── index.js
│   ├── util.avatar.js
│   ├── util.content.js
│   ├──
│   └── util.image.js
└── webpack.config.js