- Products crud page (106a0812)
- A new Component: SupplierSelection (c4f72e99)
- A new component: CategorySelection (c7b5814f)
- List Products (9ebffa97)
- New item: Products (43498114)
- Supplier name on selection (1280ae6d)
- Title of Home and About pages shows correctly (eabee78c)
- Delete category (ec56aaf4)
- changelog v0.0.1 duplicated (6d434c42)
- demo url (2dcb255b)
- README initial update (573b5ff7)
- Adds changelog to project (f8255b95)
- save category (f27db033)
- Show category modal (df8b6c95)
- categories with action buttons (d6d730d5)
- now v2 implementation (331e5f59)
- emojis 🎉 (64ccf5de)
- categories list table (070fd213)
- changelog command (0dd2f675)
- include externals bundle dependencies (f554a607)
- change loader to webpack (89ba1502)
- github href link (17cc808a)
- github url (33435b36)
- README (42949702)
- Create a new category (45f366f4)
- Displays a loding state on save category (ff0a788d)
- card has a new parameter: title (ddbc4d33)
- app name (0020c563)