This plugin allows you to customize join message with player head in it, also supports PlaceholderAPI.
- Hex & Color codes support.
- Format for hex
- Format for minecraft color code
- Format for hex
- Only display at join for premium users.
- Discord hook integration.
- Custom join sound.
- Place margin top & bottom at messages.
- Commands at join
- Now with quit message
- PlaceholderAPI
- Recommend installing
for use default hook message
- Recommend installing
This is the config.yml
file where you can customize the plugin.
error_permission_message: "&fYou don't have enough permissions."
# Keep empty for all the worlds in the server (especial when using networks)
world: ""
# You can put a 8px by 8px image to render to users at join message.
custom_image: false
custom_image_url: ""
# Display the player head
player_head: true
# If you want the head display you need to keep 8 rows at message.
- ""
- "&fWelcome &c%player_name% &fto the server!"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
# Default message is use when player_head is disabled.
default_message: "&8[&2+&8] &f%player_name%"
# Command to execute at join
# Support PlaceholderAPI
- "console;give %player_name% stick 1"
# Set a margin at the top and bottom of the message.
margin: true
# For no sound just let it without text.
# Also, the sound must be in UpperCase.
# Keep empty for all the worlds in the server (especial when using networks)
world: ""
# Set a margin at the top and bottom of the message.
margin: true
# Message when player left the server.
default_message: "&8[&c-&8] &f%player_name%"
# Discord hook also support PlaceholderAPI so you can use %player_name% or other.
enable: false
discord_hook_url: ""
To enable the hook for discord you need to change the following code at config.
enable: true
discord_hook_url: "discord_hook_url"
Also for the message of the discord you need to change the discord.json
use %servertime_yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'%
at the timestamp for current date.
use %player_name%
for the player name.
you can use all the PlaceholderAPI extension you want, for this two you need Servertime
& Player
To create custom messages for discord I recomend using this:
and export it to json after you made it.
"content": null,
"embeds": [
"title": "%player_name%",
"description": "Has joined the server !",
"color": 1973790,
"footer": {
"text": ""
"timestamp": "%servertime_yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'%"
"attachments": []
To add the custom image you need to change this settings at your config.
# You can only put a 8px by 8px image to render to users at join message.
custom_image: true
custom_image_url: ""
You can replace the URL with the image 8x8, if you want to storage some 8x8 image you can create an issue with the image, and it will be added as soon as posible.
To add commands at player join your can add lines to this object at the config.
# Command to execute at join
# Support PlaceholderAPI
- "console;give %player_name% stick 1"
- "player;plugins"
To execute the commands we can choose between player | console
Commands can't have the /
at start, dont need it at the config for being executed.