title | category | layout | description | updated | weight | intro |
Layout thrashing |
2017/sheet |
2017-10-19 |
-1 |
These are CSS properties that will cause "layout thrashing". Avoid changing them to prevent bottlenecks in your UI performance.
{: .-one-column}
- clientHeight
- clientLeft
- clientTop
- clientWidth
- focus
- getBoundingClientRect
- getClientRects
- innerText
- offsetHeight
- offsetLeft
- offsetParent
- offsetTop
- offsetWidth
- outerText
- scrollByLines
- scrollByPages
- scrollHeight
- scrollIntoView
- scrollIntoViewIfNeeded
- scrollLeft
- scrollTop
- scrollWidth {: .-six-column}
- layerX
- layerY
- offsetX
- offsetY {: .-six-column}
- getComputedStyle
- scrollBy
- scrollTo
- scrollX
- scrollY {: .-six-column}
- height
- width {: .-six-column}
- $.fn.offset
- $.fn.offsetParent
- $.fn.position
- $.fn.scrollLeft
- $.fn.scrollTop
- $.fn.css('...')
- $.fn.text('...')
- $(':hidden')
- $(':contains') {: .-six-column}