title | category | layout |
Riot.js |
JavaScript libraries |
default-ad |
/* tag-name.tag */
hello {name}
this.name = opts.name
<!-- in html -->
<script>riot.mount('tag-name', { title: 'my app', ... })</script>
{value || 'its a js expression'}
<input checked={null}> /* null values ignore the tag */
<p class={ selected: true }>
<li each={movies}>{title}</li>
<div if={error}>
<div show={error}> /* show using display: '' */
<div hide={error}> /* hide using display: none */
<button onclick={go}>
this.go = function (e) { ... }
this.update({ data: 'hi' }
this.unmount(true) // keep parent tag
riot.update() // update all
var child = this.tags.child
<child name='xyz'></child>
var child = this.tags.xyz
<yield to='title'>Hello</yield>
<yield to='body'>Hey there world</yield>
<yield from='title'/>
<yield from='body'/>
riot.route('customers/*/edit', (id) => {
riot.route.start(true) // exec the current url
this.on('before-mount', function() {
// before the tag is mounted
this.on('mount', function() {
// right after the tag is mounted on the page
this.on('update', function() {
// allows recalculation of context data before the update
this.on('updated', function() {
// right after the tag template is updated
this.on('before-unmount', function() {
// before the tag is removed
this.on('unmount', function() {
// when the tag is removed from the page
// curious about all events ?
this.on('all', function(eventName) {