title | category | updated | prism_languages | tags | ||
Superagent |
JavaScript libraries |
2018-04-21 |
res: {
// The HTTP Status Code (see: httpstatuses.com for definitions on HTTP status codes)
status: 202,
// True when res.status is 2xx
ok: true,
// True when res.status is 4xx or 5xx
error: false,
// True when res.status is 4xx
clientError: false,
// True when res.status is 5xx
serverError: false,
// True when res.status == 202
accepted: true,
// True when res.status == 204 || res.status == 1223
noContent: false,
// True when res.status == 400
badRequest: false,
// True when res.status == 401
unauthorized: false,
// True when res.status == 406
notAcceptable: false,
// True when res.status == 404
notFound: false,
// True when res.status == 403
forbidden: false,
// Unparsed response text
text: '{"user":{"username":"JohnDoe","role":"admin"}}'
// Parsed response text (only if response is 'application/json' or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: {
// Example of parsed object from res.text
user: {
username: 'JohnDoe',
role: 'admin'
// The content-type (parsed from headers)
type: 'application/json'
// The charset (parsed from headers)
charset: 'UTF-8'
// Header object with each header field as a property
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',