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File metadata and controls

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Beanie is a Docker registry web viewer powered by Elixir & Phoenix

The goal of Beanie is to allow a team to communicate effectively about the contents of their private Docker registry. Docker registry does not provide a particularly easy way to list images and their tags; Beanie uses the registry's REST API to extract this information and display it on a web page.

Beanie is still very much WIP and experimental. Feedback is welcome!


Running locally

The usual Phoenix workflow applies here. This assumes you have Elixir, Phoenix, and Postgres installed. Eventually, I will make a Dockerfile for this and post the image on Dockerhub to make this easier.

mix deps.get
mix compile
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
mix phoenix.server

The included docker-compose.yml can launch a simple registry locally.

docker-compose up -d registry

Configure the repository via config/config.exs. Currently, only basic HTTP auth is supported.

config :beanie,
  # ...
  docker_registry: [:at_url, ["https://localhost:5000", "testuser", "testpasswd"]]

NOTE If you change your registry, you should reset the database by calling mix ecto.reset.

Running in docker

Pull the images by running docker-compose pull. Then launch the registry and Postgres databases:

docker-compose up -d registry
docker-compose up -d postgres

Build the node modules and your static assets:

docker-compose run --rm node npm install
docker-compose run --rm node ./node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch build

Build the application:

rm -rf deps _build
docker-compose run --rm mix deps.get
docker-compose run --rm mix compile
docker-compose run --rm mix phoenix.digest

Then run it:

docker-compose up web

Creating images in the local repository

For development, you can build and push some small images using test_image/tiny.Dockerfile. The image will contain the file message.txt, so if you want to change the image, just change the file and rebuild.

cd test_image
docker build -t my_image -f tiny.Dockerfile .
docker tag my_image localhost:5000/my_image:first
docker login -u testuser -p testpasswd https://localhost:5000
docker push localhost:5000/my_image:first
echo "foo" > message.txt
docker build -t my_image -f tiny.Dockerfile .
docker tag my_image localhost:5000/my_image:latest
docker push localhost:500/my_image:latest