To run the sample locally run this command in the DaprClient directory:
dapr run --app-id DaprClient -- dotnet run <sample number>
Running the following command will output a list of the samples included:
dapr run --app-id DaprClient -- dotnet run
Press Ctrl+C to exit, and then run the command again and provide a sample number to run the samples.
For example run this command to run the 0th sample from the list produced earlier.
dapr run --app-id DaprClient -- dotnet run 0
See StateStoreExample.cs for an example of using DaprClient
for basic state store operations like get, set, and delete.
See: StateStoreTransactionsExample.cs for an example of using DaprClient
for transactional state store operations that affect multiple keys.
See StateStoreETagsExample.cs for an example of using DaprClient
for optimistic concurrency control with the state store.
See BulkStateExample.cs for an example of using DaprClient
for Bulk State, i.e. sending multiple key value pairs to the state store.