Currently uses virtual temperature ($T_v = T(1 + 0.61w)$) when approximating density; should rather use the density temperature for consistency.
- updates in thermo.py, parcel_aux.pyx, and fortran code
Flesh out basic plotting routines for quick visualization.
Add a simple IO package
- save state for an initial simulation, and its end point
- read in that state to initialize a new model
- better flexibility between pandas / xray as basic storage options
Re-structure integration logic
- model should accept two timesteps - one of the numerical integration, one for the output
- Actually not a problem for the variable-step size solvers; e.g. for CVODE, dt will be the output points
- the integration should proceed piecewise between output timesteps
- Already does for Assimulo; 1-minute chunks reporting at the desired timestep
- model should accept two timesteps - one of the numerical integration, one for the output
Add activation diagnostics to integration loop