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Azure Naming Terraform module

Terraform module for creation of standardized naming for Azure resources.



Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
azurerm >= 4.0.1


No providers.


No modules.


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
application_security_groups Set of unique strings to create Application Security Groups full names set(string) [] no
automation_accounts Set of unique strings to create Automation Accounts full names set(string) [] no
container_instances Set of unique strings to create Container Instances full names set(string) [] no
dashboards Set of unique strings to create Dashboards full names set(string) [] no
data_factories Set of unique strings to create Data Factories full names set(string) [] no
databricks_workspaces Set of unique strings to create Databricks Workspaces full names set(string) [] no
dev_center_projects Set of unique strings to create Dev Center Project full names set(string) [] no
dev_centers Set of unique strings to create Dev Center full names set(string) [] no
environment Environment/Subscription name string n/a yes
instance_number Instance number of deployment string "1" no
internal_load_balancers Set of unique strings to create Internal Load Balancers full names set(string) [] no
key_vaults Set of unique strings to create Key Vaults full names set(string) [] no
linux_virtual_machine_scale_sets Set of unique strings to create Linux Virtual Machine Scale Sets full names set(string) [] no
linux_virtual_machines Set of unique strings to create Linux Virtual Machines full names set(string) [] no
location Azure Region string n/a yes
log_analytics_workspaces Set of unique strings to create Log Analytics Workspaces full names set(string) [] no
managed_devops_pools Set of unique strings to create Managed DevOps Pool full names set(string) [] no
mssql_databases Set of unique strings to create MSSQL Databases full names set(string) [] no
mssql_servers Set of unique strings to create MSSQL Servers full names set(string) [] no
nat_gateways Set of unique strings to create Nat Gateways full names set(string) [] no
network_interfaces Set of unique strings to create Network Interfaces full names set(string) [] no
network_security_groups Set of unique strings to create Network Security Groups full names set(string) [] no
private_endpoints Set of unique strings to create Private Endpoints full names set(string) [] no
project Name of application/workload/project string n/a yes
public_ips Set of unique strings to create Public IPs full names set(string) [] no
purviews Set of unique strings to create Purviews full names set(string) [] no
resource_groups Set of unique strings to create Resource Group full names set(string) [] no
route_tables Set of unique strings to create Route Tables full names set(string) [] no
storage_accounts Set of unique strings to create Storage Accounts full names set(string) [] no
subnets Set of unique strings to create Subnets full names set(string) [] no
user_assigned_identities Set of unique strings to create User Assigned Identities full names set(string) [] no
virtual_networks Set of unique strings to create Virtual Network full names set(string) [] no
workbooks Set of unique strings to create Workbooks full names set(string) [] no


Name Description
application_security_group Built name of single Application Security Group
application_security_groups Built name of multiple Application Security Groups with unique particle
automation_account Built name of single Automation Account
automation_accounts Built name of multiple Automation Accounts with unique particle
container_instance Built name of single Container Instance
container_instances Built name of multiple Container Instances with unique particle
dashboard Built name of single Dashboard
dashboards Built name of multiple Dashboards with unique particle
data_factories Built name of multiple Data Factories with unique particle
data_factory Built name of single Data Factory
databricks_workspace Built name of single Databricks Workspace
databricks_workspaces Built name of multiple Databricks Workspaces with unique particle
dev_center Built name of single Dev Center
dev_center_project Built name of single Dev Center Project
dev_center_projects Built name of multiple Dev Center Projects with unique particle
dev_centers Built name of multiple Dev Centers with unique particle
internal_load_balancer Built name of single Internal Load Balancer
internal_load_balancers Built name of multiple Internal Load Balancers with unique particle
key_vault Built name of single Key Vault
key_vaults Built name of multiple Key Vaults with unique particle
linux_virtual_machine Built name of single Linux Virtual Machine
linux_virtual_machine_scale_set Built name of single Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set
linux_virtual_machine_scale_sets Built name of multiple Linux Virtual Machine Scale Sets with unique particle
linux_virtual_machines Built name of multiple Linux Virtual Machines with unique particle
log_analytics_workspace Built name of single Log Analytics Workspace
log_analytics_workspaces Built name of multiple Log Analytics Workspaces with unique particle
managed_devops_pool Built name of single Managed DevOps pool
managed_devops_pools Built name of multiple Managed DevOps Pools with unique particle
mssql_database Built name of single MSSQL Database
mssql_databases Built name of multiple MSSQL Databases with unique particle
mssql_server Built name of single MSSQL Server
mssql_servers Built name of multiple MSSQL Servers with unique particle
nat_gateway Built name of single NAT Gateway
nat_gateways Built name of multiple NAT Gateways with unique particle
network_interface Built name of single Network Interface
network_interfaces Built name of multiple Network Interfaces with unique particle
network_security_group Built name of single Network Security Group
network_security_groups Built name of multiple Network Security Groups with unique particle
private_endpoint Built name of single Private Endpoint
private_endpoints Built name of multiple Private Endpoints with unique particle
public_ip Built name of single Public IP
public_ips Built name of multiple Public IPs with unique particle
purview Built name of single Purview
purviews Built name of multiple Purviews with unique particle
resource_group Built name of single Resource Group
resource_groups Built name of multiple Resource Groups with unique particle
route_table Built name of single Route Table
route_tables Built name of multiple Route Tables with unique particle
storage_account Built name of single Storage Account
storage_accounts Built name of multiple Storage Accounts with unique particle
subnet Built name of single Subnet
subnets Built name of multiple Subnets with unique particle
user_assigned_identities Built name of multiple User Assigned Identities with unique particle
user_assigned_identity Built name of single User Assigned Identity
virtual_network Built name of single Virtual Network
virtual_networks Built name of multiple Virtual Networks with unique particle
workbook Built name of single Workbook
workbooks Built name of multiple Workbooks with unique particle


Apache 2 Licensed. For more information please see LICENSE