Over the course of the past two months, we've spent time evaluating different possibilities for containerizing our applications in production. We evaluated:
- ECS (see Hannah's notes)
- Heroku (see Hannah's notes and Jean's notes)
- Divio (see Jean's notes)
For each of these platforms, we attempted to stand up an app as a pilot project. A quick overview of our results shows that Heroku was the only service we were able to use successfully.
Service | Proof of concept | Successful? | Notes |
Divio | Stand up LISC CNDA backend | No | Could not get undocumented services to work |
ECS | Stand up Dedupe.io | No | Abandoned after two R&D days without success |
Heroku | Stand up Dedupe.io | Yes | Replicated everything but static files storage, which would require app refactor |
In addition, we proposed the possibility of building our own, more incremental solution, using Docker Machine and EC2. We did not evaluate this solution in detail.
Ultimately, we recommend moving forward with Heroku as our deployment platform for dynamic client apps. According to our research, Heroku does the best job of meeting as many of our DevOps needs as possible, while being the most easy-to-use solution that we considered. While using Heroku will be more expensive than AWS, our current provider, we believe that we can safely forward this cost to our clients, and that the benefit to developer productivity will offset the higher price.
We consider these needs in detail below, and explain the specifics of why we believe Heroku to be the right fit for dynamic client apps at DataMade.
During a conversation in May 2019, the DevOps committee discussed and synthesized our thoughts on the ways our infrastructure is painful, and how we want to change it. Our focus areas of improvement included:
- Containerization
- Deployment scripts
- Logging
- Time to First Deploy
- Permissioning
- Application cleanup
- Isolation
We consider each focus area in detail and explain how the different providers we considered measure up, ultimately offering evidence for why we believe Heroku is our best choice.
Problem: Developer environments are containerized, but production environments are not.
Heroku provides first-class support for deploying containers in production with the
config file. With
the proper configuration, Heroku will automatically build and push application
container images to its container registry, and trigger rebuilds of your application
using the latest version of the container image.
Other deployment providers do not offer the same level of container integration that Heroku does. ECS requires you to maintain your own deployment pipeline for building and pushing container images, as well as for restarting builds. (It also does not automatically connect the containers to a load balancer, or automatically provision SSL certificates for custom domains, as Heroku does.) Divio allegedly supports containerized deployments, but the feature is so new that it is not documented, and we were not able to get it up and running successfully.
Problem: "Custom deployment scripts are hard to read, write, and maintain."
Heroku deployments are set up entirely through config files. In this way, the service abstracts the process of pushing code to a remote host. Although some amount of infrastructure setup (such as initializing the Heroku project and connecting it to GitHub) is still necessary, all of the relevant operations are available in the Heroku CLI, so while we will no longer need to maintain deployment scripts for applications, we can instead script the process of provisioning a new application.
As mentioned above, ECS still requires custom deployment scripts to build and push container images. In addition, it requires extra AWS infrastructure, like load balancers and Route53 hosted zones, in order to work, and this infrastructure would either have to be set up by hand or (more likely) provisioned with yet more deployment scripts. Divio purports to offer similar services as Heroku, but they are undocumented and we were not able to get them to work.
Problem: DNS is a central point of failure, and is configured separately from our other infrastructure.
Heroku doesn't really address this problem, unfortunately. While we can use custom domains with Heroku apps (and Heroku will automatically provision and manage SSL certificates) we still need to register them with an external registrar.
ECS could mitigate this problem somewhat, since AWS offers domain registration services through its Route53 service. This would at least mean that we could use the same DNS provider as our infrastructure provider. Divio offers no solutions to this problem.
Problem: "SSH access is required for provisioning an application", and also for viewing logs.
Heroku exposes SSH access to services through the Heroku CLI. With the Heroku CLI,
developers authenticate through the web app and then shell into running services
with the heroku ps:exec
Since heroku ps:exec
uses SSH under the hood, the command can be used for tunneling
as well.
ECS has no natively-supported solution for shelling into running containers. However, since ECS runs on EC2 instances, we could presumably continue to make use of EC2 instance connect to shell into EC2 instances, and access containers with bare Docker commands. Divio allegedly supports shelling into application instances but since we couldn't get a containerized application up and running on the platform we weren't able to confirm this.
Problem: "Logs are inconsistent, hard to find, and require SSH access to the server."
Heroku automatically streams all container output to its logging service.
Developers can access these logs in two ways: via the Heroku CLI or via the web app.
Using the CLI, developers can tail or stream logs with the heroku logs
These logs are filterable by team, application, and service name. Equivalent logs
can also be viewed on the admin dashboard for a project on the web app.
Heroku only stores the most recent 1,500 lines of any given log, and stores them for a maximum of one week (source). Additional logging can be configured via paid add-ons, but we expect that this basic level of logging should meet the needs of the majority of our applications, where we typically only use logs for active debugging.
ECS container logs can be streamed to the AWS CloudWatch logging service. These logs can then be viewed in the CloudWatch console, or piped into AWS Athena for analysis. Note that while potentially more powerful than Heroku logs, ECS logs are more cumbersome to configure up front, since they require an integration with an additional AWS service.
Similar to Heroku, Divio exposes the last 1,000 lines of container output in their web app.
Problem: "Deployment takes too long."
Configuring a deployment to Heroku is very easy, requiring at most two config files and a couple of CLI commands to set up a deployment pipeline. It took Hannah three hours start-to-finish to read all of the relevant documentation and set up a parallel instance of Dedupe.io on Heroku.
Setting up a deployment with ECS is substantially more difficult, as it requires provisioning infrastructure for a number of additional Amazon services, including ECR container repositories, an EC2 instance, an ELB Application Load Balancer, Route53 hosted zones and records, and an ACM SSL certificate, to name a few. AWS Fargate only minimally simplifies this process, since the only services it provisions automatically are the underlying EC2 instances.
Configuring deployments with Divio is supposed to be similarly easy as Heroku, but we weren't able to get a deployment up and running properly to confirm this.
Problem: "User access is granted on a per-application basis, but it's also revoked on a per-application basis."
Permissions for all of the operations that Heroku supports for managing and inspecting applications, including loggs, SSH, and deployment, are provisioned at the level of Heroku accounts. DataMade developers can be granted access by adding their Heroku account to a Heroku team; once removed from the Heroku team, developers would no longer be able to view or manage applications in the web app or via the CLI.
ECS offers a similar permissioning scheme, although access to all resources is configured via an IAM role. Divio offers similar permissioning to Heroku.
Problem: "Applications are hard to clean up."
Since Heroku apps are fully containerized and the underlying infrastructure is abstracted away from the developer, cleaning them up is as simple as scaling the number of web application dynos down to 0 (to turn off the application) or deleting the project (to delete all infrastructure related to the application).
Cleaning up ECS apps is slightly more difficult, although still an improvement on our current deployment pipeline. ECS apps can be easily stopped by scaling down the number of active application containers to 0, but in order to fully remove the application, the developer needs to clean up all of the application's supporting infrastructure, including EC2 instances, load balancers, etc.
Divio applications can be deleted in a similar way as Heroku applications.
Problem: "Shared services introduce undesirable dependencies between colocated applications."
Since all three of the services we evaluated support containerized deployments, they all necessarily solve the problem of app isolation.
There are a few additional considerations that are important in evaluating any infrastructure provider. While we didn't bring these up during our DevOps Dreams conversation, we consider them below out of due diligence.
Heroku represents a significant increase in price from EC2. Our current deployment
practice recommends setting up two t3.small
EC2 instances for an application,
one for staging and one for production, which comes out to roughtly $30
per month. (Sometimes we deploy staging apps on a shared staging server, which
roughly halves the monthly cost of hosting, but this practice is probably not stable in
the long run and contributes to environment isolation problems on the staging server.)
To deploy a typical client application on Heroku, we expect that we'll want at least one Standard 1x dyno to run the web application ($25/mo) and one Standard Heroku Postgres instance for the database ($50/mo). If the application requires asynchronous processing, we may additionally need a second Standard 1x dyno to run a worker process and a Premium Heroku Redis instance for a queue ($15/mo). This makes the estimated monthly cost of a production application somewhere in the range of $75-$115/mo.
Staging and preview applications on Heroku can make use of free tier add-ons for their databases and queues, but they will need to use Hobby dynos ($7/mo) for web and worker services. Building and releasing new container images also uses Hobby dyno resources. However, since Heroku prorates these dynos to the second, and since we can easily turn off staging applications when the app isn't under heavy development, we expect the total cost of these environments to be about $15/mo in the worst case, which is negligible compared to the cost of production environments.
An additional consideration is that the pricing for AWS has historically been very stable, often decreasing over time. As a newer service, the pricing for Heroku is less reliable. Switching to Heroku increases the risk that Heroku will raise its prices unexpectedly.
There are two pertinent maintenance questions when switching infrastructure providers:
- How long can we expect the provider to remain stable and cost-effective?
- How hard will it be to maintain existing applications on our old infrastructure provider while we switch to a new one?
We consider these questions in turn.
Heroku has been under active development since 2007 and has been owned by Salesforce.com since 2010. This makes it about the same age as AWS. From a stability perspective, we would be surprised if the company folded in the next five years.
Cost-effectiveness is a bigger risk with Heroku than with AWS. Historically, the pricing for Heroku has changed much more drastically than the pricing for AWS. However, since we can forward most of this cost to our clients, and since the cost of hosting is small compared to the cost of developing an application, we think this tradeoff is worth it.
2. How hard will it be to maintain existing applications on our old infrastructure provider while we switch to a new one?
DataMade has been deploying applications on AWS for over five years. Because of this long history, we expect to maintain some number of legacy AWS applications for the foreseeable future.
At this point, our knowledge of AWS is stable. We mostly use comparatively old services, including EC2 (launched 2006) and CodeDeploy (launched 2014). Neither of these services changes much year-to-year compared to newer services like Lambda and ECS. In addition, our documentation for the way we use these services is extensive.
As we start to build new applications in Heroku, we expect to flesh out new Heroku-specific documentation while maintaining our old documentation for the purposes of operating existing apps. The maintenance overhead for our existing client applications is minimal and we expect this to continue in the future for our AWS-deployed apps.
In order to deploy production applications, we need to define secret values (such as passwords and API keys) that can't be safely stored under version control. Currently, we define these secret values in GPG-encrypted files which we store in version control, and then during deployments we decrypt those files using a secret key stored on the server and move them to the correct place in the application where they can be imported.
This pattern poses challenges for all of the deployment providers we considered. Since Heroku, ECS, and Divio all run applications as containers with ephemeral storage, they don't support storing secret variables in files that we can move to the proper spot on disk. Instead, these providers encourage you to define your secrets as environment variables that are then threaded into the container environment at runtime. In Heroku, these environment variables are defined using config vars, which can be defined per environment in the web app or using the Heroku CLI.
Ultimately, we believe that moving to a containerized deployment provider will
require a significant shift in our secrets management practices. Rather than
continue to store secrets in encrypted files, we will instead only store a maximum of one
encrypted file per repo, representing a development .env
file that is threaded
into the development containers to provide secret environment variables. (In
projects where the development variables are not secret, we can even keep
this file unencrypted.) In staging and production, secret values will be configured
in Heroku as config vars for the application.
In switching away from EC2 as our compute platform, we will no longer be able to make use of CodeDeploy for continuous deployment.
Heroku has its own CI offering, Heroku CI, that offers concurrent test runners and integration with Heroku Pipelines for continuous deployment. Heroku also offers a GitHub integration that can build Pipeline stages based on specific branches and that can wait to build until external CI (such as Travis) is green.
We recommend moving forward with the GitHub integration for Heroku. This will allow us to maintain our current Travis practices for CI, while permitting Heroku to take over CD and eliminate the need for deployment scripts.
Containerizing deployments with any deploy provider poses two challenges to static file management:
- Static files cannot be persisted on disk
- Nginx cannot serve static files
We offer guidance on these two problems below.
Since containers have ephemeral filesystems by default, all of the containerization providers we considered will require our applications to no longer assume that persistent storage is available on disk.
Our deployment practices already assume that an application directory will be fully recreated during every deployment, so a change to ephemeral storage should not represent a major shift in paradigm. However, the two exceptions to this pattern are user-uploaded media and translation files, both of which we persist on disk indefinitely.
In order to persist user-uploaded media and translation files, we will need to
make use of an external static file host. Heroku recommends persisting these
types of files to AWS S3, and offers documentation on doing
so. In Django, we will
also need to use an app like django-storages
in order to serve these files back to the user. This pattern was successfully piloted in
the BGA Payroll project and Hannah has provided some initial
On all the platforms we evaluated, container traffic is managed behind a load balancer. Because of this, use of Nginx to serve files is redundant, and is not considered a best practice.
The most important consequence of removing Nginx from our stack is that we will need an alternative way of serving static files in production Django apps. In our pilot projects, we used the Django app WhiteNoise with good results.
Switching infrastructure providers is not a trivial change, and consequentially we expect this transition to take somewhere between 12 and 20 months.
Anticipated steps for the transition include:
- Deploy a pilot production app with Heroku. Timeline: 6-12 weeks. We plan to have a Lead Developer use Heroku to deploy the next dynamic client app. This deployment will act as a pilot project to help inform our documentation, templates, and cost estimates for Heroku. We won't deploy any new projects to Heroku until the pilot project is completely wrapped, and if for some reason the pilot project reveals Heroku to be unworkable for our needs, we will devote R&D time to migrating it to a standard zero-downtime EC2 deployment.
- Create a template for Heroku deployments. Timeline: 1 week. Since Heroku works primarily with config files, it is particularly well-suited to templates. Once the pilot project is complete, we will use devops time to create a template for Heroku-enabled applications to help new developers get onboarded quickly.
- Write detailed documentation for deploying with Heroku. Timeline: 2 weeks. Since Heroku natively supports most of our deployment requirements, we expect our documentation to be much simpler than the current deploy-a-site docs. Still, we will use devops time to put together an index that points to the relevant Heroku documentation and catalogues the tips and tricks we've learned from testing the platform so far.
- Have a developer deploy a second production app with Heroku. Timeline: 2-4 weeks. Once the pilot project, templates, and documentation are complete, we will put them to the test by having a developer deploy the next available production app with Heroku. This will help clarify the documentation and templates, as well as provide a baseline for future deployment estimates with Heroku.
- Mark zero-downtime deployments as deprecated. Timeline: 1 week. Once a developer successfully deploys a production client app with Heroku, we will consider the transition complete. We will update our deployment documentation to mark zero-downtime deployments as deprecated and for maintenance only.