- Lightweight
- DataTables
- django-filter
- django-autocomplete-light
- Middleweight
- Custom SQL (Postgres)
- Heavyweight
- Solr & Haystack
- Glossary
Do you need more control of fuzzy matches than Postgres search vectors provide? Do calculated values slow your queries to a crawl? Is your search corpus just plain huge? While a more involved solution than issuing SQL or handling search client side, an implementation of powerful search engine ElasticSearch may be your best bet.
If you’re implementing search for a Django application, Haystack is an extension that connects your application to a custom search engine, e.g., ElasticSearch. While it’s not without pitfalls, Haystack provides a familiar API for defining your search fields, issuing queries, and retrieving results and so can smooth your transition to a more complex search setup.
You should under no circumstances write custom adapter code to interact with ElasticSearch. You will end up reimplementing much of HayStack badly.
Beware: Configuring and administering ElasticSearch is of intermediate to advanced difficulty. When you need a fancy search, however, it can be well worth the effort (and we have some experienced hands on deck who are happy to help).
- HayStack is infinitely configurable.
- You control how your data and queries are broken apart and compared via analyzers, tokenizers, and filters.
- Faceting, auto-suggest, geosearch: ElasticSearch does it all.
- Excellent documentation.
- ElasticSearch is infinitely configurable.
- ElasticSearch process must be managed separately from your application, though this is made less of a problem with containerization (e.g., Docker).
- Create a
file at the root of your project directory.
image: elasticsearch:7.14.2
container_name: chi-councilmatic-elasticsearch
- 9200:9200
- discovery.type=single-node
- logger.org.elasticsearch.discovery=DEBUG
- "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
mem_limit: 1g
- yourapp-es-data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
chi-councilmatic (Django)
Query large bodies of text. Return faceted & highlighted results.