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Radial Basis Function

RBF (Network) has some relationhsip with SVM (kernel), kNN, k-Means, Neural Network

RBF Basis

The Local Representation

In multilayer perceptron, the input is encoded by the simultaneous activation of many hidden units. This is called a Distributed Representation.

But in RBF, for a given input, only one or a few units are active. This is called a Local Representation.

Receptive Field: The part of the input space where a unit has nonzero response. (Like in SVM, only Support Vector (some of the decisive input data) will participate in the decision.)


smaller $M$ and larger $\lambda$

Choosing Prototype by k-Means Clustering

using unsupervised learning (k-Means) to assist feature transform (like autoencoder)

RBF Application

RBF Kernel in Gaussion SVM

Gaussian SVM: find $\alpha_n$ to combine Gaussians centered at $x_n$ => achieve large margin in infinite-dimensional space

$$ g_{\text{SVM}}(\mathbf{x}) = \operatorname{sign}(\sum_{\text{support vector}}\alpha_n y_n \exp(-\gamma||\mathbf{x} - x_n||^2) + b) $$

The Gaussian kernel is also called RBF kernel

  • Radial: only depends on distance between $x$ and 'center' $x_n$
  • Basis Function: to be 'combined'

let $g_n(\mathbf{x}) = y_n\exp(-\gamma||\mathbf{x}-x_n||^2)$ then

$$ g_{\text{SVM}}(\mathbf{x}) = \operatorname{sign}(\sum_{\text{support vector}}\alpha_n g_n(\mathbf{x}) + b) $$

Linear aggregation of selected radial hypothesis

RBF and Similarity/Distance

kernel: similarity via inner product in $\mathcal{Z}$-space

RBF: similarity via $\mathcal{X}$-space distance (often monotonically non-increasing to distance)

RBF Network

Linear aggregation of radial hypotheses

Wiki - RBF Network

It's a simple (old-fashioned) model

The difference between normal neural network

- Normal Neural Network RBF Network
hidden layer inner product + activation function distance of centers + Gaussian
output layer linear aggregation linear aggregation
layer number may have multiple layers normally no more than one layer of Gaussian units

RBF Network is historically a type of neural netowrk

$$ h(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{m = 1}^M \beta_m \operatorname{RBF}(\mathbf{x}, \mu_m) + b $$

The Learning Variables:

  • centers $\mu_m$
  • (signed) votes $\beta_m$ (the linear aggregation weight)

When $M = N$ we called it Full RBF Network (lazy way to decide $\mu_m$) => aggregate each sample's opinion subject to similarity

Full RBF Network has some relation with kNN

Comparision of RBF Network and RBF in Gaussion SVM and Similarity

Formula Corresponding

  • RBF vs. Gaussian
  • Output activation function vs. Sign function (for binary classification)
  • $M$ vs. number of support vector
  • $\mu_m$ vs. SVM support vector $x_m$
  • $\beta_m$ vs. $\alpha_my_m$ from SVM Dual

RBF Network: distance similarity-to-centers as feature transform


  • $M$: prototypes (centroid)
  • RBF: such as $\gamma$ of Gaussian

Interpolation by Full RBF Network

Non-regularized Full RBF Network

called exact interpolation for function approximation. this is bad in machine learning => overfitting

Regularized Full RBF Network

... (around 15 mins in Hsuan-Tien Lin Machine Learning Techniques RBF Network Learning)

RBF Derivation

Basically the Exercises 3 and 4 in Introduction to Machine Learning 3rd Ch12.11

Figure 12.8

Figure 12.8

The RBF network where $p_h$ are hidden units using the bell-shaped activation funciton. $\mathbf{m}_h$, $s_h$ are the first-layer parameters, and $w_i$ are the second-layer weights.

Derive the update equations for the RBF netowrk for classification

Equation 12.20 - the softmax

$$ y_{i}^{t}=\frac{\exp \left[\sum_{h} w_{i h} p_{h}^{t}+w_{i 0}\right]}{\sum_{k} \exp \left[\sum_{h} w_{k h} p_{h}^{t}+w_{k 0}\right]} $$

Equation 12.21 - the cross-entropy error

$$ E\left(\left{\mathbf{m}{h}, s{h}, w_{i h}\right}{i, h} | X\right)=-\sum{t} \sum_{i} r_{i}^{t} \log y_{i}^{t} $$

Because of the use of cross-entropy and softmax, the update equations will be the same with equations 12.17, 12.18, and 12.19 (see equation 10.33 for a similar derivation).

Equation 12.17 - the update rule for the second layer weights

$$ \Delta w_{i h}=\eta \sum_{t}\left(r_{i}^{t}-y_{i}^{t}\right) p_{h}^{t} $$

Equation 12.18, 12.19 - the update equations for the centers and spreads by backpropagation (chain rule)

$$ \Delta m_{h j}=\eta \sum_{t}\left[\sum_{i}\left(r_{i}^{t}-y_{i}^{t}\right) w_{i h}\right] p_{h}^{t} \frac{\left(x_{j}^{t}-m_{h j}\right)}{s_{h}^{2}} $$

$$ \Delta s_{h}=\eta \sum_{t}\left[\sum_{i}\left(r_{i}^{t}-y_{i}^{t}\right) w_{i h}\right] p_{h}^{t} \frac{\left|x^{t}-m_{h}\right|^{2}}{s_{h}^{3}} $$

Equation 10.33

$$ \begin{aligned} \Delta w_{j} &=\eta \sum_{t} \sum_{i} \frac{r_{i}^{t}}{y_{i}^{t}} y_{i}^{t}\left(\delta_{i j}-y_{j}^{t}\right) x^{t} \ &=\eta \sum_{t} \sum_{i} r_{i}^{t}\left(\delta_{i j}-y_{j}^{t}\right) x^{t} \ &=\eta \sum_{t}\left[\sum_{i} r_{i}^{t} \delta_{i j}-y_{j}^{t} \sum_{i} r_{i}^{t}\right] x^{t} \ &=\eta \sum_{t}\left(r_{j}^{t}-y_{j}^{t}\right) x^{t} \ \Delta w_{j 0} &=\eta \sum_{t}\left(r_{j}^{t}-y_{j}^{t}\right) \end{aligned} $$

Show how the system given in equation 12.22 can be trained

Equation 12.22

$$ y^{t}=\underbrace{\sum_{h=1}^{H} w_{h} p_{h}^{t}}{\textit{exceptions}}+\underbrace{\mathbf{v}^{T} \mathbf{x}^{t}+v{0}}_{rule} $$

There are two sets of parameters: $\mathbf{v}$, $v_0$ of the default model and $w_h$, $\mathbf{m}_h$, $s_h$ of the exceptions. Using gradient-descent and starting from random values, we can update both iteratively. We update $\mathbf{v}$, $v_0$ as if we are training a linear model and $w_h$, $\mathbf{m}_h$, $s_h$ as if we are training a RBF network.

Another possibility is to separate their training: First, we train the linear default model and then once it converges, we freeze its weights and calculate the residuals, that is, differences not explained by the default. We train the RBF on these residuals, so that the RBF learns the exceptions, that is, instances not covered by the default “rule.”



  • Intorduction to Machine Learning 3rd Ch12 Local Models
    • Ch12.3 Radial Basis Functions
    • Ch12.11 Exercises
      • 3
      • 4

