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Support Vector Machine

Brief Description

Support Vector Machines (SVM) are learning systems that use a hypothesis space of linear functions in a high dimensional feature space, trained with a learning algorithm from optimisation theory that implements a learning bias derived from statistical learning theory.

Quick View

Category Usage Methematics Application Field
Supervised Learning Classification (Main), Regression, Outliers Detection Clustering (Unsupervised) Convex Optimization, Constrained Optimization, Lagrange Multipliers Numerous
  • Support Vector Machine is suited for extreme cases (little sample set)

  • SVM find a hyper-plane that separates its training data in such a way that the distance between the hyper plane and the cloest points form each class is maximized

  • Implies that only support vector are important whereas other trainning examples are ignorable

  • SVM can only be used on data that is linear separable (i.e. a hyper-plane can be drawn between the two groups)

  • By using kernel trick, everything will be linear seprable in higher dimension

  • Important Notes:

    • SVM natively only handles binary classification
      • You have to make sure your data label is either -1 or 1 !! (or it can never find the alphas so as support vectors)
      • For better converage you have to normalize your data


  • Effective in high dimensional spaces
  • Effective in dimensions >> samples
  • Use a subset of training points in the decision function => Memory efficient
  • Different kernel functions for various decision functions
    • It's possible to add kernel functions together to achieve even more complex hyperplanes


  • Poor performance when features >> samples
  • SVMs do not provide probability estimates
SVM vs. Perceptron SVM Perceptron / NN
Solving Problem Optimization Iteration
Optimal Global (∵ convex) Local
Non-linear Seprable Higher dimension Stack multi-layer model
Performance Better with prior knowledge Skip feature engineering step


  • Hyperplane: The Decision Boundary that seperates different classes
    • 2 Dimension: line
    • 3 Dimension: plane
    • 4 Dimension or up: hyperplane
  • Support Vector: The vectors that helps us to find the best hyperplane
  • Margin: The space between support vectors and hyperplane

To find a hyperplane best splits the data, because it is as far as possible from the support vectors which is another way of saying we maximized the margin

  • Parameter

    • C Parameter (penalty parameter): Allows you to decide how much you want to penalize misclassified points
      • Low C: Prioritize simplicity (soft margin: because we allowing the miss classification)
      • High C: Prioritize making few mistakes
    • Gamma Parameter (for RBF, ploynomial, sigmoid kernel)
      • Small Gamma: Less complexity
      • High Gamma: More complexity
  • Multiclass SVM (Decision function shape)

    • OVR: One vs. Rest (For each class make a binary classifier answer is or isn't the class)
      • Pros: Fewer classifications
      • Cons: Classes may be imbalanced
    • OVO: One vs. One
      • Pros: Less sensitive to imbalance
      • Cons: More classifications
  • Linear Separable

  • Kernel Function

    • Linear
    • Radial Basis Function (RBF)
    • Polynomial
    • Sigmoid


Maximize the Margin

It's a constrained optimization problem

  • To solve constrained optimization problem is to use Lagrange Multipliers technique

Convex quadratic programming problem ===[Lagrange Multipliers]===> Dual problem

  • SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization)

Consider a non-linear separable problem

  • Linear Support Vector Machine (LSVM) => to apply when the classes are linearly separable

  • If have a data set that is not linear separable

    => Transform data into high dimensional feature space (make data linearly separable by map it to higher dimension)

    • e.g. 1D to 2D: Use a polynomial function to get a parabola $f(x) = x^2$

But it's computationally expensive

Kernal Function

  • Use a kernal trick to reduce the computational cost
    • Kernel Function: Transform a non-linear space into a linear space
    • Popular kernel types
      • Linear Kernel

        $K(x, y) = x \times y$

      • Polynomial Kernel

        $K(x, y) = (x \times y + 1)^d$

      • Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel

        $K(x, y) = e^{-\gamma ||x-y||^2}$

      • Sigmoid Kernel

      • ...

Tune Parameter

  • Choosing the correct kernel is a non-trivial task. And may depend on specific task at hand.
    • Need to tune the kernel parameters to get good performance from a classifier
    • Parameter tuning technique
      • K-Fold
      • Cross Validation

C Parameter

Multiple Classes

  • MSVM (Multiclass Support Vector Machine)

Decision Function Shape

  • OVR
  • OVO

Maximize Margin

nu-SVM ($\nu$-SVM)

Converage Problem

  • The simplified implementation is not guaranteed to coverage to the global optimum for all datasets!

  • But it should always converge, unless there are numerical problems. Make sure the data is properly scaled. It is a bad idea if different features have values in different orders of magnitude. You might want to normalize all features to the range [-1,+1], especially for problems with more than 100 features.

Libsvm FAQ about Converge

Q: The program keeps running (with output, i.e. many dots). What should I do?

In theory libsvm guarantees to converge. Therefore, this means you are handling ill-conditioned situations (e.g. too large/small parameters) so numerical difficulties occur.

You may get better numerical stability by replacing

typedef float Qfloat; in svm.cpp with typedef double Qfloat; That is, elements in the kernel cache are stored in double instead of single. However, this means fewer elements can be put in the kernel cache.

Q: The training time is too long. What should I do?

For large problems, please specify enough cache size (i.e., -m). Slow convergence may happen for some difficult cases (e.g. -c is large). You can try to use a looser stopping tolerance with -e. If that still doesn't work, you may train only a subset of the data. You can use the program in the directory "tools" to obtain a random subset.

If you have extremely large data and face this difficulty, please contact us. We will be happy to discuss possible solutions.

When using large -e, you may want to check if -h 0 (no shrinking) or -h 1 (shrinking) is faster. See a related question below.

Vary Large Datasets

SVM for Regression


Word Sense Disambiguation

Text Categorization (TC)

Document Representation

Document => Represent as a set of features


  • Bag of words (BOW): "each word occurring in a document" remove "stop words"

Feature value:

  • Binary: appear or not
  • Integer: # of occurrences
  • TF-IDF value
  • ...




  • NTU Hsuan-Tien Lin - Machine Learning Technique

    • Linear SVM
      • Course Introduction
      • Large-Margin Separating Hyperplane
      • Standard Large-Margin Problem
      • Support Vector Machine
      • Reasons behind Large-Margin Hyperplane
    • Dual SVM
      • Motivation of Dual SVM
      • Largange Dual SVM
      • Solving Dual SVM
      • Messages behind Dual SVM
    • Kernel SVM
      • Kernel Trick
      • Polynomial Kernel
      • Gaussian Kernel
      • Comparison of Kernels
    • Soft-Margin SVM
      • Motivation and Primal
      • Dual Problem
      • Messages
      • Model Selection
  • Stanford Andrew Ng - CS229

    • Optimization Object
    • Large Margin Intuition
    • Mathematics Behind Large Margin Classification
    • Kernels-I, Kernels-II
    • Using a SVM


