Anonymous Microsoft Web Data Data Set (R language)
We created the data by sampling and processing the logs. The data records the use of by 38000 anonymous, randomly-selected users. For each user, the data lists all the areas of the web site (Vroots) that user visited in a one week timeframe.
Users are identified only by a sequential number, for example, User #14988, User #14989, etc. The file contains no personally identifiable information. The 294 Vroots are identified by their title (e.g. "NetShow for PowerPoint") and URL (e.g. "/stream"). The data comes from one week in February, 1998.
- | - |
Data Set Characteristics | N/A |
Attribute Characteristics | Categorical |
Number of Attributes | 294 |
Number of Instances | 37711 |
Associated Tasks | Recommender-Systems |
Jack S. Breese, David Heckerman, Carl M. Kadie Microsoft Research, Redmond WA, 98052-6399, USA breese '@', heckerma '@', carlk '@'
Breese:, Heckerman, & Kadie
We created the data by sampling and processing the logs.
The data records the use of by 38000 anonymous,
randomly-selected users. For each user, the data lists all the areas of
the web site (Vroots) that user visited in a one week timeframe.
Users are identified only by a sequential number, for example, User #14988,
User #14989, etc. The file contains no personally identifiable information.
The 294 Vroots are identified by their title (e.g. "NetShow for PowerPoint")
and URL (e.g. "/stream"). The data comes from one week in February, 1998.
Dataset format:
-- The data is in an ASCII-based sparse-data format called "DST".
Each line of the data file starts with a letter which tells the line's type.
The three line types of interest are:
-- Attribute lines:
For example, 'A,1277,1,"NetShow for PowerPoint","/stream"'
'A' marks this as an attribute line,
'1277' is the attribute ID number for an area of the website
(called a Vroot),
'1' may be ignored,
'"NetShow for PowerPoint"' is the title of the Vroot,
'"/stream"' is the URL relative to ""
-- Case and Vote Lines:
For each user, there is a case line followed by zero or more vote lines.
For example:
'C' marks this as a case line,
'10164' is the case ID number of a user,
'V' marks the vote lines for this case,
'1123', 1009', 1052' are the attributes ID's of Vroots that a
user visited.
'1' may be ignored.
- Attribute (A): the description of the website area
- Case (C): the case for each user, containing its ID
- Vote (V): the vote lines for the case
The ratings matrix is preprocessed by independent R program
Model | Energy | # of sigma |
SVD From Scratch | 90% | 165 |
SVD From Scratch | 80% | 118 |
You can get a recommendation result as a table and the recommendation score
We recommend X1005 (100.0 % recommend)
description "Norway"
url "/norge"
Recommendation Table
description url
X1001 "Support Desktop" "/support"
X1002 "End User Produced View" "/athome"
X1003 "Knowledge Base" "/kb"
X1004 " Search" "/search"
X1005 "Norway" "/norge"
- Building a Recommendation System with R - Ch5 Case Study - Building Your Own Recommendation Engine