Complete your project by adding more features. Use the list of features with points to plan what features you will implement. Your group should get at least 50 points with a potential for up to 10 bonus marks if you get 60 or more points. To get full points for a feature, it must be completely working and full points may be subjective based on quality (for example user interface improvements). It is also possible to suggest your own features for credit. Proper documentation and walkthrough is very important for markers to test your web site.
Your web site should run on cosc304 or another server.
Get inspired for your store and the products it sells by reviewing some of the best past projects. You should sell different products than the sample products provided in lab 7.
Submit documentation with your walkthrough on Canvas. Submit a zip file of all your code on Canvas as well.
Make sure your documentation contains the URL for your site as well as user ids and passwords.
List of features with points must be included when submitting your documentation.