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functions do

##Functions for Cache of inverse of matrix. 
###firstly, setting the matrix, then,getting the matrix and its inverse.
###secondly, computing the inverse of matrix using cache solve asuming an invertible matrix.

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##Function for Cache of inverse of matrix. 
###firstly, setting the matrix, then,getting the matrix.
###secondly, setting the inverse of matrix, then,getting the inverse of matrix.then listing

makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix()) { inv <- NULL ## Initialize the inverse set <- function(y) { ## set the matrix x <<- y inv <<- NULL } get <- function() x ## get the matrix setinverse <- function(inverse) { inv <<- inverse } ## set the inverse of the matrix getinverse <- function() { inv } ## get the inverse of the matrix list(set=set, get=get, setinverse=setinverse, getinverse=getinverse) ## get the list


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## The following function Computes the inverse of the special matrix created by "makeCacheMatrix"
## above. . However, it first checks to see If the inverse has already been calculated.
##If so then the "cachesolve" should retrieve the inverse from the cache and skip computation.
## otherwise, it calculated the inverse of the matrix and sets the value of the inverse in the cache via the function.

# This function assumes that the matrix is always invertible.

cacheSolve <- function(x, ...) { ## Return a matrix that is the inverse of 'x' inv <- x$getinverse() ## Return the inverse of 'x' if(!is.null(inv)) { ## Return the inverse if its already set message("getting cached data.") return(inv) } data <- x$get() inv <- solve(data) #### Calculate the inverse of matrix x$setinverse(inv) inv
