a2dissite: : Disables an apache2 web site or virtual host configuration
a2enmod: : Enables an apache2 module
a2ensite: : Enables an apache2 web site or virtual host configuration
aa-status: : Displays various information about the current AppArmor policy
aa-teardown: : Unloads all AppArmor profiles
add-apt-repository: : Adds an apt software repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list file
apt: : Command-line interface for Debian-based dpkg management system
/bin/bash: : GNU Bourne-Again Shell
brctl: : Utility used for ethernet bridge administration
cat: : Concatenates files and print on standard output
cd: : Change directories to the requested directory : Built-in shell command
chmod: : Changes the mode of a file or directory
chown: : Changes ownership of a file or directory
cp: : Copies file(s) and/or directories
crontab: : Maintains crontab files for individual users
date: : Prints or sets the system date and time
dd: : Converts and copies a file
df: : Reports file system disk space usage
diff: : Reports the difference of 2 target files or directories
dpkg: : The lower-level package manager for Debian
du: : Estimates file space usage
e2fsck: : Checks a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
echo: : Displays a line of text
egrep: : Prints lines that match extended regular expression patterns
eject: : Ejects removable media
exit: : Causes normal process termination
exportfs: : Maintains table of exported NFS file systems
fallocate: : Preallocates or Deallocates space to a file
fdisk: : Manipulates disk partition table
find: : Searches for files in a directory hierarchy
firefox: : A free and open source web browser from Mozilla
free: : Displays amount of free and used memory in the system
getent: : Gets entries from Name Service Switch libraries
git: : Utility for the Git revision control system
grep: : Prints lines that match patterns
groupadd: : Creates a new group
hcitool: : Configures Bluetooth connections
head: : Outputs the first part of files
hostname: : Shows or sets the system's host name
hostnamectl: : Controls the system hostname via systemd
host: : Utility for DNS lookup
id: : Prints real and effective user and group IDs
iw: : Shows or manipulates wireless devices and their configuration
kvm-ok: : Determines if this system is capable of running hardware acceleration
last: : Shows a listing of last logged in users
less: : Opposite of 'more',
links: : A lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
ln: : Makes links between files
locale: : Gets locale-specific information
localectl: : Controls the system locale and keyboard layout settings via systemd
lsblk: : Lists block devices
ls: : lists directory contents
lsof: : Lists open files (files being actively used)
lynx: : A general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
man: : Utility enabling repetitive command execution
mkdir: : Creates one or more directories
mkfs.ext4: : Creates an ext4 file system
mkswap: : Sets up a Linux swap area
modinfo: : Shows information about a Linux kernel module
mokutil: : Utility for manipulating machine owner keys
mount: : Mount a filesystem
mysql: : A shell interface to MySQL or MariaDB databases
mysql_secure_installation: : Improves MariaDB installation security
nano: : A simple curses-based text editor
nmcli: : Command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager
openssl: : OpenSSL command line program
parted: : A partition manipulation program
passwd: : Changes a user password
ps: : Reports a snapshot of the current processes
pwd: : Returns the present working directory
reboot: : Reboots the machine
remmina: : A GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
resize2fs: : Resizes an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
resolvectl: : Resolves domain names, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, DNS records and services
rm: : Removes file(s) or directories
rpi-eeprom-update: : Checks whether the Raspberry Pi bootloader EEPROM
scp: : OpenSSH secure file copy program
sha256sum: : Computes and checks SHA256 message digests
snap: : The package manager for Canonical's alternate SNAP package system
ssh: : OpenSSH remote login client
ssh-keygen: : OpenSSH authentication key utility
sudo: : Executes a command as another user
swapoff: : Disables devices and files for paging and swapping
swapon: : Enables devices and files for paging and swapping
systemctl: : Controls the systemd system and service manager
tail: : Outputs the last part of files
tar: : Tape or file hierarchy archiving utility
timedatectl: : Controls the system time and date via systemd
touch: : Changes file timestamps
tune2fs: : Adjusts tunable file system parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 file systems
umount: : Unmounts filesystems
useradd: : Creates a new user or updates default new user information
usermod: : Modifies a user account
virsh: : Shell interface to virtual guest domains
virt-install: : Provisions new virtual machines
wget: : The non-interactive network downloader
whoami: : Prints your effective userid
x2goclient: : Client application to launch server-side X2Go sessions
xhost: : Server access control program for X
xz: : Compresses .xz and .lzma files