- Support for .Net version 7.0
- Sponsors url
- Brand images with new dein standard
- Support with dotnet 6 publish NuGet commands
- Support for Twitter API v2
- NewtonSoft library dependency
- Support for .Net version 6.0
- Support for netstandard version 2.1
- Commands with single quotes and paths with spaces.
- Drop support for .Net Core version 2.2, because is out of support and will not receive security updates in the future.
- Support for .Net version 5.0
- NuGet development dependency.
- NuGet permissions on scripts.
- The framework to .Net Core version 3.1
- NuGet support only for .Net Core 2.2 and 3.1
- The Framework to .Net Core version 3.0
- NuGet support only for .Net Core 2.2 and 3.0
- Path GetFileNameWithoutExtension method
- Moq to 4.12.0
- Coverlet to 2.6.3
- NET.Test and CodeCoverage to 16.2.0
- NewtonSoft to 12.0.2
- The Framework to .Net Core version 2.2
- Moq to 4.10.1
- Coverlet to 4.5.1
- Add extra double quotes on external command when path contains spaces on folder names.
- Support for .Net Core version 2.0
- Update Newtonsoft.Json library to 12.0.1
- The Framework to .Net Core version 2.1
- Windows shell bridge.
- The
method on empty search.
- RemoveLastOctetIPv4 to GetOctetsIPv4 function.
- Bridge and Shell Documentation.
- Output scripts on the NuGet package.
- Bridge class to run commands in an external terminal.
- Code smells reported by SonarQube.
- Newtonsoft.Json library to 11.0.2
- Search option on Get Files.
- Split function on Directories Path.
- Delete All function don't throw an exception when folder file not found.
- NuGet package files, remove source files and pack under lib folder.
- Code smells reported by SonarQube.
function when the extension is null.
- FilterCreator function.
- INotificationSystem interface that notify actions on COPY or DELETE files.
- NuGet package configuration.
Where it all begins...