This is a minimalist frontend implementation of the delegation v1 and v2 registry. Every function has a 1:1 name of the contract ABI.
Read more about the via our documentation
npm install @delegatexyz/sdk viem
The v1 or v2 SDK require the same parameters:
- transport: a valid viem Transport.
- chain: chain from
(or define your own) - isZkSync (optional): boolean to indicate if the chain is zkSync (v2 only, defaults to false)
- account (optional): A wallet client
is only required to use the write functions.
import { http } from 'viem';
import { DelegateV1, DelegateV2 } from '@delegatexyz/sdk';
const RPC_URL = '';
const v1 = new DelegateV1(http(RPC_URL));
const v2 = new DelegateV2({ userTransport: http(RPC_URL) });
await v1.checkDelegateForAll(
await v2.checkDelegateForAll(
To write transactions, you'll need to pass a wallet client.
import { http } from 'viem';
import { mainnet } from 'viem/chains';
import { DelegateV1, DelegateV2 } from '@delegatexyz/sdk';
const account = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom(window.ethereum),
const RPC_URL = '';
const v1 = new DelegateV1(http(), mainnet, account);
const v2 = new DelegateV2({ userTransport: http(RPC_URL), chain: mainnet, account });
await v1.delegateForAll('0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266', '0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8'),
await v2.delegateAll(
- checkDelegateForAll(to, from, rights)
- checkDelegateForContract(to, from, contract, rights)
- checkDelegateForERC1155(to, from, contract, tokenId, rights)
- checkDelegateForERC20(to, from, contract, rights)
- checkDelegateForERC721(to, from, contract, tokenId, rights)
- getIncomingDelegations(to)
- getOutgoingDelegations(from)
- delegateAll(to, right, enable)
- delegateContract(to, contract, rights, enable)
- delegateERC1155(to, contract, tokenId, rights, amount)
- delegateERC20(to, contract, rights, enable)
- delegateERC721(to, contract, tokenId, rights, enable)
- multicall(calls)
These function calls will return back the encoded function data.
- rawDelegateAll(to, right, enable)
- rawDelegateContract(to, contract, rights, enable)
- rawDelegateERC1155(to, contract, tokenId, rights, amount)
- rawDelegateERC20(to, contract, rights, enable)
- rawDelegateERC721(to, contract, tokenId, rights, enable)
- rawMulticall(calls)
- checkDelegateForAll(delegate, vault)
- checkDelegateForContract(delegate, vault, contract)
- checkDelegateForToken(delegate, vault, contract, tokenId)
- getContractLevelDelegations(vault)
- getDelegatesForAll(vault)
- getDelegatesForContract(vault, contract)
- getDelegatesForToken(vault, contract, tokenId)
- getDelegationsByDelegate(delegate)
- getTokenLevelDelegations(vault)
- delegateForAll(delegate, value)
- delegateForContract(delegate, contract, value)
- delegateForToken(delegate, contract, tokenId, value)
- revokeAllDelegates()
- revokeDelegate(delegate)
- revokeSelf(vault)
These function calls will return back the encoded function data.
- rawDelegateForAll(delegate, value)
- rawDelegateForContract(delegate, contract, value)
- rawDelegateForToken(delegate, contract, tokenId, value)
- rawRevokeAllDelegates()
- rawRevokeDelegate(delegate)