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File metadata and controls

812 lines (637 loc) · 37.6 KB


Evm-Indexer is a service which uses the Ethereum JSON-RPC API to store the following information in a local datastore (postgres) for the most recent 50 blocks (or more) and provide REST APIs:

  • Get and store the block and all transaction hashes in the block
  • Get and store all events related to each transaction in each block
  • Expose an endpoint that allows a user to query all events related to a particular address

The services provided:

  • Historical data query
  • Real-time notification support


  • Sync up to latest state of blockchain
  • Listen for all happenings on Ethereum or EVM based blockchain
  • Persist all happenings in local database
  • Expose REST & GraphQL API for querying, while also setting block range/ time range for filtering results. Allow querying latest X entries for events emitted by contracts.
    • Block data
    • Transaction data
    • Event data
  • Expose websocket based real time notification mechanism for
    • Blocks being mined
    • Transactions being sent from address and/ or transactions being received at address
    • Events being emitted by contract, with indexed fields i.e. topics
  • It has capability to process blocks in delayed fashion, if configured to do so. To address chain reorganization issue. Configuration specifies how many block confirmations you require before considering that block to be finalized in .env file.
  • If real-time subscription mode is enabled, it'll publish data to clients who're interested i.e. subscribed.
  • For delayed mode, blocks are processed the same way, except putting it in persistent data store. Rather block identifier to be put in waiting queue, from where it'll be eventually picked up by workers to finally persist it in DB.
  • Downside of using this feature is you might not get data back in response of query for certain block number, which just got mined but not finalized as per configured i.e. BlockConfirmations environment variable's value. Default value will be 0.

Table of Contents


  • Go ( >= 1.15 )

  • Both HTTP & Websocket RPC connection endpoint required

    Querying block, transaction, event log related data using HTTP

    Listening for block mining events in real time over Websocket

  • Install & set up PostgreSQL. guide.

    Enable pgcrypto extension on PostgreSQL Database.

    Create extension: create extension pgcrypto;

    Check extension: \dx

    Make sure PostgreSQL has md5 authentication mechanism enabled.

  • Install and set up Redis guide.

    • Note : Redis v6.0.6 is required


git clone [email protected]:denniswon/evm-indexer.git

cd evm-indexer

cp .env.example .env

.env configuration

  • For testing historical data query using browser based GraphQL Playground, set GraphQLPlayGround to yes in config file

  • For processing block(s)/ tx(s) concurrently, it'll create ConcurrencyFactor * #-of CPUs on machine workers, who will pick up jobs submitted to them.

    • If nothing is specified, it defaults to 1 & assuming you're running on machine with 4 CPUs, it'll spawn worker pool of size 4. More than configured number of jobs can be submitted, only 4 can be running at max.
  • For delayed mode, set BlockConfirmations to some number > 0.

  • For range based queries BlockRange can be set to limit how many blocks can be queried by client in a single go. Default value 100.

  • For time span based queries TimeRange can be set to put limit on max time span ( in terms of second ), can be used by clients. Default value 3600 i.e. 1 hour.






  • Build evm-indexer
go mod tidy

make build
  • Run evm-indexer

# or to build & run together
make run
  • Database migration taken care of during application start up.

  • Syncing with latest state of blockchain takes time. Current sync state can be queried

curl -s localhost:7000/v1/synced | jq
  "elapsed": "3m2.487237s",
  "eta": "87h51m38s",
  "processed": 4242,
  "synced": "0.35 %"


<<<<<<< HEAD evm-indexer exposes REST API for querying historical block, transaction & event related data. It can also play role of real time notification engine, when subscribed to supported topics.

validationcloud exposes REST & GraphQL API for querying historical block, transaction & event related data. It can also play role of real time notification engine, when subscribed to supported topics.

b09aecd (websocket endpoint support addon for real-time block/tx/event topic subscription)

Historical Block Data ( REST API )

You can query historical block data with various combination of query string params.

Path : /v1/block

Query Params Method Description
hash=0x...&tx=yes GET Fetch all transactions present in a block, when block hash is known
number=1&tx=yes GET Fetch all transactions present in a block, when block number is known
hash=0x... GET Fetch block by hash
number=1 GET Fetch block by number
fromBlock=1&toBlock=10 GET Fetch blocks by block number range ( max 10 at a time )
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988 GET Fetch blocks by unix timestamp range ( max 60 seconds timespan )

Historical Transaction Data ( REST API )

Path : /v1/transaction

Query Params Method Description
hash=0x... GET Fetch transaction by txHash
nonce=1&fromAccount=0x... GET Fetch transaction, when tx sender's address & account nonce are known
fromBlock=1&toBlock=10&deployer=0x... GET Find out what contracts are created by certain account within given block number range ( max 100 blocks )
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&deployer=0x... GET Find out what contracts are created by certain account within given timestamp range ( max 600 seconds of timespan )
fromBlock=1&toBlock=100&fromAccount=0x...&toAccount=0x... GET Given block number range ( max 100 at a time ) & a pair of accounts, can find out all tx performed between that pair, where from & to fields are fixed
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&fromAccount=0x...&toAccount=0x... GET Given time stamp range ( max 600 seconds of timespan ) & a pair of accounts, can find out all tx performed between that pair, where from & to fields are fixed
fromBlock=1&toBlock=100&fromAccount=0x... GET Given block number range ( max 100 at a time ) & an account, can find out all tx performed from that account
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&fromAccount=0x... GET Given time stamp range ( max 600 seconds of span ) & an account, can find out all tx performed from that account
fromBlock=1&toBlock=100&toAccount=0x... GET Given block number range ( max 100 at a time ) & an account, can find out all tx where target was this address
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&toAccount=0x... GET Given time stamp range ( max 600 seconds of span ) & an account, can find out all tx where target was this address

Historical Event Data ( REST API )

Path : /v1/event

Query Params Method Description
blockHash=0x... GET Given blockhash, retrieves all events emitted by tx(s) present in block
blockHash=0x...&logIndex=1 GET Given blockhash and log index in block, attempts to retrieve associated event
blockNumber=123456&logIndex=2 GET Given block number and log index in block, attempts to retrieve associated event
txHash=0x... GET Given txhash, retrieves all events emitted during execution of this transaction
count=50&contract=0x... GET Returns last x ( <=50 ) events emitted by this contract
fromBlock=1&toBlock=10&contract=0x...&topic0=0x...&topic1=0x...&topic2=0x...&topic3=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given block range & also matching topic signatures {0, 1, 2, 3}
fromBlock=1&toBlock=10&contract=0x...&topic0=0x...&topic1=0x...&topic2=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given block range & also matching topic signatures {0, 1, 2}
fromBlock=1&toBlock=10&contract=0x...&topic0=0x...&topic1=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given block range & also matching topic signatures {0, 1}
fromBlock=1&toBlock=10&contract=0x...&topic0=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given block range & also matching topic signatures {0}
fromBlock=1&toBlock=10&contract=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given block range
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&contract=0x...&topic0=0x...&topic1=0x...&topic2=0x...&topic3=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given time stamp range & also matching topic signatures {0, 1, 2, 3}
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&contract=0x...&topic0=0x...&topic1=0x...&topic2=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given time stamp range & also matching topic signatures {0, 1, 2}
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&contract=0x...&topic0=0x...&topic1=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given time stamp range & also matching topic signatures {0, 1}
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&contract=0x...&topic0=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given time stamp range & also matching topic signatures {0}
fromTime=1604975929&toTime=1604975988&contract=0x... GET Finding event(s) emitted from contract within given time stamp range

Historical Block Data ( GraphQL API )

You can query block data using GraphQL API.

Path: /v1/graphql

Method: POST

type Query {
  blockByHash(hash: String!): Block!
  blockByNumber(number: String!): Block!
  blocksByNumberRange(from: String!, to: String!): [Block!]!
  blocksByTimeRange(from: String!, to: String!): [Block!]!


type Block {
  hash: String!
  number: String!
  time: String!
  parentHash: String!
  difficulty: String!
  gasUsed: String!
  gasLimit: String!
  nonce: String!
  miner: String!
  size: Float!
  txRootHash: String!
  receiptRootHash: String!
Method Parameters Possible use case
blockByHash hash: String! When you know block hash & want to get whole block data back
blockByNumber number: String! When you know block number & want to get whole block data back
blocksByNumberRange from: String!, to: String! When you've a block number range & want to get all blocks in that range, in a single call
blocksByTimeRange from: String!, to: String! When you've unix timestamp range & want to get all blocks in that range, in a single call

Historical Transaction Data ( GraphQL API )

Path: /v1/graphql

Method: POST

type Query {
  transaction(hash: String!): Transaction!

  transactionCountByBlockHash(hash: String!): Int!
  transactionsByBlockHash(hash: String!): [Transaction!]!

  transactionCountByBlockNumber(number: String!): Int!
  transactionsByBlockNumber(number: String!): [Transaction!]!

    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): Int!
    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!

    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): Int!
    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!

    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): Int!
    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!

    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): Int!
    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!

    fromAccount: String!
    toAccount: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): Int!
    fromAccount: String!
    toAccount: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!

    fromAccount: String!
    toAccount: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): Int!
    fromAccount: String!
    toAccount: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!

    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!
    account: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Transaction!]!
    account: String!
    nonce: String!
  ): Transaction!


type Transaction {
  hash: String!
  from: String!
  to: String!
  contract: String!
  value: String!
  data: String!
  gas: String!
  gasPrice: String!
  cost: String!
  nonce: String!
  state: String!
  blockHash: String!
Method Parameters Possible use case
transaction hash: String! When you know txHash & want to get that tx data
transactionCountByBlockHash hash: String! When you know block hash & want to get count of tx(s) packed in that block
transactionsByBlockHash hash: String! When you know block hash & want to get all tx(s) packed in that block
transactionCountByBlockNumber number: String! When you know block number & want to get count of tx(s) packed in that block
transactionsByBlockNumber number: String! When you know block number & want to get all tx(s) packed in that block
transactionCountFromAccountByNumberRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender address, block number range & want to find out how many tx(s) were sent by this address in that certain block number range
transactionsFromAccountByNumberRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender address, block number range & want to find out all tx(s) that were sent by this address in that certain block number range
transactionCountFromAccountByTimeRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender address, unix time stamp range & want to find out how many tx(s) were sent by this address in that certain timespan
transactionsFromAccountByTimeRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender address, unix time stamp range & want to find out all tx(s) that were sent by this address in that certain timespan
transactionCountToAccountByNumberRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx receiver address, block number range & want to find out how many tx(s) were sent to this address in that certain block number range
transactionsToAccountByNumberRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx receiver address, block number range & want to find out all tx(s) that were sent to this address in that certain block number range
transactionCountToAccountByTimeRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx receiver address, unix time stamp range & want to find out how many tx(s) were sent to this address in that certain timespan
transactionsToAccountByTimeRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx receiver address, unix time stamp range & want to find out all tx(s) that were sent to this address in that certain timespan
transactionCountBetweenAccountsByNumberRange fromAccount: String!, toAccount: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender & receiver addresses, block number range & want to find out how many tx(s) were sent from sender to receiver in that certain block number range
transactionsBetweenAccountsByNumberRange fromAccount: String!, toAccount: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender & receiver addresses, block number range & want to find out all tx(s) that were sent from sender to receiver in that certain block number range
transactionCountBetweenAccountsByTimeRange fromAccount: String!, toAccount: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender & receiver addresses, unix timestamp range & want to find out how many tx(s) were sent from sender to receiver in that certain timespan
transactionsBetweenAccountsByTimeRange fromAccount: String!, toAccount: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know tx sender & receiver addresses, unix timestamp range & want to find out all tx(s) that were sent from sender to receiver in that certain timespan
contractsCreatedFromAccountByNumberRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know EOA's ( externally owned account ) address & want to find out all contracts created by that account in block number range
contractsCreatedFromAccountByTimeRange account: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know EOA's ( externally owned account ) address & want to find out all contracts created by that account in certain time span
transactionFromAccountWithNonce account: String!, nonce: String! When you have EOA's address & nonce value of it, you can pin point to that tx. This can be used to iterate through all tx(s) from this account, by updating nonce.

Historical Event Data ( GraphQL API )

Path: /v1/graphql

Method: POST

type Query {
    contract: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Event!]!
    contract: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
  ): [Event!]!
  eventsByBlockHash(hash: String!): [Event!]!
  eventsByTxHash(hash: String!): [Event!]!
    contract: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
    topics: [String!]!
  ): [Event!]!
    contract: String!
    from: String!
    to: String!
    topics: [String!]!
  ): [Event!]!
  lastXEventsFromContract(contract: String!, x: Int!): [Event!]!
  eventByBlockHashAndLogIndex(hash: String!, index: String!): Event!
  eventByBlockNumberAndLogIndex(number: String!, index: String!): Event!


type Event {
  origin: String!
  index: String!
  topics: [String!]!
  data: String!
  txHash: String!
  blockHash: String!
Method Parameters Possible use case
eventsFromContractByNumberRange contract: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you've one contract address, block number range & you want to find out all events emitted by that contract in given block range
eventsFromContractByTimeRange contract: String!, from: String!, to: String! When you know contract address, unix time stamp range & you want to find out all events emitted by that contract in given timespan
eventsByBlockHash hash: String! When you've block hash & want to find out all events emitted in tx(s) packed in that block
eventsByTxHash hash: String! When you've txHash & want to find out all events emitted during execution of that tx
eventsFromContractWithTopicsByNumberRange contract: String!, from: String!, to: String!, topics: [String!]! When you've smart contract address, block number range & an ordered list of event log's topic signature(s), you can find out all events emitted by that contract with specific signature(s) in block range
eventsFromContractWithTopicsByTimeRange contract: String!, from: String!, to: String!, topics: [String!]! When you've smart contract address, unix time stamp range & an ordered list of event log's topic signature(s), you can find out all events emitted by that contract with specific signature(s) in given timespan
lastXEventsFromContract contract: String!, x: Int! When you know just contract address & want to find out last X events emitted by that contract [ Very useful sometimes 😅 ]
eventByBlockHashAndLogIndex hash: String!, index: String! When you know block hash, index of event log in block & want to get back specific event in that position
eventByBlockHashAndLogIndex number: String!, index: String! When you know block number, index of event log in block & want to get back specific event in that position

GraphQL Playground : /v1/graphql-playground

Real time notification for mined blocks

For listening to blocks getting mined, connect to /v1/ws endpoint using websocket client library & once connected, users need to send subscription request with payload ( JSON encoded )

  "name": "block",
  "type": "subscribe"

Subscription confirmeation response ( JSON encoded )

  "code": 1,
  "message": "Subscribed to `block`"

Real-time notification about new blocks getting mined:

  "hash": "0x08f50b4795667528f6c0fdda31a0d270aae60dbe7bc4ea950ae1f71aaa01eabc",
  "number": 7015086,
  "time": 1605328635,
  "parentHash": "0x5ec0faff8b48e201e366a3f6c505eb274904e034c1565da2241f1327e9bad459",
  "difficulty": "6",
  "gasUsed": 78746,
  "gasLimit": 20000000,
  "nonce": 0,
  "miner": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "size": 1044,
  "txRootHash": "0x088d6142b1d79803c851b1d839888b1e9f26c31e1266b4e221121f2cd8e85f86",
  "receiptRootHash": "0xca3949d52f113935ac08bae15e0816cd0472f01590f0fe0b65584bfb3aa324a6"

Cancel subscription:

  "name": "block",
  "type": "unsubscribe"

Unsubscription confirmation response:

  "code": 1,
  "message": "Unsubscribed from `block`"

Real time notification for transactions

  "name": "transaction/<from-address>/<to-address>",
  "type": "subscribe"

Examples :

  • Any transaction
  "name": "transaction/*/*",
  "type": "subscribe"
  • Fixed from field [ tx originated from account ]
  "name": "transaction/0x4774fEd3f2838f504006BE53155cA9cbDDEe9f0c/*",
  "type": "subscribe"
  • Fixed to field [ tx targeted to account ]
  "name": "transaction/*/0x4774fEd3f2838f504006BE53155cA9cbDDEe9f0c",
  "type": "subscribe"
  • Fixed from & to field [ tx from -> to account ]
  "name": "transaction/0xc9D50e0a571aDd06C7D5f1452DcE2F523FB711a1/0x4774fEd3f2838f504006BE53155cA9cbDDEe9f0c",
  "type": "subscribe"

Subscription confirmation response ( JSON encoded )

  "code": 1,
  "message": "Subscribed to `transaction`"

Real-time notification response for transaction subscription:

  "hash": "0x08cfda79bd68ad280c7786e5dd349ab81981c52ea5cdd8e31be0a4b54b976555",
  "from": "0xc9D50e0a571aDd06C7D5f1452DcE2F523FB711a1",
  "to": "0x4774fEd3f2838f504006BE53155cA9cbDDEe9f0c",
  "contract": "",
  "value": "",
  "data": "0x35086d290000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000360",
  "gas": 200000,
  "gasPrice": "1000000000",
  "cost": "200000000000000",
  "nonce": 19899,
  "state": 1,
  "blockHash": "0xc29170d33141602a95b915c954c1068a380ef5169178eef2538beb6edb005810"

Cancel subscription:

  "name": "transaction/<from-address>/<to-address>",
  "type": "unsubscribe"

Unsubscription confirmation response:

  "code": 1,
  "message": "Unsubscribed from `transaction`"

Real-time notification for events

  "name": "event/<contract-address>/<topic-0-signature>/<topic-1-signature>/<topic-2-signature>/<topic-3-signature>",
  "type": "subscribe"

Examples :

  • Any event emitted by any smart contract in network
  "name": "event/*/*/*/*/*",
  "type": "subscribe"
  • Any event emitted by one specific smart contract
  "name": "event/0xcb3fA413B23b12E402Cfcd8FA120f983FB70d8E8/*/*/*/*",
  "type": "subscribe"
  • Specific event emitted by one specific smart contract
  "name": "event/0xcb3fA413B23b12E402Cfcd8FA120f983FB70d8E8/0x2ab93f65628379309f36cb125e90d7c902454a545c4f8b8cb0794af75c24b807/*/*/*",
  "type": "subscribe"
  • Specific event emitted by any smart contract in network
  "name": "event/*/0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef/*/*/*",
  "type": "subscribe"

Subscription confirmation JSON encoded response

  "code": 1,
  "message": "Subscribed to `event`"

Real-time notification you about every event emitted by smart contracts, to which subscribed to:

  "origin": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001010",
  "index": 3,
  "topics": [
  "data": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000454b2247e2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a96ae0b49dfc60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003a0df005a45c3dd5dd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a9668c02797e40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003a0df04aef7e85b7dd",
  "txHash": "0xfdc5a29fdd57a53953a542f4c46b0ece5423227f26b1191e58d32973b4d81dc9",
  "blockHash": "0x08e9ac45e4041a4309c6f5dd42b0fc78e00ca0cb8603965465206b22a63d07fb"

Cancel subscription:

  "name": "event/<contract-address>/<topic-0-signature>/<topic-1-signature>/<topic-2-signature>/<topic-3-signature>",
  "type": "unsubscribe"

Unsubscription confirmation response:

  "code": 1,
  "message": "Unsubscribed from `event`"

Note: If graceful unsubscription not done, if client unreachable, client subscription will get removed


  • Code is written in Go

Thought process and code design

  • Concurrency support using event request queue

Technology choices

  • Postgres for persistant local storage
  • Redis for pubsub
  • graphql for api
  • go-ethereum ethclient for blockchain communication

How would you keep the data set up to date?

  • ethclient websocket listening for new blocks

How would you expose the stored data to customers in an easy-to-query API?

  • Rest API using GraphQL

How would you handle security of the API?

  • postgres and redis authentication
  • API key for users
  • API delivery stats and history

How would you improve the performance of your approach?

  • First vertical scaling
  • Then horizontal scaling with transition to more distributed architecture
  • Redis to Kafka for pubsub
  • DB sharding by blocks / tx and event assoicated address indexing
  • Load balancer
  • API key and user session management with in-memory caching of api requests and responses
  • All historical data query requests to require ApiKey
  • All real-time event subscription & unsubscription requests to require ApiKey
  • Subscription plan with tiers

How would you adapt your design to store the same data for the entire history of Ethereum Mainnet?

  • Snapshotting for scalability, add support for features to take snapshots of the db and restore from snapshots

  • Snapshotting also useful for migrating to different machine or setting up new instance,to avoid a lengthy whole chain data syncing.

  • DB sharding by block number ranges and indexing

  • tx and event assoicated address sharding and indexing

What would it take to deploy and monitor a service like this in production?

  • Kubernetes, Terraform and Ansible
  • Integration and monitoring tests
  • Grafana, Amplitude, Sentry, Pagerduty
  • RPC endpoint fallbacks
  • Production deployment using systemd