REPLACE (in bat file use %%
instead of %
for %A IN (*.jpg) DO convert "%A" -quality 70% "%A"
convert *.jpg -resize 10% output.jpg
mogrify -resize 75% -quality 90% -taint *.jpg
-- keep metadata(EXIFI) during converting
mogrify -resize x150 -background white -gravity center -extent 150x150 *.jpg
-- replace image with changing its size to 150px(1 side) and if there is space fill it with white color and center
If cut image wrong try:
mogrify -resize 150x150 -background white -gravity center -extent 150x150 *.jpg
In grid (montage command)
montage 1.jpg 2.jpg -background white -tile 2x -geometry +50+50 50.jpg
1.jpg 2.jpg
- input images (could be more)-background white
- background for the spacing (padding) (white is default none means black)-tile 2x
- (tile) keep original size of images in grid, otherwise they will be shrinked to default 120x120 pixel boxes2x
-- means 2 images on a row (more info in Tile Layout Controls section)
- spacings in pixels (horizontally + vertically), for NO SPACING use+0+0
- name of output image (for png can usePNG32:50.png