+## Dependabot Demo Repository
This repo contains some projects with outdated dependencies. Fork it to try out
+Dependabot :dependabot:!
+### Enabling Security Updates
+- In your fork, click the **Settings** tab
+- In the left hand side navigation, click **Code security and analysis**
+- Enable **Dependabot security updates** or **Grouped security updates**
+- Dependabot will now start creating PRs for detected security vulnerabilities
+- Go into the **Security** tab and click **Dependabot** in the left hand side navigation to see what Dependabot is working on
+After about 5 minutes you should see some PRs open. Merge them and the Securty Alerts will close 🎉
+### Enabling Version Updates
+This demo includes a `dependabot.yml` which configures [Version Updates](https://docs.github.com/github/administering-a-repository/keeping-your-dependencies-updated-automatically), but forks don't automatically start with Dependabot enabled.
+The enable Dependabot on your fork:
+- Click the **Insights** tab
+- In the left hand side navigation, click **Dependency Graph**
+- Click on the **Dependabot** tab
+- Click on the **Enable Dependabot** button
+- After a moment, refresh the page and you should see Dependabot hard at work
+After a few minutes, you should get some more PRs!