- Setup Github config
# statie.yml
thanker_repository_name: "tomasvotruba/tomasvotruba.com"
thanker_author_name: "TomasVotruba" # this name will be skipped from stats
- Dump contributors to
vendor/bin/statie dump-contributors
- Use in Thank you template
{% block content %}
<h2>Thanks to all <strong>{{ contributors|length }} contributors</strong> who help me create content!</h2>
{% set contributors = sort_by_field(contributors, 'name') %}
{% for contributor in contributors %}
{% if loop.last %}and{% endif %}
<a href="https://github.com/{{ thanker_repository_name }}/commits?author={{ contributor.name }}">{{ contributor.name }}</a>{% if loop.index < (length(contributors) - 1) %}, {% endif %}{% if loop.last %}.{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Now you share gratitude for those, who help you on your life path. Good job!