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Mesos Puppet Module

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COMPATIBILITY NOTE: current version (0.6.x) requires puppetlabs-apt >= 2.1.0 which has significantly refactored API (doesn't matter if you don't wanna use Mesosphere APT repo).

deric-mesos Puppet 3.x Puppet 4.x Puppet 5.x
0.9.x ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
1.x.x ✔️ ✔️

For installing master

  repo => 'mesosphere',
  zookeeper => [ '', '', ''],

  work_dir => '/var/lib/mesos',
  options => {
    quorum   => 2

From ZooKeeper array an URI is created zk://,, In order to customize this use either server:port or see zk_path and zk_default_port variable.

Example slave configuration:

  attributes => {
    'env' => 'production',
  resources => {
    'ports' => '[10000-65535]'
  options   => {
    'isolation'      => 'cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem',
    'containerizers' => 'docker,mesos',
    'hostname'       => $::fqdn,

for using Hiera and other options see below.

Shared parameters


  • zookeeper - Array of ZooKeeper servers (with port) which is used for slaves connecting to the master and also for leader election, e.g.:
    • single ZooKeeper: (which isn't fault tolerant)
      • multiple ZooKeepers: [ '', '', ''] (usually 3 or 5 ZooKeepers should be enough)
      • ZooKeeper URL will be stored in /etc/mesos/zk, /etc/default/mesos-master and/or /etc/default/mesos-slave
  • conf_dir - directory with simple configuration files containing master/slave parameters (name of the file is a key, contents its value) - this directory will be completely managed by Puppet
  • env_var - shared master/slave execution environment variables (see example under slave)
  • version - install specific version of Mesos
  • manage_python - Control whether mesos module should install python
  • manage_zk_file - Control whether module manages /etc/mesos/zk (default: true)
  • manage_service - Whether Puppet should ensure service state (applies to mesos-master and mesos-slave) (default: true)
  • single_role - When enabled each machine is expected to run either master or slave service (default: true)
  • manage_service_file Provide custom service definition - only systemd is supported right now (default: false)
  • systemd_after Ensures that the configured unit is started after the listed unit finished starting up (default:
  • systemd_wants If this unit gets activated, the units listed here will be activated as well (default:


Should be as simple as this, on master node:

class{'mesos::master': }

optionally you can specify some parameters or it is possible to configure Mesos via Hiera (see below).

  master_port => 5050,
  work_dir => '/var/lib/mesos',
  options => {
    quorum   => 4

For slave you have to specify either master

  master => ''

or zookeeper node(s) to connect:

  zookeeper => ['', '', '']
  • conf_dir default value is /etc/mesos-master (this directory will be purged by Puppet!)
    • for list of supported options see mesos-master --help
  • env_var - master's execution environment variables (see example under slave)
  • acls - hash of mesos acls, {"permissive" => true, "register_frameworks" => [..]} (default: {})
  • acls_file - path to file to store acls (default: /etc/mesos/acls)
  • credentials - array of mesos credentials, [{'principal' => 'some-principal', 'secret' => 'some-secret'}] (default: [])
  • credentials_file - path to file to store credentials (default: /etc/mesos/master-credentials)
  • syslog_logger - whether to log the Mesos service's output to syslog - note that if this parameter is false then it is up to your init system to log the process's output and if Mesos fails to start properly it will not produce log files of its own (default: true)

listen address

By default Mesos will bind to If you want to change the IP address Mesos is binding to, you can either provide a Puppet Fact:

  listen_address => $::ipaddress_eth0

or directly use some IP address:

  listen_address => ''

Note that Facter 2 will contain incorrect IP address in $::ipaddress fact when Docker is installed. See FACT-380 for more information.

By default no IP address is set, which means that Mesos will use IP to which translates hostname -f (you can influence bind address simply in /etc/hosts).


  • enable - install Mesos slave service (default: true)
  • port - slave's port for incoming connections (default: 5051)
  • master- ip address of Mesos master (default: localhost)
  • master_port - Mesos master's port (default: 5050)
  • work_dir - directory for storing task's temporary files (default: /var/lib/mesos)
  • env_var - slave's execution environment variables - a Hash, if you are using Java, you might need e.g.:
  • principal - mesos principal used for auththentication
  • secret - secret used for auththentication
  • credentials_file - path to file to store credentials (default: /etc/mesos/slave-credentials)
  • syslog_logger - whether to log the Mesos service's output to syslog (default: true)
  master  => '',
  env_var => {
    'JAVA_HOME' => '/usr/bin/java'

in a similar manner you can specify cgroups isolation:

  zookeeper  => 'zk://',
  isolation  => 'cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem',
  cgroups    => {
    'hierarchy' => '/sys/fs/cgroup',
    'root'      => 'mesos',
  • conf_dir default value is /etc/mesos-slave (this directory will be purged by Puppet!) - for list of supported options see mesos-slave --help

File based configuration

As Mesos configuration flags changes with each version we don't provide directly a named parameter for each flag. mesos::property allows to create a parameter file. e.g. configure value in /etc/mesos-slave/hostname:

mesos::property { 'hostname':
  value  => '',
  dir    => '/etc/mesos-slave',
  notify => Service['mesos-slave']

Remove this file simply use the ensure parameter:

mesos::property { 'hostname':
  ensure => absent,
  dir    => '/etc/mesos-slave',
  notify => Service['mesos-slave']

This is equivalent approach to

  options => {
    'hostname' => ''

which will create a file /etc/mesos-slave/hostname with content (where /etc/mesos-slave is a slave's $conf_dir).

Yet another option would be to pass this value via Hiera (see the section below).

Boolean flags

Current Mesos packages recognizes boolean flags like --[no-]quiet via files named as /etc/mesos-slave/?quiet for --quiet (true) and /etc/mesos-slave/?no-quiet for false value.

  options => {
    'quiet' => true

since 0.4.1

Mesos Standalone

Standalone mode (non-HA) is useful for testing, it does not require ZooKeeper URI, nor quorum variable. If you are running both master and slave on the same node, make sure you disable single_role parameter:

  single_role => false,

Hiera support

All configuration could be handled by Hiera. Simple parameter are looked up by default in Puppet 3, however hashes won't get merged. In order to merge options from multiple Hiera files set mesos::use_hiera: true.

Either specify one master

mesos::master      : ''

or Zookeeper could be use for a fault-tolerant setup (multiple instances of zookeeper are separated by comma):

  - ''
  - ''
  - ''

Some parameters are shared between master and slave nodes:

mesos::master_port : 5050
mesos::log_dir     : '/var/log/mesos'
mesos::conf_dir    : '/etc/mesos'
mesos::owner       : 'mesos'
mesos::group       : 'mesos'

Other are master specific:

mesos::master::cluster     : 'my_mesos_cluster'
mesos::master::whitelist   : '*'

or slave specific:

  JAVA_HOME: '/usr/bin/java'

Mesos service reads configuration either from ENV variables or from configuration files wich are stored in /etc/mesos-slave resp. /etc/mesos-master. Hash passed via options will be converted to config files. Most of the options is possible to configure this way:

  webui_dir: '/usr/local/share/mesos/webui'
  quorum: '4'

you can also use facts from Puppet:

  hostname: "%{::fqdn}"

cgroups with Hiera:

mesos::slave::isolation: 'cgroups/cpu,cgroups/mem'
  hierarchy: '/sys/fs/cgroup'

Limit resources used by Mesos slave:

  cpus: '10'

Mesos CLI

Mesos command line interface is written in Python (currently supports 2.6 and 2.7). The CLI provides serveral useful commands like mesos ps ,mesos ls. For complete list see CLI documentation.

By default CLI is not installed with master nor slave, you should enable this manually by including

  debug            => false,
  response_timeout => 5,

on any machine that can connect to mesos-master and mesos-slaves.

Python installation

Python is required for Mesos Web UI and for CLI as well. Installing Python with Mesos should be responsibility of binary packages (Mesos could be build without UI), therefore this behaviour is not enabled by default.

You can enable this feature with following:

  manage_python => true

or change Python package name, to match your needs:

  manage_python => true,
  python_package => 'python-dev'

Software repository

Software repositories could be enabled by defining a source:

mesos::repo: 'mesosphere'
mesos::manage_repo: true

or in Puppet code:

  repo        => 'mesosphere',
  manage_repo => true,

by default this feature is enabled and right we support repositories for:

  • Debian/Ubuntu
  • RedHat/CentOS

Feel free to send PR for other distributions/package sources.

Custom APT repository

Default APT repository is configured following way:

  repo => {
    location => "${osfamily}",
    release  => $::lsbdistcodename,
    repos    => 'main',
    key      => {
      'id'     => '81026D0004C44CF7EF55ADF8DF7D54CBE56151BF',
      'server' => '',
    include  => {
      'src' => false

where the repo hash is passsed to apt::source (from offcial apt module).

In case you want to override some settings, only the modified values needs to be passed e.g.:

  repo => {
    location => "",
    key      => {
      'id'     => '{mykey}',
      'server' => '',

since 0.8.2

Overriding service providers

Some Mesos packages does not respect conventions on given OS for starting services. For both mesos::master and mesos::slave you can specify mechanism which will be used for starting services.

  service_provider => 'upstart'

If you want to create the service resource yourself, set service_provider to none.

Some reasonable values are:

  • init
  • upstart - e.g. Ubuntu
  • systemd
  • runit
  • none - service won't be installed
  • undef - (default) detected provider by Puppet

A custom systemd configuration example:

  service_provider    => 'systemd',
  manage_service_file => true,
  systemd_wants       => ' zookeeper.service',
  systemd_after       => ' zookeeper.service',


You can build package by yourself and upload package to your software repository. Or use packages from


  • Puppet > 3.0 and < 5.0


  • stdlib version >= 4.2.0 - we need function is_bool
  • apt version >= 2.1.0 is required for Debian servers (since puppet-mesos 0.6)


Preferred installation is via puppet-librarian just add to Puppetfile:

mod 'deric/mesos', '>= 0.6.0'

for latest version from git:

mod 'deric/mesos', :git => 'git://'

Acceptance testing

Fastest way is to run tests on prepared Docker images:

BEAKER_set=debian9-5.5 bundle exec rake acceptance

For examining system state set Beaker's ENV variable BEAKER_destroy=no:

BEAKER_destroy=no BEAKER_set=debian9-6.3 bundle exec rake acceptance

and after finishing tests connect to container:


For more information see Mesos project


Apache License 2.0


Alphabetical list of contributors (not necessarily up-to-date), generated by command git log --format='%aN' | sort -u | sed -e 's/^/\- /':

  • Andrew Teixeira
  • Chris Rebert
  • Felix Bechstein
  • Ian Burrell
  • Jamie Hewland
  • jfarrell
  • Jing Dong
  • Konrad Scherer
  • krall
  • Kyle Anderson
  • Maksym Melnychok
  • Oriol Fitó
  • Paul Otto
  • Rhommel Lamas
  • Sam Stoelinga
  • Sean McLaughlin
  • Sophie Haskins
  • Tadas Vilkeliskis
  • taik0
  • Tomas Barton
  • Tom Stockton
  • William Leese