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184 lines (134 loc) · 14.3 KB

File metadata and controls

184 lines (134 loc) · 14.3 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.13.1] - 2023-11-29


  • Adding/Removing single nodes to/from the selection with Cmd should now work properly on OSX (#70).

[0.13.0] - 2023-11-20


  • Connections from and to disabled nodes are now dimmed to see more easily which connections are unused when a node is disabled (#68).

[0.12.0] - 2023-10-31


  • There is a new String Enum node which makes it easier to compare a string to various fixed values (#63).
  • A new action was added to select all unused nodes, e.g. all nodes which do not contribute to the generated code (#64).

[0.11.0] - 2023-09-21


  • You can now hold the Shift key when duplicating nodes to automatically connect the duplicates to the same nodes as the original nodes. (#62).

[0.10.2] - 2023-09-05


  • When having a min/step/max-constrained number in the customizer and the min value is different from zero the slider could not select any correct value anymore. This is an issue with the underlying Godot engine 3 which doesn't support this combination for sliders. As such this issue cannot be fixed without migrating to Godot 4. As a workaround, the editor will not show a number edit instead of a slider in this case, so it is at least possible to enter a valid value. (#61).

[0.10.1] - 2023-06-24


  • Inputs to nodes which have a variable input size can now again be added and removed (#60).
  • Pairwise multiply no longer produces invalid code in certain situations.
  • The sum node now properly handles combinations of vector, vector2 and vector3 inputs.

[0.10.0] - 2023-05-31


  • A new Sum node which can accept any number of incoming connections has been added. Summing up multiple values is a very common thing to do in OpenSCAD. Using the normal add operator node for this requires you to add one operator node for each two values you want to add. This can become tedious when you want to add more than two values. The new Sum node allows you to add any number of values in a single node, which requires less clicks and improves the graphs readability. (#53).
  • A new refactoring which allows you to extract a set of nodes into a function or module with a single keystroke. The refactoring automatically detects all incoming and outgoing connections, decides on the appropriate type (function or module) creates the necessary parameters and return values and then moves the nodes into the new graph, replacing them with call to the new function or module in the original graph (#51). This refactoring greatly eases the creation of reusable functions and modules.
  • The graph editor has received a new toolbar which allows you to use many operations which until now only were accessible with keyboard shortcuts. The toolbar also shows the keyboard shortcuts for each operation. This both makes the editor better usable with styluses and makes it easier to discover the available operations. (#34, #56).


  • When moving external SCAD files around the editor now handles absent files more gracefully. It will show a warning when trying to load a file that no longer exists or has become invalid. It will operate on the last known good state. This makes it easier to move files around without breaking your graph. (#36).
  • The help dialog for nodes can now also be accessed through the context menu of a node and the new toolbar. (#46).
  • Operator nodes now automatically switch their input and output types depending on what is connected to them. It is no longer necessary to switch the operator input type manually. For operator nodes it is now also possible to draw a connection to an input port if the type currently does not fit. The operator node will automatically adjust the type of the input port to match the new incoming connection. This greatly eases working with operator nodes.
  • Documentation comments will now render only if there is actual documentation entered. If parameters or return values exist they will still render even without documentation as they can at least provide type information. This makes the resulting OpenSCAD code more readable ((#52).
  • All context menus are now created through a central code instance making their layout and item order consistent no matter if you right-click something in the tree or a node in the graph.
  • A lot of code has been reorganized and streamlined under the hood to make it easier to add new features and fix bugs.


  • Reroute nodes now properly restore their port type to "Reroute" when you remove the last connection from them. Before they sometimes kept the previously used port type which made it impossible to connect them to other nodes.

[0.9.3] - 2023-04-05


  • The editor is now properly code signed and notarized by Apple. This should make it easier to install and use it on Mac OSX. (#33). A huge thanks goes out to Will Adams for donating the funds on ko-fi to make this possible!

[0.9.2] - 2023-04-02


  • You can now select all nodes in a graph by pressing Ctrl+A/Cmd+A.


  • The stylus debug dialog shows now more information about received events. Information can be easily copied and pasted into bug reports.


  • Pressing a combination of W, A, S and D with Cmd/Ctrl no longer will trigger a node layout.

[0.9.1] - 2023-03-21


  • Selecting the OpenSCAD executable in the settings dialog now again works correctly. This was broken in 0.9.0.

[0.9.0] - 2023-03-02


  • Added support for OpenScad's surface and import functions. You can now import 3D models and heightmaps into your graph (#17)


  • You can now also delete nodes by pressing the Backspace key, which is more convenient when working with a Macbook keyboard (#43).

[0.8.0] - 2023-02-26


  • Added missing intersection node. This now allows you to generate intersections of multiple objects.
  • You can now easily duplicate modules, functions and variables by right-clicking them and selecting Duplicate (#41).
  • Added a range of utility nodes that simplify common use cases (#42):
    • Double allows you to calculate the double of an input number or vector.
    • Half allows you to calculate the half of an input number.
    • MinusOne allows you to subtract one from an input number.
    • PlusOne allows you to add one to an input number.

[0.7.0] - 2023-01-04


  • You can now set up a preamble which will be rendered on top of the generated OpenSCAD code. This is useful if you want to add a license header or other comments to the generated code (#39).


  • The code preview now uses a monospace font. This makes it easier to read the generated code.
  • Includes are now rendered before variable declarations. This allows overwriting variables in included files.
  • When you try to load a file that no longer exists the editor will now show an error message instead of silently failing.


  • include and use statements are now correctly generated without a terminating semicolon (#39).
  • The directory of the currently open file is now remembered correctly no matter whether you use the file dialog or the recent file list to open a file (#40).

[0.6.1] - 2022-12-12


  • You can now create special variables starting with $. This was not allowed before, but should have.

[0.6.0] - 2022-12-07


  • You can now delete connections by right-clicking them. This is especially useful when multiple connections go into the same node, where until now you had to one by one drag them out of the node until you had the correct one (#28).
  • You can now quickly insert a reroute node on a connection by moving the mouse over a connection and then Shift+Right-Click. If you additionally hold Ctrl/Cmd while doing this a wireless reroute node is inserted. This complements the already existing functionality of deleting a reroute node with Shift+Delete, which will delete the reroute node but keep the connection.

[0.5.2] - 2022-12-02


  • It is now possible to modify references to external files (until now you could only delete and add them again).


  • Importing external references has received a complete overhaul. The import now properly handles transitive dependencies and handles files which are included multiple times through different paths. It can now also handle functions modules and variables being moved between files.

[0.5.1] - 2022-11-29


  • Spatially arranging nodes to affect output order now also properly works for nested modules.

[0.5.0] - 2022-11-07


  • Support for OpenSCAD's customizer. You can now set up if and how variables should appear in the customizer (#23).
  • Variables now have default values. A new panel has been added that allows you to quickly set initial values for all variables. This largely alleviates the need to create a Set Variable node to initialize each variable.
  • Binary operators now have a context menu option that allows to quickly flip their inputs (fixes #24)
  • You can now duplicate nodes by pressing Ctrl+D/Cmd+D.
  • When deleting a reroute node, you can now hold Shift to retain the reroute node's connections (e.g. only delete the node itself).
  • When you open a file, the editor will create a backup of the file in the same directory with the extension .1. Older backups will be renamed to .2, .3, etc. You can change the number of backups that are kept in the settings (default is 5, set to 0 to disable backups).


  • The project tree is now expanded by default.

[0.4.1] - 2022-09-05


  • When changing the parameter/return type of modules and functions the connections to these parameters will now only be removed if the connection would be invalid with the new type. Before, all connections to these parameters would be deleted. (fixes #20).

[0.4.0] - 2022-09-05

Breaking change

  • Nodes are now translated into OpenSCAD code from top to bottom and then left to right. Before, the order was undefined. This change allows you to influence the order in which assignments of variables happen and where exactly in the code echo statements are executed.

    Depending on how you use variables and echo nodes in your graph this change may modify the behaviour of your graph, hence I declare this a breaking change. You may need to rearrange these nodes in your graph to get back the previous execution order.


[0.3.1] - 2022-08-22


  • When you undo a change the editor no longer switches to an unrelated tab (fixes #16).
  • The Negate node now can also be used for vectors (fixes #14)
  • When doing undo/redo the graph is now properly repainted.

[0.3.0] - 2022-08-20


  • It is now possible to rename variables.
  • When you press the Enter key, in the variable edit dialog the dialog closes like if you would have clicked the OK button (fixes #11).


  • When you align nodes to the right, their right edge is now aligned properly (fixes #12).
  • Color values are now properly rendered regardless of the current system locale (fixes #10).
  • Deleting a function/module that is currently open no longer will throw an exception.
  • When renaming/creating a module/function the dialog will now check that the name is not already used.
  • When creating a function with no parameters, the renderer will no longer throw an exception.

[0.2.0] - 2022-08-15


  • The main window now shows the version number in the title bar (fixes #6).

[0.1.14] - 2022-08-04


  • All number literals are now parsed in a culture-invariant way. So all floating point numbers are formatted with a dot as the decimal separator (e.g. 0.12 instead of 0,12) no matter which OS locale is set (fixes #4).
  • A few typos and inconsistencies in the manual have been fixed (#5).

[0.1.13] - 2022-07-19

  • Initial public release