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Clean virtuoso endpoint

descl edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 8 revisions

create procedure dump_nquads (in dir varchar := 'dumps', in start_from int := 1, in file_length_limit integer := 100000000, in comp int := 1) { declare inx, ses_len int; declare file_name varchar; declare env, ses any;

inx := start_from; set isolation = 'uncommitted'; env := vector (0,0,0); ses := string_output (10000000); for (select * from (sparql define input:storage "" select ?s ?p ?o ?g { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } . filter ( ?g != virtrdf: ) } ) as sub option (loop)) do { declare exit handler for sqlstate '22023' { goto next; }; http_nquad (env, "s", "p", "o", "g", ses); ses_len := length (ses); if (ses_len >= file_length_limit) { file_name := sprintf ('%s/output%06d.nq', dir, inx); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -2); if (comp) { gz_compress_file (file_name, file_name||'.gz'); file_delete (file_name); } inx := inx + 1; env := vector (0,0,0); ses := string_output (10000000); } next:; } if (length (ses)) { file_name := sprintf ('%s/output%06d.nq', dir, inx); string_to_file (file_name, ses, -2); if (comp) { gz_compress_file (file_name, file_name||'.gz'); file_delete (file_name); } inx := inx + 1; env := vector (0,0,0); } } ;

dump_nquads ('/apps/backupProcedure6mars/datas', 1, 1000000000, 0); ld_dir ('/apps/backupProcedure6mars/datas/','*.nq','http://localhost:8890/'); SQL> rdf_loader_run(); Done. -- 13116448 msec.

Change password for dba add user readorRead with select only Bien vérifier 2 FOIS que le select est activé!!!

Puis ajouter la sécu pour /sparql et /sparql-auth Method: Basic Realm: SPARQL Authentication Function: DB.DBA.HP_AUTH_SPARQL_USER

Do not stop the load!!! never! or you will loose all the content...

Get all loarding items count SELECT count(*) FROM DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST where ll_state=0;

Get current loading items SELECT * FROM DB.DBA.LOAD_LIST where ll_state=1;