This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, create a database in Dexie Cloud
npx dexie-cloud create [--hackathon]
Notice the DB URL on the console.
Then, whitelist the origin used to access the app
npx dexie-cloud whitelist http://localhost:3000
Then, create an .env file with the variable
Then, run the development server:
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Search My Brain is a showcase application. It implements the following features:
- Offline storage and sync
- Conflict-free rich text editing with Tiptap and Y.js with collaborative editing and awaress (showing each other's cursors)
- Full text search in notes
- Spaces and sharing (sharing spaces of notes with friends)
- PWA and service worker. Use next-pwa, workbox or write your own.
- Activate Background sync
The app comes with email One-Time Password login out of the box. To add Github Signin, create an Oath app on Github and add the following to your .env file:
- NEXT_PUBLIC_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=(this value comes from your oath app on Github)
- GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=(this value comes from your oath app on Github)
- NEXT_PUBLIC_GITHUB_REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/github
- DEXIE_CLOUD_CLIENT_ID=(this value comes from your dexie-cloud.key file)
- DEXIE_CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET=(this value comes from your dexie-cloud.key file)