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Feb 9, '22

Avi Vajpeyi edited this page Feb 15, 2022 · 7 revisions

Action Items from the last meeting:

  • Followup on

    • TOI 178 (multiplanet)
    • TOI 237 (potentially multi-modal fit?)
  • Look at phase-plots and divide erroneous fits into categories (eg. wrong period init

  • Data:

    • use the quality flag --> hardest [done]
    • remove EXOFOP source=SPOC filter [done]
  • Rerun analysis with above changes to data (and other changes that have been made)

Case Studies

New items:

Action items

  • fix the pages! Hard to share output atm
  • Diagnostic plotting:
    • plot the residual plot after the initialization
    • plot raw data - transit and overlay GP
    • don't use median value -- that is uninformative -- maybe plot all the LCs with lower alpha?
  • plot the binned data
  • Debug the GP weirdness for 103 -- is the GP fitting data- transit model? Whats going on?
  • Next week: look at model with dan to help with single transit systems
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