A bot integration for Vietcetera's Slack that pulls real-time data from Google Analytics Core Reporting API.
Important Note: The Slack Bot is hosted on Heroku's Free Tier so if the bot is not responding, the heroku dyno might need to be restarted.
On the command line:
heroku ps:scale worker=0
heroku ps:scale web=0
This shuts down all processes
heroku ps:scale worker=1
This turns the worker dyno back on
To verify the build status:
heroku logs --tail
And hopefully it says something like: app[api]: Build succeeded app[worker.1]: Starter Bot connected and running!
@stats-bot help
Format @stats-bot count (metric) [optional] from (starttime) to (endtime)
Examples: @stats-bot count newUsers from 14daysago to today @stats-bot count pageviews from 100daysago to today @stats-bot count users
Format @stats-bot views (url slug - everything after vietcetera.com) [optional] from (starttime) to (enddtime)
@stats-bot views /en/yellow-fever-in-modern-day-vietnam-when-asia-is-like-disneyland/ from 3daysago to today
if (starttime) and (endtime) are left out, the default range will be past 7 days
Format @stats-bot graph (metric) [optional] from (starttime) to (enddtime)
@stats-bot graph users by day from 14daysago to today
If you have a goal number in mind, say 1 million page views by the end of the month, there is a command to easily help you find out how close we are to that goal number.
@stats-bot goal 1000000 pageviews from 30daysago to today @stats-bot goal 1000000 pageviews mtd
Currently at 163688 pageviews which is 16.3688% of goal.
The output will be of the format: Currently at X (metric) which is Y % of goal.
- Numbers must be without commas or periods i.e. 100,000 or 100.000 will not work.
- users - Total number of users (unique IDs/computers) who have initiated at least one session during the date range across all pages
- newUsers - Number of first-time users across all pages
- percentNewUsers - (newUsers / sessions)
- 1dayUsers
- 7dayUsers
- 28dayUsers
- 30dayUsers
- sessions - Total number of Sessions within the date range. A session is the period time a user is actively engaged with your website, app, etc.
- sessionsPerUser
- bounces - Number of visits that ended in only one pageview
- bounceRate - bounces / sessions
- sessionDuration
- avgSessionDuration - The average length of a Session.
- organicSearches
- goal1Starts
- goalStartsAll
- goal1Completions
- goalCompletionsAll
- goal1Value
- goalValueAll
- goalValuePerSession
- goal1ConversionRate
- goalConversionRateAll
- goal1Abandons
- goalAbandonsAll
- goal1AbandonsRate
- goalAbandonRateAll
- entrances
- entranceRate
- pageViews
- pageViewsPerSession - Pages/Session (Average Page Depth) is the average number of pages viewed during a session. Repeated views of a single page are counted.
- avgTimeOnPage
- exits
- exitRate
- pageLoadTime
- avgPageLoadTime
- pageDownloadTime
- serverConnectionTime
- screenViews
- screenViewsPerSession
- timeOnScreen
- avgScreenviewDuration
There are more metrics that you can use to get data - the full list is at: https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/query-explorer/ and https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/dimsmets