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Compilers ANTLR Tutorial

For this tutorial, you need to install Java, Gradle, and Git (and optionally, a Git GUI client, such as TortoiseGit or GitHub Desktop). Please check the compatibility matrix for Java and Gradle versions. The tutorial guide can be found here.

Project setup

There are some import folders in the repository. Your development source code is inside the subfolder named src/main. Specifically, your initially application is in the folder src/main/pt/up/fe/comp2023, and the grammar is in the subfolder src/main/antlr/comp2023/grammar. Finally, the subfolder named tutorial contains code solutions for each step of the tutorial.

Compile and Running

To compile and install the program, run gradle installDist. This will compile your classes and create a launcher script in the folder ./build/install/jmm/bin. For convenience, there are two script files in the root folder, one for Windows (jmm.bat) and another for Linux (jmm), that call this launcher script.