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Running Locally

uvicorn app.main:app --reload

And if you want to exclude somewhat noisy changes in virtualenv:

uvicorn app.main:app --reload --reload-exclude '.venv/**/*.py'


Don't forget to update requirements in case you added a new package with uv pip freeze | uv pip compile - -o requirements.txt

If you haven't set up your venv see here.

Build locally

  • docker build -t districtr .
  • docker run --rm -i districtr


Automatic using GHA fly.yml.

Handy fly commands:

  • fly status
  • fly machines start
  • fly ssh console



alembic revision --autogenerate -m "{{ migration_name }}" Then make sure the migration is what you want.

alembic upgrade head

To do this on production, run fly postgres connect -a {{ database-id }} then the above commands.


alembic downgrade -1


alembic history


  • Try to maximize the use of url parameters for handling state in the frontend. On the backend, this means that practically we should add slugs or UUIDs to models if there might be a page associated with that concept.

Developer set-up

  1. cp .env
  2. Fill out the .env with your local postgres credentials. Follow section Postgres set-up for more details on creating your local database.
  3. Make sure you've set up your pre-commits with pre-commit install as documented here.

Python install

Dependencies are managed with uv as noted in the root README. Follow set-up instructions there. Production is on python 3.12.2; a python version >=3.11 is required.

Set-up virtual environment and install dependencies:

  1. uv venv --python 3.12.2
  2. source .venv/bin/activate on UNIX machines or venv\Scripts\activate on Windows.
  3. uv pip install -r requirements.txt

Postgres set-up

Install postgres based on your OS.

  1. psql
  2. CREATE DATABASE districtr;
  3. \c districtr
  4. \dt should yield no tables / make sure db is empty.
  5. \q
  6. alembic upgrade head

If needed, create a user for yourself.

  1. psql
  2. \c districtr
  3. CREATE USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'make up your own password';


pytest --cov=.

Or with full coverage report:

coverage run --source=app -m pytest -v && coverage html && open htmlcov/index.html

Database teardown

All unit tests are run against a test database districtr_test. You can override the test database name by setting the POSTGRES_TEST_DB environment variable.

By default, the test database is created and destroyed for each test run. If you want to persist the database, set the environment variable TEARDOWN_TEST_DB to one of false, f, 0, no e.g. TEARDOWN_TEST_DB=false pytest.

Useful reference apps

Backend CLI

Because all endpoints are public, we need to be careful about what we expose in the API. As such, management commands are to be exclusively run using the CLI.

To see which commands are available, run python --help. You can also inspect individual commands by running python <command> --help.

These commands are fairly atomic. In the future we can create more complex commands that chain these together to simplify set-up but for now that's a pretty low priority / devex need.

Adding a new Districtr Map

A Districtr Map can either be shatterable or unshatterable. Both require GerryDB views to be loaded.

Loading GerryDB views


python import-gerrydb-view \
    --layer layer_name_in_geopackage \
    --gpkg /path/to/geopackage.gpkg \

If creating a shatterable map, you'll need to load at least two views. Make sure that the second view, the "child" view can be shattered by the "parent" view–meaning the child geometries nest within the parent geometries.

Creating an unshatterable map

  1. Load the GerryDB view for the map. See above.
  2. Create a Districtr Map by running:
python create-districtr-map \
    --name "My map name" \
    --gerrydb-table-name gerrydb_layer_name \
    --parent-layer-name gerrydb_layer_name \
    --tiles-s3-path path/to/my/tiles.pmtiles

A few important notes on tilesets:

  • The tiles-s3-path should be the URL path only, without the leading /. The scheme, subdomain, domain, TLD, and port (if any) are passed to the FE via the NEXT_PUBLIC_S3_BUCKET_URL environment variable.
  • For more on tilesets, see Tileset CLI.

Creating a shatterable map

  1. Load GerryDB parent layer. See above.
  2. Load GerryDB child layer. See above.
  3. Create shatterable MATERIALIZED VIEW, which is the union of the parent and child layers by running:
python create-shatterable-districtr-view \
    --gerrydb-table-name gerrydb_layer_name \
    --parent-layer-name gerrydb_parent_layer_name \
    --child-layer-name gerrydb_child_layer_name

Note: The gerrydb-table-name must be unique across all shatterable maps.

  1. Create a shatterable Districtr Map by running:
python create-districtr-map \
    --name "My shatterable map name" \
    --gerrydb-table-name gerrydb_layer_name \
    --parent-layer-name gerrydb_parent_layer_name \
    --child-layer-name gerrydb_child_layer_name \
    --tiles-s3-path path/to/my/joined/tiles.pmtiles
  1. Create parent child edges by running python create-parent-child-edges --districtr-map gerrydb_layer_name

You're done! (Assuming you also created your tilesets. See pipelines CLI for that.)

Tileset CLI

In some of the Backend CLI commands, a tileset path must be provided. These tilesets are not generated by the Backend CLI, but by the pipelines Simple ELT CLI. These two CLIs are separate because generating tilesets is a resource-intensive process that is best done in a separate environment. Separating dependencies also allows us to decouple tile generation fromt the backend, which has its pros/cons.

To see which commands are available, run python --help. You can also inspect individual commands by running python <command> --help.

Generating individual tilesets

Use the create-gerrydb-tileset command.

Generating tilesets for shatterable Districtr Maps

Shatterable Districtr Maps send both the parent and child layers to the frontend in a single tileset. You can create tilesets with multiple layers with the tippecannoe tile-join utility our our wrapped CLI command, merge-gerrydb-tilesets.

Production tilesets

The following tilesets are available to the production environment:

aws s3 ls s3://districtr-v2-dev/tilesets/ --endpoint-url= --profile=cloudflare
2024-08-08 17:01:39          0
2024-08-08 17:00:39   29505257 co_block_all_basic_pops.pmtiles
2024-08-08 15:49:48   36458896 co_block_p1_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:56:02   29457733 co_block_p4_view.pmtiles
2024-09-21 19:33:26   38903491 co_p1_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:40:45    3227745 co_vtd_all_basic_pops.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:40:30    3218826 co_vtd_p1_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 17:01:14    3213257 co_vtd_p4_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:03:14    3836927 de_demo_view_census_blocks.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:45:09     300671 de_demo_view_census_vtd.pmtiles
2024-08-08 15:58:44   42409135 ga_block_all_basic_pops.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:10:31   42403512 ga_block_p1_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:40:15   42322552 ga_block_p4_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 17:00:58    4330016 ga_vtd_all_basic_pops.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:10:50    4324852 ga_vtd_p1_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 17:01:34    4319648 ga_vtd_p4_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:45:05   20444228 ks_demo_view_census_blocks.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:45:23    1583210 ks_demo_view_census_vtd.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:52:11   49466105 pa_demo_view_census_blocks.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:41:05    5445496 pa_demo_view_census_vtd.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:56:52    5923235 ri_block_all_basic_pops.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:41:30    5922335 ri_block_p1_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:56:27    5905631 ri_block_p4_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 17:01:39     308259 ri_vtd_all_basic_pops.pmtiles
2024-08-08 15:58:49     307905 ri_vtd_p1_view.pmtiles
2024-08-08 16:45:14     307582 ri_vtd_p4_view.pmtiles

Only co_p1_view.pmtiles is a shatterable tileset, which has both co_vtd_p1_view and co_block_p1_view as separate layers.

For now, @raphaellaude is the only maintainer that can add tilesets to the production environment.