Can view app on azurewebsites here: Demo
My Blog Posts on this (3 thus far): At
Note that there is another branch under development with lots of new features: UseTimeSlots Note: That Branch now uses Telerik Grid and Buttons
A sample project showcasing Blazor WebApps.
An app using Enity Framework Core, C#, .NET Core etc.
Uses with identity based upon the Blazor with Identity sample project:
Also uses the date time picker from:
The app is a Booking App to manage bookings for a club Gym.
Given the CV-19 pandemic, the gym needs to limit the number (4) of participants at a time.
- Logged in users can view all previous bookings, and filter date-time
- Users can view their bookings, and filter date-time
- Users find available time slots and book up to the limit at that time (i.e. 4)
- Also un-book
- Of course bookings only forward in date-time.
Live demo for blazorwithidentity Demo
- Uses SQLite
- Can register and login.
- Can add bookings for logged in user
- Can see all bookings with various filters.
- Can see bookings for logged in user
- Can install on phone. (Android tested)
- Restrict bookings for any time slot to the app limit Done
- User can only book a timeslot once Done (In dev mode can book more than once though).
- Bookings Orderby Date decending then by Time of day ascending Done
- Mechanism for user to delete their bookings. Done
- Set Min day to book as Today. Done
- Add Admin page and restrict who it shows to. _Done
- App settings static class Done
- Fix booking bugs for non Today bookings.
- Add Admin functions to Admin page (See list on that page).
- Map allowed booking times.
- Enable roles: athlete,coach,has pass,admin
- Table layout issue for buttons, only: Currently uses full screen. Largely one
- Put settings in DB and allow Admin to change online.
- Implement I forgot pwd. Further no email capability yet.
- Social Media Logins
- Cache booking data in Client. Currently refreshes with each page change.