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309 lines (305 loc) · 13.7 KB

File metadata and controls

309 lines (305 loc) · 13.7 KB


  • New Release 1.5.0
  • Remove jQuery
  • Add style bwTopNone
  • Optimize FloatIfNotVisible component
  • Optimize Popup component
  • Optimize DataTable component
  • Optimize SelectManyCheckbox component
  • Optimize SelectBooleanCheckbox component
  • Optimize Item component
  • Optimize Alert component
  • Optimize size button
  • Add separator style for media screen
  • Add style to simple button with wait-path
  • Use m-wAuto in button of popop foot
  • Add change color in button element
  • Reduce size font icon
  • Optimize selectBooleanCheckbox component
  • Optimize selectManyCheckbox
  • Optiomize component css
  • Use simpple button in clevcore popup and create new icon
  • Add style x-large in medial screen
  • Optimize scrollable function of Popup object
  • Remove padding of simple buttons
  • Remove text center style of foot style
  • Remove importan role in tCenter style
  • Add style attribute
  • Optimize separator component
  • New simple style by button
  • Put shadow in head/foot popup when scrollbar is enabled
  • Clarify the popup component
  • Update font and create clevcoreIcon properties
  • Remove z-index of .fab style
  • Reorganize LoadingPage and Wait componenet
  • Issue in order of indexOf, first ";" and after "#" charter
  • Create System objet with information of client and remove Browser Objet
  • Add Media generic screen
  • Add ";" charter in getPage and getPath function/method
  • Add getPageFull and getPathFull function/method
  • Don't print messages component
  • Add parameterToObject and objectToParameter function
  • Add pointerevents none for data-title
  • Add scrollbar style
  • Optimize floatNotVisible component and use shadow negative
  • Add shadow negative
  • Add font-size in media print
  • The grid system is wrong
  • Optimize item component adding ajax attributes
  • The min-width for icon "fa" in item is 34px
  • Optimize background in item component
  • The border button in fabItems should be 0
  • The color in xDefault2 style is wrong
  • Optimize message in FacesUtils
  • Create "Alert" component
  • Add icon attributes in section component
  • Add style for print medial
  • Add ""
  • Add style for media screen
  • Add projectStage in JS environment
  • Change loading effect in CommandButton element by MD wait
  • Remove "resorces/common/img" folder
  • Wait component to material designed
  • Create object LoadingPage
  • Add disabledLoading attribute in CommandButton Element
  • Optimice text of FacesUtils class
  • Set valueLoading emply in dataTable to pagenator section
  • Remove "margin-bottom: 0;" of table
  • Add delay function
  • Add input md effect
  • Organize CSS
  • Add valueLoading attribute
  • Add forEach in the prototype of NodeList and HTMLCollection if not exist
  • Remove @SuppressWarnings("el-syntax")
  • Add title in column
  • Add getRealPath method
  • Optimize pom file


  • New Release 1.4.0
  • Add removeAccentedCharacters function
  • Function for special characters
  • Add function for sort by key
  • Reorder the style attribute in item componenet
  • Remove important attribute in dNone
  • Use new Reset Object
  • Reorganize reset function by Reset Object
  • Add removeAllChild function
  • Items and Item component
  • Add important attribute in css cColor and w100
  • Optimeze media print styles
  • Remove Bootstrap css library
  • Change icon close by arrow left when size screen are tablet and phone
  • Change threshold of expandable "popup" element to MIN_WIDTH_TABLET
  • Use new zoom property animate
  • Change height of panelHead and input element
  • Add "media generic" for display properties
  • Add intensity different zoom in animate.css
  • Close old popup before opening the new popup
  • Add function for session timeout handler
  • The message of browser unsupported not seen
  • Add padding to button
  • Standard media screen for generix property
  • Show browser unsupported popup when the version is old
  • Add SelectBooleanCheckbox component
  • Material icons doesn't work with IE9
  • Show popup when browser is not supported
  • Optimize footer of dataTable component
  • Replace translate by left property in side component
  • Delete browserDetect and create new browser detect function
  • Add "CustomEvent" function for IE
  • Add local variable to manage event in Firefox, as there isn't globals
  • Add responsive design in "dataTable" component
  • Use grid system in dataTable
  • Standard media screen for min-width property
  • The "items" component is automatically positioned
  • Variables declared are wrong
  • "Fab" component is floating over "Items" component
  • Add grid system
  • Add shadow attribute in floatIfNotVisible
  • Remove bootstrap, dateFormat and moment of project
  • Add "completely", indication if must float when is visible completely
  • Remove tCenter class of panelFoot componenet and add in components.css
  • Add padding in items panel
  • Change z-index property in components
  • Optimize Fab component
  • Add Material icons
  • Add getDirectory(), getPage(), getPath() function in common.js
  • When touch event is fast add inertia in component "Navbar Side"
  • Add rendered attribute in navbarMain and navbarMenu component
  • Remove styles of .fa in common.css
  • Move ClevcoreException to Backend project
  • Add removeWhitespace converter
  • widen mwLarge, mwNormal, mwSmall css
  • Optimize messages component
  • Add the behavior "touch" to "NavbarSide" componenet
  • Migrate old js of the componenet navbar to new Navbar Object
  • Change "media querie" the navbar componenet to MIN WIDTH TABLET
  • Migrate old js of the componenet popup to new Popup Object
  • Tooltip and accordionIcon optimizate
  • Popup always scrollable
  • Optimize shadow in navbar and popup component
  • Add autoscroll height in "item" Component
  • Unify "navbarItems" and "menuItems" in "items" component
  • Create navBar component
  • Optimize Font
  • Optimize section and separator component
  • Optimize wait component
  • Don't work popup when is movable
  • Don't work the component GraphicImage
  • Add new componenet called LoadingPage
  • Optimize CSS
  • Optimize CSS using best practices Google Material Design
  • Optimize component JS
  • In clevcore.xhtml "<!--[if lt IE 9]>" don't work
  • Enhance CSS for printing
  • Add attribute isLoader
  • Add function with "_blank" attribute
  • Update maven version
  • Add attribute excelBy
  • Wrong pagination in "Datatable"
  • Add constant to all the components
  • Add inline display to fa
  • Optimize panelFoot
  • Optimize menu
  • Optimize graphicImage
  • zIndex normal to menu
  • Do not print closed panels
  • It don't work geolocation with 2 and 3 attribute
  • Add attribute id and separe to title in section
  • Add rendered attribute
  • Create commandButton object with method loadingOn and loadingOff
  • Remove shadow of commandButton outline
  • Add decimalAdjust to round, floor and ceil number
  • Add Geolocation function
  • Add bShadowNoneHover
  • Remove required="true" of value attribute
  • Add styleClass and style attribute in column componenet
  • Add white space styles
  • Add tableResponsive a dataTable componenet
  • Modified icon of panel head with accordion
  • Add bShadow4dpFocus in commandButton
  • function popupAutocenter with attribute
  • Update JSF to 2.13 v
  • DataTable do not work with pagination equal true
  • The selector "checkbox input[type=checkbox]" make invisible
  • Add style attribute and rename title to value in component section
  • Add styleClass and style attribute in separator componenet
  • Do not show closed panels in print
  • Rename fNone to fs0
  • Optimize datatable, adding simplified and pagination attribute
  • The last element without pBottomNormal
  • Add style and disabled attribute
  • It modified the description of position "y" to "and"
  • Add "contain" function for verify if a element is child
  • Optimize reset.css
  • Optimize selectManyCheckbox
  • Create componenet Menu (dropdown)
  • selectManyCheckboxChange and selectManyCheckboxClick do not work
  • Remove focus and focusElement function
  • Datatable don't show pagination when size is lower to 5
  • Accept "orderBy" attribute equal to null
  • Remove validation attribute
  • Modify way to add attribute onclick to addEventListener
  • Add method setCheckboxInput, to set values to true/false in checkbox
  • Update getBoolean to accept the values String "true", "yes" and "on"
  • Update setAttribute to accept value attribute undefined
  • Update getElement to accept selector
  • Order converter attribute in selectOneMenu
  • Add new componenet selectManyCheckbox
  • Don't work the autoclose in panel with "info" state messege
  • Add onvalidation, work same that onsuccessful whitout validation failed
  • Add new style for shadow with focus event and add view height and width in 100
  • Update FontAwersome to 4.5
  • Don't works FacesUtils with message
  • Don't work the autoclose in panel with "info" state messege
  • Rename "shortcut" component to "fab"
  • Add the ability disable the animation of the floatIfNotVisible
  • Remove shadow of panel component when is accordion
  • Optimize shortcut component
  • Reorganize common.css, background and opacity section
  • Add shadow 6dp to floatIfNotVisible component
  • Create floatIfNotVisible component
  • The function animateScrollBottom() don't work
  • Make floating panelFoot when it is not visible in the viewPort
  • The getHeightWindow and getWidthWindow function don't work
  • Add isVisible function
  • Add bottom, left, right and top functions for window element
  • Add bottom and right function
  • Modify height and width functions for window element
  • Add function "has" for Attribute, class, style and classStyle
  • Style functions don't work
  • Add js function camelcaseToHyphens and hyphensToCamelcase
  • Get height and width with the margin
  • Replace "remplace" to "replace" and "delete" for "removeAll" .js
  • Add autocenter class in commons.css
  • Materialize the components (depth shadow only)
  • The background is not visible
  • Remove maxLenght on search input
  • Add tooltip as title in icon and command Button component
  • Add outline style for button component
  • Remove body style from reset.css
  • Modify shadow of the panel component
  • The popup component leaves the window with the second click in "elementToMove"
  • Clean Reset CSS
  • Add style for placeholder in reset
  • Add responsive data table
  • BBClevcore is empty
  • Create cc.jsf.ajax.addOn_x simulating jsf.ajax.addOn_x
  • Create event called jsfAjaxEvent and jsfAjaxError and replace
  • Move BBClevcore to "faces" folder
  • Optimize js and css of the popup component and modify the move() The component must not leave the screen
  • Add style cursor=default as cDefault in common.css
  • Optimize getHeight and getWidth and add functions common in common.js getHead, getBody, getKeyCode, autoscrollHeight, autoscrollWidth, autocenterHeight, autocenterWidth, getLeft, getLeftScroll, getTop, getTopScroll, actionToEscKey, HandleMove


  • New Release 1.3.0
  • US-141: Move unused styles in Clevcore engine
  • US-140: Optimize popup element for to be scrollable when do not enter in the screen
  • US-139: The onRender attribute execute it from bean Datatable
  • Added slf4j-log4j support
  • BG-49: The proyect don't navega with action
  • US-122: Remove the Contract css feature
  • US-137: Keep atributter rows of "dataTabla" in current session
  • BG-48: The "DataTable" record selector is hidden when no pages
  • US-136: Reduce white spaces in Study-data to move up the important fields
  • BG-38: when saving all the data in medical record and click on another item in the menu, the message continue to appear that the changes were not saved
  • BG-46: The textarea[data-height] don't work good
  • BG-45: The accordion panel doesn't work good with new autoheight attribute
  • US-114: Change icon in panel head for "expand" and "compress" and make it more intuitive
  • BG-44: Movable popup doesn't work
  • US-129: remove or make more performant animation of delete
  • BG-40: Verify data-only='number' (isNaN)
  • BG-41: The popup component does not hide the header
  • Added converter attribute to selectOneMenu
  • BG-36: Order by columns doesn't work!
  • US-123: Capturing the "onbeforeunload" event and ask if the user is sure to out because it might loose the changes
  • updated autosize textarea feature
  • US-108: Add params support for getClevcoreResource in facesUtils


  • New Release v1.2.0
  • US-107: Add ReplaceLineBreak converter
  • US-106: Make Enter on textarea a new line instead of shift+Enter
  • US-104: Add params support for getResource in facesUtils
  • BG-32: Delete margin in checkbox material
  • US-99: Optimization the FacesUtils class
  • US-98: Improve function "next element". The "buttons" with onclick, it will treat as "submit" and It don't follow with "next element" when in textarea - the have the "event.shiftKey = true"
  • Add the "change" and "click" event in selectOneMenu
  • US-94: Add select for rows
  • US-92: Remove selectUniqueElement the dataTable and all page in that used
  • US-87: Add new pattern date property for year small in clevcore_es (ex: pattern_date_small=dd/MM/yy)
  • US-86: Add to clevcore.xhtml <ui:insert name="head" /> and <ui:insertn name="body" /> in section head and body respectively
  • US-85: Add height and width style in common.css, for multiples for 5, ex: w5, w15, ..., w105.
  • US-82: Update Font Awesome style
  • US-78: Remove animations on titles and body
  • BG-18: The popup element doesn't work when your height is greater than the height of the page
  • material design checkbox style
  • fixed some null checks on FacesUtils
  • US-68: Create a "shortcut" component, similar to the of Android App called "keep"
  • Add message resource excel and pdf
  • US-56: Make a float button to go to the bottom of all the form
  • US-62: JSF library update
  • US-59: separate default.xhtml for clev faces and for medical frontend
  • Adding fonts and fixing gitignore


  • New Release v1.1.0
  • US-31: Clevcore-Engine migration to GitHub
  • Initial commit