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Airbnb NYC Data Analysis

Dataset I used describes the listing activity and metrics in NYC, NY for 2019.

Dataset link >

Click below video for video explanation.


Problem Statement

Dataset contains close to 49000 records with 16 columns. These columns consist of list title, host id, host name, borough, neighourhood, total reviews, etc. Dataset doesn't contain critical data like do they offer wifi, free meals, how many squarefeet is the property, etc which will affect the pricing of the listing.

Analyze and see what we can learn from this data,

  • What can we learn about different hosts and areas?
  • What can we learn from predictions? (ex: locations, prices, reviews, etc)
  • Which hosts are the busiest and why?
  • Is there any noticeable difference of traffic among different areas and what could be the reason for it?

Analyzing, Visualizing and Cleaning data

Here we analyze data, visualize, see correlations,decide what column do we need and what we don't need, remove unrelated columns, look for the null/na values or wrong data, treat those data, check outliers, treat the outliers and see if it needs more cleaning.

Basic examination

  • mean(average) of price values is 152$, min is 0 and max is 10000. while 75% mark of price distribution is 175 there's 10000 priced listing which hint some error in data entry or can be a natural variance. We'll explore this later.
  • there are listings that have minimum nights 1250 which can be a error in data or natural variance.
  • number of reviews column data seems ok.
  • reviews per month column has missing values.
  • some hosts have multiple properties and the host that owns most properties owns 327 properties.
  • availability_365 means the number of days the facility is available to be booked in the future 365 days. Some listings have 0 for this and max is 365

What we can learn about location?

Interesting topics for research

  • What boroghs or neighbourhoods have most expensive listings?
  • What boroghs or neighbourhoods are most busy?
  • What host is the most busy and his property distrubution around the NYC.
  • What property is the most busy and where it is located.
  • What boroghs are the least busy and posible reasons.
  • What type of listing are the most and least favorite?

Price distribution

Key points

  • Listing located in Manhattan are pricier than others. (above 150$)
  • Some pricier(than others) listings are scattered around Queens as well.
  • Host name that has most listings have listings in Brooklyn, Manhattan and few around other boroghs as well.
  • Most expensive and favorite room type is Entire home/apt and least is shared room.
  • there are about 1763 listings above 400$ in price in dataset. Entire home/apt - 1535, Private room - 216, Shared room - 12
  • There are 3 listings priced at 10000$ they are in Astoria, Greenpoint and Upper West Side areas. 2 of them are entire home/apt 1 of them is private room. 2 of them have reviews.

After removing outliers in price column

  • No listings for Shared rooms in Bronx. Staten Island have only 14.

What key factors drive price the most

We can see correlation between location and room type with the price. The other parameter doesn't show linear corrleation pattern with price. Only parameters that affect the price within a pattern is room_type, neighbourhood/location.

Predictive model

What can we predict? Do we have enough data to build a predictive model.

  • Preprocessing Preprocessing data to feed the model, split data for training, evaluating and testing
  • Model What can we predict? Do we have enough data to build a predictive model.

I have tried mulitple linear regression models to make a ml model that can predict the price of a listing with other parameters. But none of them were efficient. You can see the preprocessing and model fitting in 'airbnb_nyc_data_analyze_and_model_v2.ipynb' notebook. If you are seeing this in github repo there will be a notebook with that name. You can check that out.

The reason we can't build a effient ml model is because we don't have enough data. Only corelation that we have with price is the location and room type. That is not enough. Let's say there are 2 listings in same neighourhood, both are private rooms but prices are significantly different. Why? because one is larger, more cozy, have free wifi, free breakfast, etc like other benefits that will drive it's price comparing to other property that doesn't have those benefits.

We need more data/features/parameters to build a effient predictive model.


Price is mostly affected by location and room types. But still that's not enough to build a linear regression model. Dataset is good for EDA purpose but not enough parameters for a predictive model.