Create a GitHub account if you don't have one. Navigate to the project repository and click "Fork" to create your copy.
Open the Google Workspace Security Workbook, make a copy, and attached App Scripts will also be copied.
Open the project in your code editor or in Apps Script. Make changes to the Google App Script code. Test changes using your copied Google Workspace Security Workbook.
Stage your changes with git add on your forked repository. Commit the changes using git commit with a descriptive message. Push changes to your forked repo with git push. On GitHub, go to your forked repo and click "New Pull Request." Select the appropriate branch, compare changes, and write a concise description. Submit the pull request for review.
Engage with maintainers, address feedback, and make necessary modifications. Commit changes to your forked repository. Update the pull request with the latest changes.
Once approved, your contribution will be merged into the main project branch.