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Inheritance margin
Metadata as Source, SourceLink, Decompilation
Need Design Review
Need Design Review
The end user experience design needs to be reviewed and approved.
Need More Info
Need More Info
The issue needs more information to proceed.
Needs API Review
Needs API Review
Needs to be reviewed by the API review council
Needs Shiproom Approval
Needs Shiproom Approval
needs team triage
needs team triage
Needs UX Triage
Needs UX Triage
New Feature - Async Streams
New Feature - Async Streams
Async Streams
New Feature - CheckedUserDefinedOperators
New Feature - CheckedUserDefinedOperators
New Feature - Collection Expressions
New Feature - Collection Expressions
New Feature - Editor Config
New Feature - Editor Config
New Feature - Extended Property Patterns
New Feature - Extended Property Patterns
New Feature - First-class Span Types
New Feature - First-class Span Types
New Feature - GlobalUsingDirective
New Feature - GlobalUsingDirective
New Feature - Inline Arrays
New Feature - Inline Arrays
New Feature - Inline Errors
New Feature - Inline Errors
New Feature - Inline Parameter Hints
New Feature - Inline Parameter Hints
New Feature - Interceptors
New Feature - Interceptors
New Feature - Introduce Parameter
New Feature - Introduce Parameter
New Feature - Lambda Improvements
New Feature - Lambda Improvements
New Feature - LINQ Conversion
New Feature - LINQ Conversion
New Feature - List Patterns
New Feature - List Patterns
New Feature - Lock Type
New Feature - Lock Type
New Feature - Move Static Members
New Feature - Move Static Members
New Feature - NuGet Add Using
New Feature - NuGet Add Using
NuGet Add Using
New Feature - ParamsCollections
New Feature - ParamsCollections