Koala uses koa-file-server to serve static files. Unlike other static servers, this server assumes that files do not change during the lifetime of the server. If one of your static files change during runtime, it is no longer static!. Use an additional middleware to serve these dynamic files if you have any. During development, you should ideally create a middleware for your build process.
The file server also only serves from a single folder. Simply symlink any other files into this folder at start up to keep things simple. Don't try to juggle multiple static folders.
Some features of this static server:
- SPDY push support
- Creates strong
etags and caches them - Caches
calls - Caches gzipped versions of these files
In particular, .gz
versions of your static files are automatically created,
so be sure to add *.gz
to your .gitignore
Where to pass all the options to the file server.
var app = koala({
fileServer: {
maxAge: '1 year'
SPDY push a file from the folder.
must be relative without the leading /
Errors will be thrown on unknown files.
The only option
is priority: 7
is required here because it uses an fs.stat()
to make sure the file exists.
again and it'll wait until the file has finished being pushed.
app.use(function* (next) {
yield* this.fileServer.push('favicon.ico')