* removed depreacted driver manager
* fix cfd/equity switch
* Support CFD
* Changed API Design
* A lots of new features
* Updated login and cookies button class
* Fix login button class error
* Fix cookies button class error
* dividends history
* transactions history
* full order history
* modified setup.py
* updated to selenium 4.4
* general improvements
* bug fixes
* fix cookie popup
* several bug fixed
* fix cookie bug
* fix get_portfolio_composition bug
* improved session logic
* removed orderType from _Order
* Fix real mode error
* Update to readme
* Update to example.py
* Get user agent directly from driver
* added order by value, Trading212 supports only value market order
* fix portfolio composition error
* removed logo_url from Position
* minor fix
* get portofolio composition
* get results of your portfolio
* added companies.json