Did you ever wish you had a chat bot that engendered tech community learning and jollies? We did too! See also: the most fun I ever had giving a lightning talk.
From PyTennessee 2017
Elvis has been a great experience for the Memtech community. The public source code, the mostly-automated deploys, and the build server mean that very junior developers get the bug and want to try their hand at enhancing our little robot. Try one in your community or at your office today! We'd love to help.
Many thanks to the veterans and newbies of Memtech.
- Hubot, the best darned platform for getting started with chat bots
- Memtech Slack
- Elvis bot source code
dpritchett boatcat i should give a lightning talk
elvisBOT http://i.imgflip.com/1j0w8c.jpg (24KB)
elvisBOT Mispronouncing https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/mispronouncing.png (21KB)
My pal Emad does this all the time. 'Hey man, which way to the airpart?'
elvisBOT Memphis Ruby Users Group: 02/16/2017 @Fedex Institute of Technology http://meetups.memphistechnology.org/ruby
Memphis Technology User Groups
Hi folks! Come join us for another night of fun and learning with fellow Ruby enthusiasts. All experience levels are welcome, even newcomers. As usual, there will be food and drink, and we'll ha
dpritchett hometown @vongrippen
elvisBOT Mike Cochran hails from Memphis, TN, and works at FSG Investment Management, LLC! http://maps.google.com/maps?z=17&q=35.15497509873826,-90.01109898090363
dpritchett #memtech slack is the way to go
elvisBOT http://i.imgflip.com/1j0wdz.jpg (67KB)
elvisBOT attempts a mediocre barehanded brick smash and does a pretty good job.
elvisBOT attempts an extreme untested deployment straight to production and fails miserably.
elvisBOT attempts a ridiculous 540 backflip and nails it.
elvisBOT attempts a ballin ass motorcycle bus jump and dies.
elvisBOT attempts an insane webinar and does such a terrible job that he leaves his family out of shame.
elvisBOT attempts a ridiculous flying peanut butter and banana sandwich move and does so poorly that he gets slapped by the colonel
dpritchett i wish this presentation was funny
🐉 oooohhh, bummer... looks like you need 2 more ballz
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