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46 lines (28 loc) · 1017 Bytes

File metadata and controls

46 lines (28 loc) · 1017 Bytes

Developing on a Mac


  • Install homebrew
  • Install ghc cabal-install ruby and imagemagick

brew install ghc cabal-install ruby imagemagick

  • Install the sass ruby gem

gem install sass

Build Dragonfly website generator

From the base directory of the dragonfly-website checkout

cd haskel
cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal build

The site generator should now be built at dist/build/website/website

The site generator must be run from the content directory.

cd ../content
../haskell/dist/build/website/website watch

This will start the preview server on http://localhost:8000/

Sometimes you will see errors about a corrupt cache. Run

../haskell/dist/build/website/website clean

Bibliography submodule

The bibliographic data is in a git submodule. Often if you get an error related to bibliographics records you just need to update the submodule to the latest version.

git submodule update