This βOpen Guideβ is a collaborative effort. It was begun and is led by @jlevy and @ThanosBaskous, but the content is the result of a community of contributors, editors, and experts. Please help if you can, and see the contribution guidelines for notes on roles and editorial process. Alphabetically by username:
- Alexander Atallah (alexanderatallah)
- Andrew Lane (AndrewLane) β 1+/1+
- Artem Nikitin (artemnikitin) β 3+/3+
- Benjamin Bunk (benbunk) β 1+/1+
- Ben Kehoe (benkehoe) β 4+/1+ β expert (IoT)
- Adam Mathias Bittlingmayer (bittlingmayer)
- Bradly Feeley (bradly) β 2+/2+
- Brady Dowling (bradydowling) β 1+/1+
- chris-griffin β 1+/2+
- Chris Leyva (chrisleyva) β 1+/1+
- Dan Hermann (danhermann) β 1+/1+
- Donne Martin (donnemartin) β expert (tools)
- Dmitry Guyvoronsky (dreamiurg) β 1+/1+
- Patrick McDavid (ehippy) β 1+/1+
- Max Grigorev (forwidur) β editor (EBS, RDS)
- Glynn Forrest (glynnforrest) β 1+/1+
- Dmitry Golyshev (golyshev)
- Gulam Shakir (gshakir) β 2+/1+
- Itay Shakury (itaysk) β 1+/2+
- jbao β 1+/1+
- Joshua Levy (jlevy) β 87+/80+ β project lead, editor (topics not otherwise assigned)
- Jurgen Philippaerts
- KAZUYUKI TANIMURA (kazuyukitanimura) β 0+/1+
- Lynn Langit (lynnlangit) β 3+/4+ β editor (IoT)
- maiki β 1+/1+
- Manoj M J (manojmj92) β 1+/1+
- Marcello BastΓ©a-Forte (marcello3d)
- Max Zanko (max-zanko) β 10+/6+ β editor (EC2, S3, Glacier, EMR, Redshift)
- John Merrells (merrells) β expert (cloud infrastructure, when to use AWS)
- Magnus Kulke (mkulke) β 4+/3+
- Nitin S (nitingithub) β 6+/4+ β editor (cost management)
- Ola Wiberg (olawiberg)
- Phillip Calvin (pnc) β 1+/1+
- Praveen Patnala
- Rich Adams (richadams) β 1+/1+ β editor (VPC)
- Russell Power (rjpower)
- David Schott (shott85) β 1+/1+
- Adam Nelson (spudstuff) β 4+/2+
- Steven Maude (StevenMaude) β 1+/1+
- Thanos Baskous (ThanosBaskous) β 15+/15+ β project lead, editor (topics not otherwise assigned)
- Tom Schlick (tomschlick) β 3+/1+
- Trayton White (traytonwhite) β 1+/1+
- Stefan Zier (weirded)
- Michael Ortali (xethorn) β 1+/1+
Please don't PR the or authors-info.yml files! It is auto-generated regularly by the project leads. Please let the project leads know of any errors or omissions on this list.
(This file was auto-generated by ghizmo assemble-authors.)