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capaulson edited this page Oct 9, 2014 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the droneCFD wiki!

Thanks for checking out droneCFD. DroneCFD was born from the frustrations induced by the complexity and difficuly of numerically simulating a small unmanned aircraft. It was developed using freely available code, making these capabilities available to anyone. DroneCFD requires only the STL file of a small unmanned aircraft as an input. With a single command line call, and some patience, a user can see the lift and drag performance of the geometry. The main project page is located here.

This wiki contains a technical description of the code and what it does. It's intended primarily for developers of droneCFD or those who are curious about the internal workings of the system.

The process of simulating the aircraft is broken down into four steps, links to the relevent wiki pages are include:

  1. Geometry Processing (STL File Processing)

  2. Simulation Domain Generation (Meshing)

  3. Simulation (Simulation)

  4. Post-Processing Results (Post-Processing)

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