Please submit the project report and the github repo for the code here.
The final project report should follow the format for a paper that you might submit to a conference. You should keep is under 8 pages and cover the following topics:
Background and Introduction: This section motivates the problem, explains why it's important, why should we care, and the potential impact if it's solved.
Related work: What's been done before in this area and why your work is different.
Problem formulation and Overview of your solution
Data Description
Details of your solution: methods, tools, analysis you did, models, features
Evaluation: results, plots (for example precision recall curves, other types of results)
Discussion of the results: what did you learn from looking at the results about the data, problem, and solution.
Policy Recommendations based on your analysis/models
Limitations, caveats, future work to improve on what you've done.
The Github repo should be documented in two ways:
Instructions on the structure of the repository, what files are there, and how one should run your code (installing any packages for example)
The relevant code files should be documented.